Thanks for the welcome folks! The other 20+ forums I visit are typically PC - 3d hardware and software sites like Beyond3d or atomicmpc.
On topic I would say a physics theory - especially out there High energy theoretical physics - are mankinds stabs to know what is going on. The models can be proved right or wrong, but they point us towards the truth of how things happened.
About all I have read by christians on this topic is you need time to form heavy elements and alot of large suns (well proto-suns actually, typicall 100s of times large than typical suns found today but with a life-span of only a billion years vs our smaller sun's likely 12 billion year lifespan). No large suns - no heavy element - no complex life forms. Sounds possible - but surely than a galaxy of a thousand million or billion suns would be ample. The are literally so many galaxies out there trillions upon trillions upon trillions that in no way interact with us (inertia?) why or how are they part of God's plan?
I am sure God isn't completely random. That the rest of the Galaxies are required to balance out some part of his plan involving us.
Does he want mankind to advance technologically to the point where we can star-trek around his creation? If so why - what would that teach us that couldn't be gifted alot faster divinely? Does God use us to understand more about unpredictability or learn about himself?
It just fascinates me wondering over the possibilites future generations will explore.
Persoanlly I have the (irrational) belief that God doesn't use 'magic' he uses super-science to get things done. So if we had a God like level of understanding of physics and the powersource and control mechanisms he has - then we could do stuff like him. A very large IF there

But this ignores God's spiritual dimensions which are vast, and motivations which may dwarf our understanding.