Wed 12 Dec, 2012 09:25 am
Spending cuts and tax cuts combined with a new & greatly simplified tax code will make a recovery possible. Anything less and the downward spiral will continue to tighten.
Wed 12 Dec, 2012 09:32 am
What are you possibly going to cut to make up for the lost tax revenues?
Please tell us where you will cut $1.6 trillion per year out of this budget.

I'll bet you can't make the cuts in a sensible fashion. I'll bet you cut things that make up less than one day's worth of spending.
Wed 12 Dec, 2012 02:00 pm
Military. Not too the tune of 1.6 t but a substantial amount could be cut without damage to protecting our shores.
Wed 12 Dec, 2012 10:24 pm
But Spurt isn't about to cut the military. He wants to expand it, I'll bet.
0 Replies
Thu 13 Dec, 2012 06:34 am
H2O, “those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” The day after the income was passed in 1913 the ungodly greedy started passing laws to make the tax code more complex and exempt their income from income tax. The most important principal in plumbing is that water runs downhill. The most important principal in the tax code is that it gets more complex not less complex over time. Any changes in the tax code will be only temporary and illusionary.

You’re one example of what Hitler was talking about when he was explaining how to best make propaganda. Hitler said that slogans are the key to effective propaganda. The idea that higher taxes lead to a recession has no bases in reality. When Clinton implemented the same tax raise the commie/conservatives all gathered round their cauldron and after throwing the appropriate ingredients in they predicted a recession it didn’t happen in fact the economy soared to new heights and Clinton balanced the budget. Baby Bush’s tax cuts completely devastated the economy leading to the biggest economic disaster since the Great Depression. The Reagan tax cuts for the ungodly greedy tripled the National Debt and Reagan used massive increases in the social security tax to offset the loose in revenue from the ungodly greedy’ tax cut.

Tax cuts increases recessions is just a slogan that you have learned from the purveyors of propaganda. The biggest economic expansion in history followed WWII and was accompanied by the highest tax rates in history. Hitler advised propagandist to always use slogans “because once propaganda becomes many sided you have lost your audience.”

H2O in Germany people like you were Hitler’s perfect Nazi. They recited his slogans endlessly with no understanding of the actual facts and no wish to understand the actual facts.
0 Replies
Thu 13 Dec, 2012 08:20 am

Cut Taxes.

Cut Spending.

Save The Republic.
Walter Hinteler
Thu 13 Dec, 2012 09:20 am
Eric Schmidt, Google's CEO, said that he is ‘proud’ of his company’s approach of paying only a small amount of tax in Bermuda instead of paying it in USA. That certainly saves the British Overseas Territory Bermuda.
0 Replies
Thu 13 Dec, 2012 09:24 am

How in the hell do higher taxes on everyone combined with
increased spending help any group but the political class?
0 Replies
Thu 13 Dec, 2012 09:29 am

The tax code must be simplified and made uniform before
any real change for the better can occur in this country.
0 Replies
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 06:29 am
H2O, you must have missed it but Romney in fact campaigned on raising taxes of course he called it “widening the base.” The commie/conservative theory is that if you increase taxes on the ungodly greedy it hurts the economy but taking the same amounts of tax dollars from the poor won’t hurt the economy. And in fact they do have a point if the commie/conservatives increase taxes on the ungodly greedy campaign contributions will drop radically and the poor make no campaign contributions. One man will spend a $100 million in campaign contribution to save himself $2.5 million in taxes, it is the principal of the thing.

The commie/conservatives continue to stonewall on the issue of rasing tax rates on the ungodly greedy. Does this mean the commie/conservatives are against increasing taxes? No they are very much in favor of rasing taxes, and in fact Romney campaigned on rasing taxes. The general public of course never got it, a rose by any other name and all. Words are indeed magic, and when Romney spoke about rasing taxes he carefully avoided ever using those words. What Romney and the commie/conservatives say is “widen the base.” What exactly does “widen the base” mean? It means raising taxes of course but it is not raising taxes on the ungodly greedy. So who did Romney want to raise the taxes on? Combat pay for soldiers is currently exempt from income tax and Romney and the commie/conservatives wanted to impose income tax on those in combat and even those killed in combat so the taxes would not have to be raised on the ungodly greedy. Some on social security make so little that they don’t pay income tax the commie/conservatives want to “widen the base” by double taxing their social security, better off social security recipients are already double taxed on their social security, it doesn’t matter that their social security was already being paid from after tax money and the commie/conservatives have no trouble with double taxing social security. The next group is the working poor working, for minimum wage unable to afford a place to live or medical care the commie/conservatives can’t wait to increase their taxes.

Commie/conservatives have no problem with raising taxes depending on who you are, only the ungodly greedy are off limits the commie/conservatives are all for ‘widening the base.”

Words shape perceptions and perceptions are the building blocks of what we believe to be reality.
0 Replies
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 08:17 am

Rolling Eyes Obama supporters are the most under informed people on the planet.

Tax increases will only inflict further damage on our economy, combine this
with increased spending and our countries economy will shrink even quicker.

Sadly, this is the exact direction Obama wants the country to go in.
Sun 16 Dec, 2012 09:13 am
H2O what passes for information for you is the Hitler like slogans that are repeated thousands of times a day on Red Rupert’s propaganda network. A dollar is a dollar period if you take a dollar from the poor as Romney proposed in his “widening the base” tax increase it hurts the economy far more. Because the poor will spend every dollar they have to survive and that dollar will turn over at least 5 times in the local economy. The $5 trillion tax cut for the ungodly greedy has the reverse effect. Ask yourself where most of Romney money was? It was overseas in Swiss Bank accounts and the Cayman Islands. When wealth is able to accumulate it is easily shipped overseas. When you trace the history of the downfall of previous world’s Hyper Powers they following a strikingly similar pattern, once the wealth accumulates in the hands of a tiny percentage of the population they export the wealth like any other raw material. They owe no loyalty to any country just to their own personal greed.

America is in the downfall stage for the last 30 years they have shipped the wealth of America to the four corners of the earth. America 93% tax rate protected America’s wealth when the taxes on the ungodly were lowered the concentration of wealth increased to a point not seen in over a century. It is no wonder that America’s wealth is being shipped out of the country at a record rate. The operating system on this computer and most on this board is licensed in Ireland to make more money for one of the richest people in America. Does he need more money? No. He is just greedy he just wants more. But because he has such a concentration of wealth he can ship it out of America. The groups Romney wanted to increase the taxes on the working poor and those on social security dollars stayed in America and turned over 5 times. Bill Gates exported wealth that was created in America and what makes it possible is huge concentration of wealth were used to bribe congressmen to change the laws to make it possible.

H2O I see you have learned another Hitler like slogan that Rush Slimbaugh has been pushing that anyone that doesn’t believe the commie/conservative propaganda is somehow under informed. This has been a recent talking point on red neck right radio and we are witnessing the birth of yet another “slogan.” I have spent many years researching, reading, listening to, watching and writing about politics. There are indeed many uninformed people in America and most of them can be found listening to Glen Beck, Rush Slimbaugh, and Sean Hannity as they talk about low information voters. The low information voters are the ones Slimbaugh and his like are looking for.

Thu 20 Dec, 2012 06:31 am
H2O do you still believe that you can cut taxes to get a balanced budget? How about social security now that the baby boomers paid 16% more we can cut benefits their by 16% to provide even more tax cuts for the ungodly greedy.

Yesterday on CNN they had a young Commie/conservative representing some commie/conservative organization who was against John Boehner plan B that would raise taxes on anyone making over a million. He claimed that tax cuts were the magic pill that cutting taxes would maximize revenue. Sighting the Reagan tax cuts and the same cherry picking figures used to justify more and bigger tax cuts for the ungodly greedy for 30 years but he completely ignored the fact that the Reagan’s tax cuts tripled the national debt. He was totally worried about the National Debt but he never bothered to look at the point in time when Reagan tripled the National Debt by cutting the ungodly greedy taxes by 60%. America could not afford Reagan massive tax cuts on the 2% and they could not even be offset by 16% social security tax increases on the other 98%. After WWII America National Debt was even higher as a percentage of GNP than it is now and from 1949 until 1981 the debt was paid down until Reagan took office.

If we take the commie/conservative slogan and, it is just a slogan, that tax cuts for the ungodly greedy result in increased revenue to its logical conclusion than eliminate taxes entirely would result in the maximum amount of tax revenue. Even a commie/conservative should be able to understand that. If this was just a simple supply and demand curve problem a point on the curve would give us the maximum tax revenue. But income tax is a far more complex problem and a simple supply and demand curve will not solve all the problems.

All societies throughout time have had to face the distribution of wealth problem. Wealth not only begets more wealth but thoroughly corrupts the government. Government does not redistribute wealth government distributes wealth. The first fortunes in America were created by government the arms dealers that supplied the revolutionary army got rich so also did the generals who fought in the war. My mom owns a farm in WV when it was surveyed it was found that the property was once a tiny portion of land that was given to a revolution war general, I don’t remember which general now. The portion given to him would cover a good portion of two counties. Next the government gave huge tracks of lands to the railroads for building railroads and the Vanderbilts, Huntingtons and others amassed huge fortunes by government distribution. The next thing that happened was like a buggy following horse. Those that held railroad fortunes soon began to buy the government. There is a famous story involving the Vanderbilts and a competing railroad tycoon building competing railroad. First one bought the governor to take their side, the next bought the entire New York legislature, followed by the first buying the New York Supreme court. Massive wealth and corruption have always gone hand in hand.

In the game of life government is the referee and each year the ungodly greedy give $100s of millions to the referee and then they holler foul, redistribution of wealth, really. If the referee in an NBA game was taking a million from the opposing team would we really believe he was impartial?
Fri 21 Dec, 2012 06:35 am
H2O tax cuts are what are wrong with America. Reagan caused America’s problems by trying to fix something that was not broken.

Until the American people see Reagan as what went wrong with America and see clearly through the fog of propaganda that surrounds his legend. The undeniable fact is Reagan tripled the National Debt by granting massive tax cuts to the ungodly greedy. Reagan cut the ungodly greedy taxes from 70% to 28% and tripled the National Debt because the country simply could not afford to give huge tax cuts to the wealthiest citizens. When one looks at a graph of National Debt as a percentage of GNP America National Debt as a percentage of GNP was higher in 1949 than it is now. The National Debt was steadily paid down for 31 years until Reagan tripled it as a result of massive tax cuts for ungodly greedy. Had Reagan not been elected and had he not given the ungodly greedy massive tax cuts and the graph continued its 31 year downward slope the National Debt would have been completely paid off by year 2000.

To get America back on track we have to look back and history and see who derailed the train and how it was derailed. We all hear the propaganda but very few will go back through history to look for the truth. When you look at the “National Debt Graph by President,” and anyone that wants to look at the graph can goggle it, it is very clear who dropped the ball. It is clear if Americans continue to idolize someone who caused the train wreck the standard of living for American middle class will continue its 31 year decline and the ungodly greedy will have a lifestyle that will be the envy of Kings.

It is very easy see when America goes off track and why the train left the track, greedy always leads to corruption and the ungodly greedy’ money totally and completely corrupted one of America’s two major political parties. The $100s of millions in political contributions can buy enough politicians to block any vote and to stop any progress. Even though the corrupt political party is in the minority they can block any bill from being voted on. Rule by the minority invites corruption.

The ungodly greedy are also known as the political donor class, those that don’t miss a $100 million or so that they make in political contributions every four years. If the ungodly greedy find no problem with dropping a $100 million on the election why should they have any problem with higher taxes. It is unlikely that Sheldon Adelson would pay a $100 million more in taxes why not just pay the increased taxes instead of making $100 million bribes? In an effort to stop political corruption political contributions should be heavily taxed including political contributions of the rich to their own campaigns.
Sat 22 Dec, 2012 08:55 am
H2O, Wayne LaPierre solution for the mass murder is very simple more and more guns much like your solution to our economic problems if tax cuts for the ungodly greedy caused the problem to solve it we need even more and bigger tax cuts for the ungodly greedy and remember the baby Bush tax cuts were only temporary tax juts designed to give the ungodly greedy “back their money” (the baby boomers social security). But even long after they gave the ungodly greedy back all of the excess social security they borrowed trillions to keep giving the ungodly back “their money” and now the commie/conservatives want to keep borrowing more money to give the ungodly greedy back “their money.” When Reagan gave the ungodly greedy the tax cuts he tripled the National debt. So in effect Reagan raised social security to help cover the cost of the tax cuts and borrowed the rest tripling the National Debt. America simply could not afford the massive Reagan tax cuts.

The radical right has the same type of solution for every problem. If tax cuts for the ungodly greedy caused the problem, and the tripling of the National Debt under Reagan proves in fact it did, the commie/conservatives believe the solution is even more and bigger tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. Is it any wonder after the terrible tragedy that took place in Newtown, and that tragedy was only made possible by the wide spread availability of weapons designed specifically for purpose of making mass killing during war by one individual possible, that the National Rifle Association solution was even more guns? Those weapons have no other reason to exist but to make mass killing possible. No one was surprised that the National Rifle Association, make that the National Association of Cowards and Paranoids, advocated more and more guns. Of course the more guns the National Rifle Association can sell the richer the ungodly greedy who own gun manufacturers get and to the right a profit is the end all be all for mankind existence and anything that would curtail profit is morally wrong under commie/conservative political ideology.

Thursday on a local talk radio show a Marshall University professor said his son was a resource officer at a local school and his son said if they let the teachers carry concealed weapons, like the National Rifle Association advocated he would run screaming from the school.

The CEO of the National Rifle Association, Wayne LaPierre was called delusional among other things after his statement calling for more guns everywhere to solve the gun nut problem. A pizza parlor in Florida got into the act, when a customer complained that he was told his thin crust pizza would take only ten minutes and it had been twenty minutes and still no pizza he was shot twice. A campaign slogan once said a chicken in every pot but LaPierre slogan is a gun in every hand. This would make it so much easier to settle our disputes. Next time you complain about your pizza and get shot just remember the attendant is “just standing his ground” and that is what the Florida pizza attendant is using as a justification for the shooting the customer.

Sun 23 Dec, 2012 07:27 am
H2O what is your position on gun violence? Do you take the typical red neck right position that 32,000 deaths a year is just a reasonable cost of making a good profit? Or that gun control is simply a matter of hitting what you are aiming at? If that is the case you should just love Adam Lanza he hit his small targets up to 11 times he had perfect gun control.

One theory on taxes is that a society should put more taxes on what it wants less of and less tax on what it wants more of, a sin tax if you will. For instance cigarettes and liquor are taxed much higher than milk and milk is even subsidized by the government at the farm level. Many years ago an Applebee’s opened in town and did not have a city license. I went over and told them they would have to purchase a city a license in order to remain open. I was filling in for the head of Audit and Compliance that day and when they asked how much business license cost I told them a city businesses license were typically around $15. Later when I asked the finance department what their license would cost and they said $1,500 a year. I asked why they cost so much and was told that they sold liquor and that was to defray the cost to police department of cleaning up the mess that liquor caused, hit and run drivers, drunken drivers, drunks, domestic disputes, fights and murders which are often as not alcohol driven.

The country needs more tax dollars now to pay the $2.7 trillion back to the baby boomers social security trust fund why not but a sin tax on all semi-automatic weapons say of $5,000 on an AR-15 and similar weapon and make private sales of these weapons subject to the tax also. Make a law that, like a car, all guns must be registered and if someone is found with unregistered gun that he would be charged with a felony and guns that are not registered would be confiscated. Does a $5,000 tax seem unreasonable? I looked at a Dodge Charger in a dealership with the good hemi in it and there was a $5,000 gas guzzlers tax in the sticker. Car makers are required to have an average fuel mileage on their fleet and they have to limit the sale of gas guzzlers the tax serves the purpose of limiting the sale of gas guzzlers.

A large prohibitive tax on semi-automatics would limit their sale as it does the sales of gas guzzler. A private registration tax on transfers would make it less likely that the weapons would get into the hands of the mentally ill as they are less likely to have substantial finical resources at their disposal. Laws should also be made that holds a gun owner responsible for any and all damages caused by their negligence. For instance if their guns were unsecured and got into the hands of other family members who had mental problems as was the recent case in Newtown. They should also be held criminally libel as an accessory to the crime.

The second amendment may grant the right to bear arms but it does not preclude the right of the government to tax them or require that all firearms be registered. Part of the $5,000 tax could be used to fund a fund to compensate victims of gun violence and their families.

Sun 23 Dec, 2012 08:46 am
H2O what is your position on gun violence?

I'm against it.

Next question.
0 Replies
Sun 23 Dec, 2012 08:51 am

The solution he suggested was to have a armed 'good guy' in every school to protect the kiddies from the armed 'bad guy'.

My solution is for the teachers to exercise their constitutional right to arm themselves.
This will allow them to protect themselves and the kiddies from the armed "bad guy'.

Zar, do you enjoy all of these shooting sprees?
0 Replies
Sun 23 Dec, 2012 08:52 am

Tax cuts and greatly reduced government spending are what will save this republic.
0 Replies
Sun 23 Dec, 2012 08:53 am

Zar babby, how does increased and uncontrolled spending help balance the budget?
0 Replies

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