Walter, Thanks for the first laugh of the day.

Walter, sure - unsymbadische! LOL!
My original family were migrant workers; we traveled and traveled, starting in Miles Texas and going to most Texas towns where crops needed harvesting. We migrated (minus my father) to California, going from San Diego to Lindsey and on to San Jose. Mom got married to a man who worked in restaurants, but that did not stop the traveling. We were like fleas crawling up and down the belly of California. Much of my childhood was spent returning to schools I had attended before, some as much as three times. We were in Fresno quite a bit. Then we returned to Texas: Corpus Christi. After that I lived in California again, in Kansas City, Brooklyn. My Navy service had me in Japan, the Philipines, Hawaii, Midway, Dutch Harbor Alaska (Aleutians). Of the places we visited I would most like to return to Japan. I currently reside in the Houston area.
edgar, Japan is fine, if you have $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

edgar, is Blythe for Blythe, California? A spent a life there for a couple of summers!
BillW, A life equals a couple of summers? LOL In what world do you live? Is your reality real?

I've been to the desert on a horse with no name.
It felt good to get out of the rain
As a child we lived in the Seattle/Tacoma area, and were in the Woodland Hills area of LA metro from 64 to 69.
We lived in the Chicago area (Arlington Heights) while I was in high school, and then I went to college in the Denver Area (Golden).
Since graduation in 78 I've worked in: Rock Springs, Wyoming, Farmington and Jal, New Mexico, Odessa and Port Arthur, Texas, and Bismarck, North Dakota. As surprising as it might sound, we absolutely loved living in Bismarck. It was a real shame the job evaporated after only one year.
For the past 11 years I've worked in Saudi Arabia, and the family has been at Ras Tanura. One of the nice things about the job is the travel it lets us do. We've been to Bahrain (transit only), Instanbul, Lisbon, Madrid, Budapest (not recommended in late November), Cyprus and Malta.
Misti - I'm curious why you chose your Avatar - it seems so very sad to me.
Jim, I met a couple from Canada some years ago on one of my trips, transplants to Malaysia, because he's a petrophysicist and he works for the government oil company, the one that owns the tallest building in the world, Petronas. They live in Borneo, and they travel every year back to Calgary their home town every year for the rodeo, and they also travel extensively. The only bad part is that we communicate by internet, but oftentimes their connection is not always reliable, and my mail doesn't get through. c.i.
I've live in Gibraltar, Cornwall, Norfolk, Scotland, Malta, Leicester
- visited France (Paris, Dordogne, Normandy, Vosge Mountains, Tarn Gorges...), Germany,Kefalonia
Vivien, Another trivia. I had a pint at the "oldest pub" in Gibraltar. One of the most amazing things I have ever seen was in Gibraltar. One of the monkeys on the mountain climbed onto our van and started driving. Swear to god.

As a kid:
Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, Alabama
Wright Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Places I worked in my former career as a theatre gypsy:
Baton Rouge and New Orleans, Louisiana
East Haddam, Connecticut
Fort Worth, Texas
Falmouth, Massachusetts
Jackson, Mississippi
Portland, Oregon
Knoxville, Tennessee
Columbus, Ohio
Abingdon, Virginia
Horse Cave, Kentucky
West Virginia (I've blocked the name of the town!)
Mobile, Alabama
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Houston, Texas
Currently living in Houston.
Have visited all of the 48 contiguous US states, as well as short trips into Canada and Mexico, and longer trips to Ireland, England, Wales, Scotland, France, Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Italy.
Lived in: Michigan, Boston, California
Visited: Just about all of the lower 48. France, Belgium, Germany, Canada, Jamaica.
Lived in California, Illinois, New Mexico, and Morocco.
Macsm11, I've run into you on several topics of mutual interest, but I don't think I've heard about your past as a theatre gypsy. I understand your background was as a stage manager, but with what kind travelling show was that? Thanks...johnboy.
The gypsy part was a joke, rjb! My mom always called me that, as I moved so often, and all my worldly goods fit in my car.
I did do some touring in Virginia and neighboring states in the early 90s. We played one-night stands in many small towns and a few cities. The best one was a tour of Greater Tuna.