Sun 10 Feb, 2013 10:31 am
H2O the statistics tell the truth the numbers don’t lie. Spin is easy but the cold hard facts are the standard of living of middle class went down. Now Rush Limbaugh will tell you the middle class standard of living went up because they now own a big screen television. But the 23 inch color television I purchased for $600 in 1974 would cost $2,700 in today’s dollars. I could purchase a 55 inch for half of that. Notice Rush Slimbaugh doesn’t point how much less couples make today than there father’s did in 1970. Slimbaugh hides behind the spin on big screens.
Sun 10 Feb, 2013 11:53 am
Zardoz wrote:

H2O the statistics tell the truth the numbers don’t lie.

So why do you continue to regurgitate liberal, democrat, communist lies, Zar?
Mon 11 Feb, 2013 06:24 am
H2O your propaganda continues to tell people how much better the middle class is now that it was 30 years ago. Statistics clearly show that is not true. But the commie/conservatives continue to repeat the lie, they believe if they repeat the lie often enough that people will believe the lie and unfortunately that is true for people like you.

When Clinton increased taxes on the ungodly greedy the middle class actually gained some of their lost real income back. This was the only two years out of that 30 year period that the middle class showed real income gains.

Reagan’s Trickle Down economics never trickled down it went up with a huge sucking sound. The middle class pays a higher percentage of their income it taxes then the ungodly greedy when all state and local taxes are taken into account. The average ungodly greedy income increased over 600% during this period so there was no shared sacrifice the only sacrifice is the sacrifice of the middle class as an offering to the god of greed. As was obvious from Romney tax return the ungodly greedy pay a lower rate tax levied on “excess wealth” than most of the middle class. Romney custom made his tax return by not claiming a good portion of his $4 million contribution to expand his religious cult. Had he claimed all $4 million his tax rate would have been 9%. The middle class pays that in social security and Medicare taxes not to mention income tax. You can bet Romney has by now amended his 2011 tax return to claim the full $4 million “religious cult” exemption.

H2O the last of the hard line commiunists in America were the founding fathers of the Modern Conservative Movement. Frank Meyer, the father of the Modern Conservative Movement, life long ambition was the destruction of the United States.
0 Replies
Tue 12 Feb, 2013 08:28 pm
All of a sudden, Obama is talking tax and entitlement reform Shocked
Wed 13 Feb, 2013 06:34 am
The commie/conservatives have made a complete and total mess of taxes system they were openly bribed by the ungodly greedy to turn a progressive tax system into a regressive tax system where the richest paid less than half the percentage of taxes the middle class pays. There is no one from Warren Buffet on down who doesn’t believe that the ungodly greedy with their massive amounts of money have totally corrupted the tax system over the last 30 years, the commie/conservative years.

“Power corrupts and Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely.”

The massive amounts of wealth created in the hands of a tiny fraction population by the massive Reagan tax cuts created what is referred as inverted totalitarianism. Under classic totalitarianism, like Nazi fascism or Soviet communism, politics dominates economic system while under inverted totalitarianism economics dominates the political system. In America that tiny fraction of 1/100 of 1%, of the ungodly greedy, is as effective a dictator as Hitler was in Nazi Germany.
0 Replies
Fri 15 Feb, 2013 06:32 am
H2O when it comes to cutting spending the America public must come to terms with the fact that America spends more money on the military than all of the rest of the countries in the world combined. America spends more than 10 time it nearest competitor Red China who spends $65 billion a year. America spent more than $700 billion on defense in 2010. America maintains 761 military bases around the world and many military bases are in effect small cities.

The military consumes the vast majority of America discretionary spending and the waste in military contracts is the rule not the exception. Defense contractors are given cost plus contracts and that encourages them to run the cost up as high as possible to maximize their profits. A tiny contractor with one horse drawn grader became Halliburton by getting a contract to build a military base in Texas.

But republicans target social security for “spending cuts.” This generation has banked an extra $2.7 trillion in the social security trust fund in addition to funding the last generation’s social security. While the military industrial complex wastes $100 of billions on weapon systems that never function and continually scraps older systems to get newer ones.

If America military spending was cut to twice what our nearest competitor spends the National Debt could be paid off in a few years. We can blow up every human being in the world 234 times with our atomic bombs now the military wants enough million dollar smart bombs to kill every person in the world again. It has to end.
0 Replies
Sat 16 Feb, 2013 06:45 am
H2O the commie/conservative political ideology is simple according to them you just need to unshackle the monster, unfettered greed, and greed will take care of everything. We can clearly see the effect of unfettered greed on our healthcare system. Health Insurance as we know it today was not common until the middle of the last century. The earliest form of health insurance simply replaced lost wages instead of paying for medical expenses because healthcare was affordable. In America healthcare was affordable as groceries or utilities are today. Doctors understood they could simply not charge more than the market could afford to pay but all that changed with the advent of modern day health insurance. Modern day health insurance no longer paid the employee wages when he was sick it paid the medical bills instead. Better yet it paid the doctor directly.

The idea behind health insurance is the same idea behind all insurance systems that only a few are at risk for high medical bills at any one time and the risk is pooled and shared. Fire insurance works the same way people pay $1,000 or so a year for fire insurance if their home burns they collect the insurance company gets rich on the “float” the time between when the money is paid until they have to pay it out in claims. The doctors created some of the first health insurance companies called Blue Cross. This created huge pot of gold for doctors and hospitals, no longer did the doctor look outside to see what kind of car a patient drove to decide how much they would charge, now unfettered greed kicked in they could simply charge what they wanted and they wanted more and more and after they got that they wanted even more. As doctors became the new American millionaires, the CEOs of health insurance companies realized they too could get rich beyond their wildest dreams. Health insurance companies realized that it was not profitable to insurance sick people and took steps to weed the sick out their insurance pool. Employer Health insurance already had a method of weeding out the sick from the insurance. When an employee got a major illness he could no longer work, when he could no longer work he lost his insurance. This would be equivalent to a fire Insurance company canceling your fire insurance once your house caught fire. Fire insurance remains affordable and must pay off on all legitimate fires claims but health insurance systems weeds out most of its bigger liabilities and is completely unaffordable to most people.

Health Insurance is a testament to what greed built. Medicare has an administrative cost of 3% private health insurance has an administrative cost of 26.5% and a good deal of that is spent weeding out the sick to keep from paying their claims.

Remember in every situation there are winners and losers in commie/conservative political ideology it is not necessary that all benefit, or even the majority benefit, if just a tiny fraction benefit and everyone else loses it is a smashing success according to the commie/conservatives. After all if your lottery ticket wasn’t a winner today you have a 1 in 10 million chance tomorrow. In lottery winner economics, economic outcomes where only a tiny fraction benefit are not only acceptable but desirable. Lottery winners are only made possible by millions of losers.
0 Replies
Sun 17 Feb, 2013 10:18 am
H2O imagine having to pay your income tax for the next 30 years this year? To do that you would have to take out a large loan and pay interest on that loan for decades to pay your tax in advance. That is exactly what your “Fair Tax” proposes paying tax now on money you won’t earn until 2043. Not only would you pay the tax in advance you would pay interest on that ta for 30 years. That’s a “fair tax” alright, a rich man’s dream loaning the public money to pay taxes that would not be due for income tax for 30 years.

If you decided to buy a house that cost a $150,000 under the “Fair Tax” plan there would be $45,000 in “Fair Tax” on that purchase. If the $45,000 was borrowed on a 30 year loan the so called “Fair Tax” would cost 34,664 in interest with a 30 year loan at 4.25% interest. The added cost as a direct result of the “Fair Tax” on a home purchased would be an additional $79,664. If the interest was 7.2% the interest alone would be $64,963 for a total cost of the “Fair Tax” and financing your “Fair Tax” would be $104,127. This of course is the result of one purchase under the “Fair Tax.” Your taxes on one purchase would be more double the average yearly income in America. What a dream for the ungodly greedy their tax all but disappear and you would pay twice your yearly income on just one purchase.

“Fair Tax” is just another slogan used to manipulate the public.
0 Replies
Mon 18 Feb, 2013 06:59 am
H2O do you believe corporations should be considered as people under the law of the land? Corporations have all the rights of a citizen under Supreme Court’s rulings but none of the responsibilities. For instance a corporation cannot be jailed for murder or manslaughter. When Ford decided the cost of recalling the Pinto to do repairs that would keep it from exploding into fatale fires would be too expensive and to just let people burn up. The repairs would cost a few dollars a car but that would cut into Ford’s profit, its bottom line, its only reason to exist. When caught by inter department memos Ford paid off and did business as usual. The CEO of Ford should have been convicted of manslaughter and jailed. Corporations want the rights but not the responsibilities.

A bad court decision in the 1800s declared corporations a person with all the same constitutional rights as if they were a person. When laws were passed to limit the amount of corporate money going to bribe politicians (campaign contributions) the corporations took the case to the Supreme Court and the commie/conservative appointed judges quickly declared that money was free speech and as free speech the bribing of politicians could not be limited.

Psychopaths and corporations share many of the same values. Robert Hare, an expert on psychopaths lists the traits that corporations and psychopaths share.

1) Callous unconcern for the feeling of others:

2) Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships:

3) Reckless disregard for the safety of others:

4) Deceitfulness: repeated lying and conning of others:

5) Incapacity to experience guilt:

6) Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behavior:

There is a bill pending before congress to strip corporations of personhood under the law. Corporations are not people even though there are people employed by corporations; this does not make a corporation a person. A corporation has one reason to exist; to make a profit.

0 Replies
Mon 18 Feb, 2013 09:17 am

The tax code needs to be greatly simplified, taxes need to be cut and spending needs to be reduced.
Tue 19 Feb, 2013 06:31 am
H2O I would agree the tax code needs to be simplified too many special interests have bribed too many Congressmen for too long. The country got away from the basic reason that an income tax was originally passed, to tax excess wealth. The idea would be to eliminate all deductions for dancing horses and carried interest and other tax deductions and do exactly what was done when the original income tax was passed, simply exempt from taxation any amount of money that would not be considered “excess wealth.” The amount that was considered “excess wealth” and subject to taxation was anything in excess of $80,000 in today’s dollars. That way the tax code applied fairly to everyone Donald Trump and Warren Buffet would get the first $80,000 in income tax free as would everyone else. The tax rates would remain where they are for income brackets over $80,000.

The only real spending that can be cut is military spending that takes up nearly half of the budget’ real spending. What the commie/conservative right tries to pass off as spending is nothing more than the real return of the people’s money that was placed in multi trillion dollar trust funds. The commie/conservative right claim as new spending every dollar that is currently being paid into social security and the trillions paid in the pasts as “spending.” When this generation paid an extra $2.7 trillion into social security it was with the understanding that it would be returned in social security payments. Now the commie/conservative right is claiming that any payments made out of the $2,7 trillion social security trust fund is “new spending” out of this budget and should be cut because we are “spending” too much.
Tue 19 Feb, 2013 03:21 pm
Wed 20 Feb, 2013 05:46 am
H2O I can’t get the link you posted to work. I hope it wasn’t more about the so called “Fair Tax.”
Wed 20 Feb, 2013 06:58 am
The FairTax Plan is the best option... what link?
Thu 21 Feb, 2013 06:01 am
H2O you can’t still believe there is anything fair about the “Fair Tax” The fact that you would pay twice your yearly income in taxes if you purchased a house and then had to borrow and have to pay interest on the 30% “Fair Tax” on your house. The housing market would disappear overnight the “Fair Tax would plunge the economy into a deep depression far worse than the Great Depression. The “Fair Tax” was written by a bunch of ungodly greedy trying to figure out how to make the middle class pay their taxes. The only people that could possible think the “Fair Tax” was fair are the ungodly greedy like Bill Gates whose tax rate would drop to .005%. Are you one of the ungodly greedy? The Fair tax would shift the tax placed on “excess wealth” to the middle class. The “Fair Tax” was designed by the ungodly greedy to benefit the ungodly greedy.

Most of what the ungodly purchases would be completely exempt from the “Fair Tax.” The authors of the “Fair Tax” tell us if food, medicine, or heath care were exempt from their 30% “Fair Tax,” and it is in reality a 30% tax not a 23% tax, that the tax would be so high that no one would ever support it. But of course there would be exemptions for the ungodly greedy, stock purchases would be completely tax exempt. If Bill Gates purchased 10,000 shares of Apple Computer at $700 a share he would not pay one penny in taxes but an elderly woman would pay 30% tax on her prescription drugs. That is your idea of “fair.”

If the “Fair Tax” is going to put a 30% tax on every necessity of life than luxuries should not be excluded and owning stock is a luxury. Why would the ungodly greedy who wrote the so called “Fair Tax” exempt stock purchases? Because the ungodly greedy own 90% of the stock. Of course if the ungodly greedy had to pay 30% “fair Tax” on stock they would lose money and their primary source of income would all but disappear overnight.
0 Replies
Thu 21 Feb, 2013 07:08 am
Yep, The FairTax plan is the very best option that we have.
Thu 21 Feb, 2013 11:11 pm
It's raining piss again.... ( :--)
Fri 22 Feb, 2013 06:31 am
H2O would you at least be a little more specific that the “Fair Tax is the very best option. If you really want to pay twice your yearly income in taxes and continue to pay your current income tax and social security tax your employer would continue to collect and keep for himself you could just borrow the money and give it to Federal government and pay interest on the loan without making it bad on the rest of us. I can’t get over the fact that fair tax as conceived by the authors would continue to collect all the taxes that are collected now and let the employer keep them. The authors of the “Fair Tax” don’t understand why the employees would even want their current taxes back because it is such an insignificant amount to millionaires that they would not even bother with it.

H2O if the “Fair Tax” was made law the way the authors intended and Exxon Mobil got to keep 100s of millions of their employee’s income tax and social security payments do you think they would cut the price of gasoline that amount or put the extra in the CEO’s pay check. The authors claim competition would drive the price down. Hint the oil industry is a monopoly and has been since the 70s the price of gasoline is not going down.

The “Fair Tax” is predicated on what the authors think might happen it is nothing more than the fantasy of a bunch of rich old men who want to be even richer at the expense of working class Americans. When they show the imagined effects of the “Fair Tax” the rich who receive almost all the benefit of the “Fair Tax” supposedly benefit less than the middle class. The really frightening thing is that 5 senators and 69 House members have signed on to support the biggest tax scam in history.
Fri 22 Feb, 2013 06:39 am

I have provided links to a ton of information that proves
the Fair Tax plan is not only the best option, but it's also
the plan with the most study & research backing it up.
Your unwillingness to open your mind to the possibilities
is beyond my control... you have a Mushroom Mentality.
0 Replies
Fri 22 Feb, 2013 06:41 am
Drink up

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