oralloy wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:Jews are stealing Palestinian lands to create new settlements.
Nonsense. Those lands will not belong to the Palestinians until the negotiated creation of a Palestinian state. You can't steal something that isn't owned in the first place.
Besides, most settlers are on land that will be handed to Israel in a land swap if the Palestinians ever choose peace.
It's remarkable to believe there are any people left with the credulity to believe this piece of fictitious propaganda anymore.
Palestine was for slmost a thousand years a provence of the Ottoman Empire, and the people who lived there, just as the people who lved in other parts (or nominal parts) of the former empire in Turkey, Syria, Jordan Egypt, Iraq, Tunis, etc. are the lawful posessors of the land they lived in just as are the Palestinians.
The Ottoman Empire was destroyed by the British and French in an unprovoked attack during WWI as both European nations sought to expand their empires at the expense of the then weak Ottoman government. These European powers established a treaty whereby they divided the spoils of the former Ottoman state and did so well before they took it. France was to get what is now Syria, Lebanon and northern Iraq (Mosul); Britain the rest. The British proomised the European Zionists (then a small group whose leader was the prominent European banler, Rothschild the "establishment of a homeland for Jews in Palestine, that would also respect the property rightsd of the current occupants. They later Promised the rule of Palestine to the Hashemite Family which had ruled Mecca and Medina. This was part of a british conspiracy to foment an Arab uprising against the Turks to facilitate their conquest of a new empire.
Migration of European Jews to palestine was but a trickle until the end of WWII when a flood of displaced European Jews (many of whom weren't welcome back in their former European homes) migrated en mnasse to Palestine, which was then under British rule. These Zionists were determined to create a dedicated homeland for Jews, and thereby do to others what had historically been done to them. They steadily carved out a Jewish dominated region in Palestine, sometimes by force. Tensions rose until the local population (Islamic and Christian) rose up to fight back, then under the leadership of the Jordanian Army . Washing their hands oif the whole affair they created, the British abandoned the territory to the civil war which followed. The result of this conflict was a state of Israel with about 900,000 native Palestinain residents (and second class cittizens of the new state. Jerusalem and the West Bank remained under the control of the native population, then affiliated with the Jordanian Government.
In the 1967 War Israel conquored Jerusalem and the West Bank, and immediately announced their intent to permanently occupy the eastern bountary of the West Bank, overlooking the Jordan valley and permanently cutting off the connection of the people in the West Bank with both Jordan and the outside world. Over time Israelis have, through raw force and sometime various scams, appropriated large sections of the West banl to provide room for Israeli settlers. In short, for over 40 years, Israel has exercised c0omplete control of the territory of the West Bank, but refused to grant any political control or provide any rights for its Palestinian residents.
That is the truth of the matter. For you to repeat the nonsensical fiction that there was no state or history in that region before the creation of the Israeli state is a contemptable lie.