Quote:In my opinion, because Americans, like all other peoples on the planet, mostly do not obsess about politics. They have mundane lives that require daily efforts.
Oh, you poor poor dears. Are your daily efforts like those of the people of Afghanistan who have suffered, for 30 years, the unspeakable horrors visited upon them by the US.
The list could go on for pages, Foofie, and all you want to do is make flimsy excuses for these unspeakable crimes.
Quote:Plus, you chastise Americans, and you have never made an ethical argument why the average American must live up to your hyper-focussed concerns?
You have numerous times made lame excuses for your complete disregard for the slaughter of others, ie. those who aren't American.
This, your latest nonsense, is way way beyond the pale, Foofie.
This is the stuff one would expect from the mouth of an unrepentant Auschwitz commandant, one who completely loved his job.
Common sense tells people with common sense that you should care. US propaganda has duped many Americans and a large portion of the world into thinking that America and Americans care. You are doing a dandy job of dispelling that silly notion.
Now you not only show your true colors, you shine a thousand spotlights on them.
Quote:You just add to the annoyances of swamp life,
You possess such a magnanimous nature, Foofie. How can one person be of such saintly character?