You still seem a helluva lot more worried about the other woman's feelings than your wife.
Get this over with? Sheesh, if it's that much like a root canal, why do it?
The consequences can be something fierce. You really want to put your kids through this? Here's an idea. If it's love (and not lust), then you should be able to have some self-control and wait. And then ask your wife to separate. And then see how lovely all of this is.
Right now it's a fantasy. Wanna go through a divorce? Want your children to learn that marriage is just, I dunno, something you toss for the sake of a fling that you don't even sound that enthused about? Want to support a second household, and only see your kids every other weekend, if that?
Ragman didn't want to sound like a scold, but I got no such compunctions. Think through the consequences - and I mean ALL of them - before taking the plunge. If you weren't concerned at all, you wouldn't be asking; you'd be halfway out the door already. Asking says, to me, that you're conflicted. This is not going to be, as Erica Jong so cleverly called it,
a zipless ****. It is going to have consequences, even if your wife never finds out, and you take the secret to your grave. Think about that.