aspvenom wrote:What do you call a nation stuck in the 1950s and believes that overwhelming military force will solve everything (remind of you of a country?)?
Military force is often the answer when dealing with Muslims, and is almost always the answer when dealing with Palestinians.
That is not stuck in the 1950s. That is merely accepting reality.
aspvenom wrote:Israel's entire strategy during the war in the past and now is that of a terrorist nation, which is basically to use shock and terrorize tactics on civilian population and try to force the opponent to give up its arms by inflicting suffering on innocent and unarmed populace by the Israel Defense Force.
That is an outrageous lie. Spewing blood libel at Israel the way you do only makes peace even more remote.
aspvenom wrote:You'd have to be messed up in the head to not call that wrong.
I'll call it blood libel.
aspvenom wrote:I'm not saying that either side is better than the other,
I am. My insistence on sticking to the truth sort of mandates it.
aspvenom wrote:but morally speaking, Israel simply cannot claim to stand on the higher rung of the ladder.
Yes they can. The fact that it is true makes it quite easy.
aspvenom wrote:The only real solution is for both an Isreali prime minister and a Palestinian Leader to agree to a complete split and create two seperate countries. That'll be the day...
Yes. Quite a long way off. The first step towards that is getting people like you to stop telling monstrous lies about Israel. The second step will be to get the Palestinians to stop trying to murder everyone, and instead try actually making peace.
Since neither of those things will come to pass anytime soon, the only thing to do is keep the military buildup strong so that it will not be much of a problem to periodically bomb the Palestinians into submission when they launch into one of their murder sprees.