With respect you insult slyly rather than argue your point of view using anything I can see represents consistently complete logic, you evade and say an issue isn't because of your unique definitions of English words.
I love the way you dismiss someone's point of view who read this forums posting rules before posting (courtesy to all, reference your quotes etc). I have tried to present my point of view and reference this clearly to similar views held by leading scientists who developed some of the theories in question. If you see my sum contribution as "regurgitating what the scientists say about reality" I am saddened as being dismissed so casually. The label you just placed on me says my own reasoning its suspect because I'm an unproven novice and if I reference my views well and put them into appropriate context from my own experience you may reduce and dismiss me because I'm parroting. Very good - very patronising, very welcoming. I expect Hanners at elitebastards to do this - but he has the wit and charm and sharp mind able to carry it off without being malicious and he doesn't evade when he gets it wrong. I expected able2know to be about learning - infering open minds, not void or vacant or closed or dismissive - but open. I don't think you once looked at my views openly and gave them any respect, I think you jumped straight into attack mode becuase I stepped onto a definitional irregularity that triggers your anger or contempt.
I see you have nearly 5,000 posts. If you jump into every newcomers' threads, introduce yourself by insulting them or their logic, make cryptic and unsupported comments, use common terms cryptically that you don't define till way later to waste time - as I said what have you actually contributed?
Its a shame because I sense you may have a point of view that is worth considering in your personal view of reality. Its just painfully difficult getting you to define your POV.
If this has wasted both our times - well we both had to make the effort didn't we? I don't mind you retiring with what grace and dignity you can summon from this debate. I am sure everyone here will see you have acted in character.
I put the effort in trying to diagnose your view of reality, because I haven't encountered anyone in my many travels all over the world or across the internet who has professed what I understand is your unique world view.
Further I sincerely apologise to everyone reading this thread for letting it go so far off topic in trying to work out some points of common view and some points of clear difference with Frank. Personally I thought he was worth the effort - and still do.
Two final questions for you Frank if you care to respond:
1) Who in your mind would be in his depth to discuss this thread and/or the directions you have taken it? What skills and experience do you feel are necessary to argue with you? Obivously subject matter knowledge (high energy physics and astronomy) and formal degrees with heavy emphasis in logic are worthless in your mind. You say you were testing my mettle - fair enough but what a way to say hello to a new guy who was trying to play with a straight bat and offer courtesy to all who cared to enter here - I feel its both our loss.
2) Pure curosity - is that picture yours? I chose Einstein because of my appreciation and respect of the man and scientist - not as a subtle or blatant way of saying hey look at me, I'm the smart scientist. It a shame two people who both admire Einstein's contribution to science couldn't get on with more mutual respect at their first encounter. This picture is my avatar on over 20 forums world wide, because I like Einstein poking his tongue out at the world.
Exactly right on your first senetence, I wanted to challenge informed Christians as to their POV. I expected to hear honest ones say we don't know - but let's at least spectulate. I admitted I feel a God exists - its part of my makeup. I can't prove it - I think that is a silly game. I would say I don't agree with many sections of the bible and my views aren't those of a traditionalist. I have little to say on the subject of a soul (it is truly beyond my ken) - but I can talk on the underlying science of creation versus current thinking and where the segments of the bible appear dead wrong. I didn't think this would seriously offend a professed agnostic.
I have your icon in my webshots of great photos / source unknown. I think Frank was being logical within his own POV, I just couldn't quite grasp it because he uses uncommon defintions of common words to shape his world view. As best I could understand, Frank's key points of view were:
1. Science deals with models either supported or contradicted by data to make comments on observed phenomonia and possible future or past events. It is falliable, especially untested theoretical physics.
2. Advancement of scientific models is more revolution than evolution. We can dismiss current thinking on at least one of two grounds; 1) in the future we will know more and our current thinking will appear infantile or 2) nobody's perfect so our models are too flawed to be seriously considered as grounds supporting a strong argument.
3. People use the word 'belief' to mean 'uncontestable scientific view' to give it false authority and their motives or intelligence are suspect doing so
4. The strong anthrophic principle (infinite or multiple Universes) is the correct explanation on why intelligent life exists on our world in this Universe when people ask why should all the random factors that control our reality be tuned so incredibly to support life.
5. Honest and intelligent folk, worthy to debate with Frank should profess a deep misunderstanding as to the extent of logic systems and scientific process to allow great uncertainity into their POVs before it is acceptable to discuss with Frank.
6. Cryptic undefined terms aren't much of a nussiance
* * *
Okay after this purge back to the topic. More research to do on some of the questions asked, more scienticific thought leaders' POV to reguritate here