Today's the Big One, the last Big One of them all. It ends today at 6 pm local time. Of course that means it sort of sweeps around the planet as it turns, and it's already passed 6pm in Oz. Anybody heard from any of the Australian cohort lately? Dlowan, you still there, wabbit? msolga, heating up out there? The Maya, meanwhile, are just laughing at the stupid gringos--they say all it is, is another big cycle starting today. When the absurdity of "6pm local time was pointed out to him, the guy who started the whole thing amended it to say it all goes into the toilet at 6pm EST. So we've got, lemme see, a bit less that 14 hours. So how are you spending your last day on earth? Myself, I'm going to sleep.
EST, eh? I get an extra two hours. I'll be living it up while you suffer.
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Fri 21 Dec, 2012 03:51 am
Um. by my reckoning, that would put you somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. I hope you've got a boat. If on the other hand, you're in Mountain Standard, you go at four by our time, so you get two less. Sorry, we'll miss you.
I don't really know if I'm still around or just a ghost who can type on a computer as well as manipulate legal documents in a records department. If this is the afterlife, there isn't much change between life and death.
Re: Frank Apisa (Post 5202060)
I don't really know if I'm still around or just a ghost who can type on a computer as well as manipulate legal documents in a records department. If this is the afterlife, there isn't much change between life and death.
I get that!
I do wonder...if there is an "afterlife"...what it will be like. I hope it is at least as satisfying and as much fun as this one has been. (Still a couple hours to go before doomsday ends!)
Not the last 'big one' unfortunately... Apothis passes earth at 30k miles in 2029 with a 1 in 200,000 chance of striking us, on its return, in 2036 - Not an extinction level event, even if it does strike.
But the fatalists WILL resurface prior to passage with their 'Nibiru/Annunaki' crap, be assured.
Then again, you guys strike Iran......and we're all f****d.
So, think on that one, please.
Hurray, dlowan has survived the end of the world! I was pretty sure she could do it if anyone could.
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Finn dAbuzz
Fri 21 Dec, 2012 05:09 pm
What time zone were the Mayans in? When the clock strikes twelve in that time zone, you can say the prediction was off.
And if they were off by 48 to 72 hours, when the world is falling down around us, are we going to laugh and them and declare their prediction a Major Fail?
The only thing more tiresome than these endless predictions of the end are the commentary of chooches who want to tell us how idiotic they are. No kidding?
I don't think this has much to do with actual mayans.
Maybe, and I'd've missed it.
I'd been to Guatemala, and so on, but never met a mayan to talk with until we had a delivery guy from a printing shop, in the LA area. We talked, I still have some of the photos he gave me.
These kind of constructs on others history are very annoying. Blasted around the world? Passed and past annoying.