Well, I am a rarity in and of itself. I am a unique individual often told that I am weird.
Exceptionalism cannot exist in normalism.
1) Educational systems are corrupted and broken due to recent federal involvment
2) My voice is less the more people there are in a voting process [large fed = small voice]
3) Federal government involved in policing world and does not concentrate on own affairs, I wish to seperate myself from it.
4) Hybrid health care that benefits the governmental controls and big corperate insurance profits instead of a coopertive healthcare ran and shared by members with governmental support in establishment.
5) Commerce laws that affect individuals that mandate fines to those who do not buy certain products and put people in jail for buying products that are not dangerous to the community such as canibus.
6) Lobbyists, including from unions and special groups, in the Federal goverment drown out the voice of the individual and big money is used to brain wash the community.
7) Bad decisions or unable to create valid decisions in budgeting the government causing our grade to drop from triple AAA status.
8) Bailing out of corporatations without regard to the many small businesses that failed... shows corportism in federal government.
9) Issuing controls on personal rights that really are none of the governments business. [Already Discussed] Washington state allowed gay marriage, but republicans in washington dc wish to prevent it nationally.
10) Affirmative action - Government forces schools and such to use a system that causes racial favortism toward minority races. I understand the concept of why it is needed but as long as it exists racism and hate toward the favored groups will thrive.
11) Free trade establishments that have damaged the economy.
I do not support the south or the north but I feel that if something drastic does not happen then the governement will continue on the wrong path.