I'm thinking you're a troll, BUT on the chance you're not...
You do realize that "old" people have actually gone through what you have, since they were once your age, don't you?
Perhaps it's the other way around, and the "old people" are giving you words of wisdom, and you are the kid with the "stupid" perceptions of what's going on.
Would you rather have advice from someone who has been through, and remembers what happened as a result of something you are currently going through right now, or someone your age who also thinks someone is "practically" their best friend because eye contact and a few smiles have been exchanged? Oh, and vibes, let's not forget about the vibes.
You say you don't want to date this man, but most, if not all of your interest in him, as evidenced by your first few posts, is be because he is so "hot".
You get jealous/angry when other girls talk to him.
Your "connection & vibes" you're experiencing is because you are sexually attracted to this "hot" man. I get that. I get feeling a form of closeness to someone you don't really know because you think he's sexy, and have sexual feelings toward him. I've felt that way many times. At 16 I felt an enormous sexual attraction to a man that was older than me, he too in his 20's. Since then I've been horny and obsessed with many men. So, get off your silly idea that some "old" person (whatever your definition of what old is) doesn't know what being 16 and being obsessed and horny for someone means.
So far, I think the adults here have been quite understanding of your situation. You're the one who has pulled the age card, which in truth proves your current maturity level.
You've come here for advice, but only want to hear from people your age, who have no more life experience than you do?
Good luck with that.
Ok, I'll pretend for a moment that I'm 16 too, and give you advice....
Sure! Go for it. He's totally hot and you should really go up to him and try to talk to him again. It's not like he couldn't get in trouble for having a job were he supposed to be security for us kids, because you're not gonna let him get in trouble, loose his job or maybe get arrested for being an adult involved with a minor. I mean, you said you're practically his best friend, so you should totally just sit down with him and tell him how you feel, and he'll probably be so happy he'll tell you he feels the same way. Then, it'll be so cool that you're best friends with him, and you can hang out all the time Everyone knows he's soooo hot and they'll know your his best friend and it'll be great.
That is what you want to hear, isn't it? I mean, all you really want is validation of your feelings, and agreement that trying to develop a relationship with his is all right, isn't it? You're not looking for anyone, regardless of age, to disagree with you, isn't that so? Anyone who expresses a thought contrary to yours is just giving stupid answers, right?
Chances are though, you haven't read this far, and just think I'm giving you stupid answers.
Or, if you had read through this, you probably just want to know what happened between the 16 year old me, and the 20 something man. Right?