H2O what is your position on gun violence? Do you take the typical red neck right position that 32,000 deaths a year is just a reasonable cost of making a good profit? Or that gun control is simply a matter of hitting what you are aiming at? If that is the case you should just love Adam Lanza he hit his small targets up to 11 times he had perfect gun control.
One theory on taxes is that a society should put more taxes on what it wants less of and less tax on what it wants more of, a sin tax if you will. For instance cigarettes and liquor are taxed much higher than milk and milk is even subsidized by the government at the farm level. Many years ago an Applebee’s opened in town and did not have a city license. I went over and told them they would have to purchase a city a license in order to remain open. I was filling in for the head of Audit and Compliance that day and when they asked how much business license cost I told them a city businesses license were typically around $15. Later when I asked the finance department what their license would cost and they said $1,500 a year. I asked why they cost so much and was told that they sold liquor and that was to defray the cost to police department of cleaning up the mess that liquor caused, hit and run drivers, drunken drivers, drunks, domestic disputes, fights and murders which are often as not alcohol driven.
The country needs more tax dollars now to pay the $2.7 trillion back to the baby boomers social security trust fund why not but a sin tax on all semi-automatic weapons say of $5,000 on an AR-15 and similar weapon and make private sales of these weapons subject to the tax also. Make a law that, like a car, all guns must be registered and if someone is found with unregistered gun that he would be charged with a felony and guns that are not registered would be confiscated. Does a $5,000 tax seem unreasonable? I looked at a Dodge Charger in a dealership with the good hemi in it and there was a $5,000 gas guzzlers tax in the sticker. Car makers are required to have an average fuel mileage on their fleet and they have to limit the sale of gas guzzlers the tax serves the purpose of limiting the sale of gas guzzlers.
A large prohibitive tax on semi-automatics would limit their sale as it does the sales of gas guzzler. A private registration tax on transfers would make it less likely that the weapons would get into the hands of the mentally ill as they are less likely to have substantial finical resources at their disposal. Laws should also be made that holds a gun owner responsible for any and all damages caused by their negligence. For instance if their guns were unsecured and got into the hands of other family members who had mental problems as was the recent case in Newtown. They should also be held criminally libel as an accessory to the crime.
The second amendment may grant the right to bear arms but it does not preclude the right of the government to tax them or require that all firearms be registered. Part of the $5,000 tax could be used to fund a fund to compensate victims of gun violence and their families.