Wed 9 Apr, 2014 12:11 am
Sorry.. reposted... duh
0 Replies
Wed 30 Apr, 2014 08:17 am
How do you know God is real? Well, here's a simple answer: ask Him. If God is real, then if you ask Him to show you Himself, and actually mean it, don't you think He will?

Do it. Ask Him. Ask Him to show you whether or not He is real, and then start looking. God does say, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you." That's in Jeremiah 29:13-14. And then again, "But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul." (Deut 4:29).

God loves you, you know. He's looking for you too. He's been looking since Genesis ch 3. That's the part after God created the world, when mankind flat-out rebelled against Him. After that, there was a break. God didn't come to earth to walk and talk with man like he did before. There was sin now - the perfect creation was destroyed. But that wasn't the end. God didn't just wipe the slate clean and wipe out mankind. He gave a promise. He promised that someone would come and fix things.

Jump ahead now to the New Testament. The unthinkable just happened - God, the eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing, existing from eternity past - did something crazy. He was born. That's right, he became a MAN. A real, human, touchable man. His name was Jesus. And God once more walked on the earth. He hadn't forgotten His promise, and He was out to fix things.

But not how everyone thought.

Yeah, this God-Man healed the lame, sick, and blind. He even brought back to life a dead man and a dead girl. But He had come to earth on a much more gruesome mission. To take care of sin.

God died.

See, death is the punishment for sin. That's why we all die. That's why no one lives forever. Everyone has sinned. EVERYONE. You know, mankind used to be able to live forever and ever - I guess you could call us immortal. But that was before mankind rebelled. When they refused to obey God, a curse was pronounced against them. (Take a look in Gen 2:27.) But "death" is more than just your body stopping. "Death" means going to hell. Your spirit dying forever and ever.

But God - He took OUR punishment. That's why he died. He died, well, in our place.

See, mankind is like the criminal sitting on death row. Jesus is the innocent guy who walks up to the judge and says, "Hey, kill me instead. Let this guy go free." And the judge does just that.

God loves you so much. So much He died for you. "“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." He's looking for you... or rather, He's already found you. He knew about you before you were even born. He wants you to find Him.

So ask. Ask Him to show Himself to you. Look for Him, and He'll show Himself to you. He promised He will, so I guess that's the surest way of finding out if He really exists or not.

So where do you look? Well, He wrote the Bible, so why not start there? Like you said, it's a huge book, so I'd start with the book of John. It's about when God came to earth in human form: the life of Jesus. (The books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke are also about Jesus' life.) Romans is also a great place to start - it talks more about God taking our place for sin.

Here's a website that has the whole Bible on it:
It's a great site to search for terms in the Bible, look up words, etc.

Hey, I hope that helps. See for yourself what God says. If He's real, He'll show you. I'd say He's been trying to. The problem is we just shut Him out... not vice-versa.
Wed 30 Apr, 2014 09:48 am
You missed the part where Jesus and Jehovah are not the same person.
Wed 30 Apr, 2014 10:20 am
Yeah..and there were no witnesses.
0 Replies
Sun 4 May, 2014 10:40 am
I have been reading about the kidnapped Nigerian children, who are Christians, being sold as sex slaves for $12 each. Did your god fail to love these children? Where did they go wrong?
Sun 4 May, 2014 01:47 pm
Are you asking that, if the Creator controls the world, why is there so much evil? That is what many believe and for which they indict God.

But the reality, according to the bible is that Satan is ruling the world, otherwise how could he have offered it to Jesus. More to it, of course, but something to think about.
Fri 9 May, 2014 04:07 am
If you still looking for an answer, reply back.
Fri 9 May, 2014 10:01 am
Why not tell us all your answer?
We'll read.
Sun 11 May, 2014 11:14 pm
Lets discuss the article below..a good read. Guys your views??

Why Science Does Not Disprove God

by Amir D. Aczel, April 27, 2014

Biology, physics, mathematics, engineering, and medicine help us understand the world, but there is much about life that remains a mystery.
And indeed, science has brought us an immense amount of understanding. The sum total of human knowledge doubles roughly every couple of years or less. In physics and cosmology, for example, we can now claim to know what happened to our Universe as early as a tiny fraction of a second after the Big Bang, something that may seem astounding. In chemistry, we understand the most complicated reactions among atoms and molecules, and in biology we know how the living cell works and have mapped out our entire genome. But does this vast knowledge base disprove the existence of some kind of preexistent outside force that may have launched our Universe on its way?

Science has won major victories against entrenched religious dogma throughout the 19th Century. Throughout the 1800s, discoveries of Neanderthal remains in Belgium, Gibraltar, and Germany have shown that humans were not the only hominids to occupy Earth, and fossils and remains of now-extinct animals and plants have further demonstrated that flora and fauna evolve, live for millennia, and then sometimes die off, ceding their place on the planet to better-adapted species. These discoveries lent strong support to the then-emerging theory of evolution, published by Charles Darwin in 1859. And in 1851, Leon Foucault, a self-trained French physicist, proved definitively that Earth rotates—rather than staying in place as the sun revolved around it—using a special pendulum whose circular motion revealed Earth’s rotation. Equally, geological discoveries made over the same century devastated the “young Earth” hypothesis. We now know that Earth is billions—not thousands—of years old, as some theologians had calculated based on counting generations back to the biblical Adam. All of these discoveries defeated literal interpretations of scripture.

But has modern science, from the beginning of the 20th Century, proved that there is no God, as some commentators are now claiming? Science is an amazing, wonderful undertaking: it teaches us about life, the world, and the Universe. But it has not revealed to us why the Universe came into existence, nor what preceded its birth in the Big Bang. Equally, biological evolution has not brought us the slightest understanding of how the first living organisms emerged from inanimate matter on this planet, and how the advanced eukaryotic cells—the highly structured building blocks of advanced life forms—ever emerged from simpler organisms. Neither does it explain one of the greatest mysteries of science: how did consciousness arise in living things? Where do symbolic thinking and self-awareness come from? What is it that allows us humans to understand the mysteries of biology, physics, mathematics, engineering, and medicine? And what enables us to create great works of art, music, architecture, and literature? Science is nowhere near to explaining these deep mysteries.

But much more important than these conundrums is the persistent question of the fine-tuning of the parameters of the Universe: Why is our Universe so precisely tailor-made for the emergence of life? This question has never been answered satisfactorily, and I believe that it will never find a scientific solution. For the deeper we delve into the mysteries of physics and cosmology, the more the Universe appears to be intricate and incredibly complex. To explain the quantum-mechanical behavior of even one tiny particle requires pages and pages of extremely advanced mathematics. Why are even the tiniest particles of matter so unbelievably complicated? It appears that there is a vast, hidden “wisdom,” or structure, or a knotty blueprint for even the most simple-looking element of nature. And the situation becomes much more daunting as we expand our view to the entire cosmos.

We know that 13.7 billion years ago, a gargantuan burst of energy, whose nature and source are completely unknown to us and not in the least understood by science, initiated the creation of our Universe. Then suddenly, as if by magic, the “God particle”—the Higgs boson discovered two years ago inside CERN’s powerful particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider—came into being and miraculously gave the Universe its mass. Why did this happen? The mass constituted elementary particles—the quarks and the electron—whose weights and electrical charges had to fall within immeasurably tight bounds for what would happen next. For from within the primeval “soup” of elementary particles that constituted the young Universe, again as if by a magic hand, all the quarks suddenly bunched in threes to form protons and neutrons, their electrical charges set precisely to the exacting level needed to attract and capture the electrons, which then began to circle nuclei made of the protons and neutrons. All of the masses, the charges, and the forces of interaction in the Universe had to be just in the precisely needed amounts so that early light atoms could form. Larger ones would then be cooked in nuclear fires inside stars, thus giving us the carbon, iron, nitrogen, oxygen, and all the other elements that are so essential for life to emerge. And eventually, the highly complicated double-helix molecule, the life-propagating DNA, would be formed.

Why did everything we need in order to exist come into being? How was all of this possible without some latent outside power to orchestrate the precise dance of elementary particles required for the creation of all the essentials of life? The great British mathematician Roger Penrose has calculated—based on only one of the hundreds of parameters of the physical Universe—that the probability of the emergence of a life-giving cosmos was one divided by 10, raised to the power 10, and again raised to the power of 123. This is a number as close to zero as anyone has ever imagined. (The probability is much, much smaller than that of winning the Mega Millions jackpot for more days than the Universe has been in existence.)

The “Scientific Atheists” have scrambled to explain this troubling mystery by suggesting the existence of a multiverse—an infinite set of universes, each with its own parameters. In some universes, the conditions are wrong for life; however, by the sheer size of this putative multiverse, there must be a universe where everything is right. But if it takes an immense power of nature to create one universe, then how much more powerful would that force have to be in order to create infinitely many universes? So the purely hypothetical multiverse does not solve the problem of God. The incredible fine-tuning of the Universe presents the most powerful argument for the existence of an immanent creative entity we may well call God. Lacking convincing scientific evidence to the contrary, such a power may be necessary to force all the parameters we need for our existence—cosmological, physical, chemical, biological, and cognitive—to be what they are.

Science and religion are two sides of the same deep human impulse to understand the world, to know our place in it, and to marvel at the wonder of life and the infinite cosmos we are surrounded by. Let’s keep them that way, and not let one of them attempt to usurp the role of the other.
0 Replies
Sun 11 May, 2014 11:16 pm
@ neologist

Your equation is missing life after death....once you put that and balance you will see mercy and kindness..
Romeo Fabulini
Mon 12 May, 2014 03:45 am
ssami said: Science and religion are two sides of the same deep human impulse to understand the world

Except that humans had to invent science.
But nobody "invented" Jesus, he was solid flesh and blood and HE came to US, and said things like-
"I'll tell you things hidden since the creation of the world" (Matt 13:35)
0 Replies
Sat 24 May, 2014 04:58 pm
God does NOT exsist. The proof is the 2 slit experiement,Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle, and the Quantum Eraser Principle.
In order for god to be god he MUST be omniscient (why would you worship one who was not?)
If god is all knowing the 2 slit experiment would NOT work and we know that it does work...over and over again.
If god is all knowing HUP would be violated and chemsitry would not work and the universe as we know it would not have formed; ergo we wouldn't be here. (your existence proves there is no god)
2+2=4 EVERYWHERE in the universe. If you violate the basic principles of nature, (the nature of the universe) nothing works...even if you are god. If god created physics he has to abide by its laws...because it's the only way they will work.
Sat 24 May, 2014 05:09 pm
"Then suddenly, as if by magic, the “God particle”—the Higgs boson discovered two years ago inside CERN’s powerful particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider—came into being and miraculously gave the Universe its mass."

First, the term "God Particle" was coined by a reporter, not a scientist when the scientist called it the "god damned particle" for being so hard to find evidence of. (The publisher left out the "damned" part)
Second, the Higgs Boson did not come into being as the result of any discovery...it has always been there and what was accomplished was evidence of it's presence...something the theists are always asking for I might add.
Just like the Higgs, we have a pretty good idea of how the universe started as well as your other questions... and when we find the evidence for those, undoubtedly theists will opine that we havent found an answer for EVERYTHING. Is that a reason to believe in a fable?
0 Replies
Sat 24 May, 2014 05:13 pm
giujohn wrote:
. . . In order for god to be god he MUST be omniscient (why would you worship one who was not?)

God is under no more obligation to know in advance our outcome than you and I are to read the last page of the whodunnit.

That he declines to exercise his power to peer into our eventuality is the core determinant of our free will, and perhaps his greatest gift to us.
Sat 24 May, 2014 05:21 pm
Have you established a new religion where your god is not omniscient? Cause I gotta tell ya the three major religions all agree that their god IS omniscient. "...God knows the falling of a sparrow and the number of hairs on your head..."
And BTW...having the power, even if you dont exersise, it still violates HUP and the 2 slit experiment. Your arguement is not logical...is your god?
Sat 24 May, 2014 09:42 pm
Hey Groom,

You ask some excellent questions. I hop you will continue to ask them and to be inquisitive.

As for how you can know that God is real? I think some of the experiences you've mentioned are revealing. Going to "the dark side" is as debased as it seems in words. I know that also from experience, and I've believed in God for over 30 years now.

I know God is real because I refuse to stop seeking Him no matter how bleak things might seem, and I always find myself in His graces when I've trusted Him and done the right thing according to conscience and what I perceived to be His word to me. God will always communicate to us in one form or another when we're headed down the wrong path, and will give us amply warning and time to correct.

But beyond our experiences when we exercise faith, since God is the Creator of the universe, and the author of the laws of reason and of physics, you should never be afraid of investiiating the world from a scientific perspective. The first Western scientists were theists, who believed that since God is reasonable, the world and the cosmos should make some rational sense; and indeed, they discovered the laws of physics.

But reason should be above all your inquiries. Learn about reason and it's rules by studying philosophy from a Christian perspective. It will not only affirm your faith, but give you the tools you will need to combat the objections from the world around you.

May the Lord bless your endeavors.

0 Replies
Sun 25 May, 2014 12:39 am
The assertion that God declines to know undermines the assertion that God's knowledge is perfect.
Sun 25 May, 2014 12:54 am
Agreed. God's omnicience is abso,ute, not selective. Selective omniscience is contradictory.
0 Replies
Sun 25 May, 2014 07:30 am
Omniscience implies God knew in advance that the Serpent would succeed in deceiving Eve, making God complicit in all subsequent human misery, a concept not in harmony with a God of love.

The idea that God must do anything denies his authority. We would not have free will if he did not decline to peer into our individual futures. BTW, our entire criminal justice system presupposes free will.

Note the context of Deuteronomy 30:19, Ecclesiastes 9:11

Do you really believe we are just going along for the ride?
Sun 25 May, 2014 07:41 am
This begs the question of whether or not "god" is real. More especially, it begs the question of whether or not the Abrahamic "god" is real, with its reference to the "garden of Eden" fairy tale.

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