I was flipping through a Bible & came to
Leviticus 11, with its variety of swimming, walking, crawling & flapping abominations. 'Twas an interesting reread.
Some highlights:
We aren't actually supposed to be eating ostriches. I was a bit surprised by that, as I didn't think ostriches were too bountiful in Hebrew lands in those days, so much so that there were ostrich-avoidance rules in place.
God is
really peeved at "unclean" animals, & takes his time calling them names like abomination & defiler.
Apparently no one noticed that 4-footed insects are mighty scarce, & that laws banning their consumption are a bit superfluous. Also, there is a distinction made between jumping bugs & non-jumping bugs. Some of the former are yummy, while the latter are abominations without exception.
Special mention is made that you aught not to "boil young goats in their mother's milk" (Deut 17:21).
And let us never forget that
God hates figs.
Discussing all of this is making me quite hungry ...Mmmm, shrimp! Gotta run...
Speaking of shrimp, I'd bet God is a shrimp lover too. Think about it, he fools us into thinking they're nasty so we don't eat them & they can flourish in the ocean. Thousands of years of Christianity & Judaism might boil down to nothing more than an elaborate shrimp-saving conspiracy.