Hello, I am of a similar age and this is a very real topic that many people wrestle with and eventually stop dealing with after they become an adult.
Firstly, let me explain what God is. God is not a being nor a person or an entity. God is the force that holds everything together, hence his omnipresence. He makes things or matter bigger and more complex over time. Just look at one of those pictures of evolution where a monkey progresses to human and you'll see. To make matter bigger and more complex over time, he first made the parts of objects such as plants and animals selfless, so they do not compete. He is in all things including plants, trees, animals, the earth, the universe and including on this very page. Think about it, every character is subservient to every other character in a word, every word is subservient to every other word in a sentence and every sentence is subservient to every other sentence in the page. Thus, every part plays its specific role for the good of the whole. That is the only reason that these words make sense. This same principle is seen in all of nature. A rotting leaf essentially kills itself by removing itself form a tree.
Notice that everything in nature competes for itself. The only species in the world that doesn't do this is us humans. Therefore, God made us selfless as a sort of next step in the creation of the universe. This is why God made us, as a next step in the process of the evolution of the universe. This selflessness is the meaning of life and is why God created us, to live in co-operation with each other other.
However, this is a very condemning truth because it confronts us with the question of; if we are created in God's image ie. selfless, kind etc. Why do we presently behave so selfishly, compete, have jealousies, angers, behave badly towards each other etc. etc.? Does this make us not worthwhile as beings on this planet?
We are capable of such great acts of love and kindness, yet there is still war, terrorism, rape, murder, and of course the angers raging within ourselves. I hate to say it but presently, there is no explanation as to why we behave in such a manner. This is the real quest of mankind, to explain ourselves, to understand why we behave in opposition to the ideals.
As for how we acquired this selflessness, it has to do with our mothers exhibiting this selflessness (or love) towards their children. Those deprived of this love from their mothers as infants are less secure in themselves as a result and in extreme circumstances this can result in them dissociating form reality ie. having autism. And yes, ADHD is also a symptom of lack of love from mothers during infancy. I hesitate to say this because whenever I have stated this before to sufferers of diseases such as this, I am met with anger and statements such as 'How dare you tell me my mother doesn't love me' etc. This is because to feel like you haven't done a good job as a parent is an extremely condemning truth for humans to take.
Finally, the bible is about us humans and has some truth in it. The very first chapter shows us that we used to live in a co-operative loving state i.e. the garden of eden and then once we ate the fruit of knowledge ie. became conscious of ourselves, our environment and were able to control ourselves, we let go of our innocent state and started doing what the devil told us to do. This resulted in us becoming evil and being kicked out of the garden of eden. Once again, this is only a recollection of what happens in us humans when we are about 13-14 ie. when we become conscious. This is still not an explanation as to why we became unideally behaved and got kicked out of the garden of Eden.
The story of Noah's ark is about us humans being condemned by God because of our unideal behaviour after which we never resort to thinking of this subject again.
Essentially, we still have no answers, only in time will we know if we can be free of this great dilemma that it is to be human.