@Green Witch,
Lemme see
Banks were bailed out, and maybe with good reason. Banks that didn't apply were strongly encourged to do so. Since they were working on government money, it was deemed appropriate that government should excercize control over executive compensation. Fine so far. Then, it was discovered that that provision was applied retroactively to all who applied for assistance - even those who had been sucked in before that provision was created. Sounds like
ex post facto law to me.
More recently, what might be called the Dream Act by executive fiat. I very much supported the original Dream Act, and wish it had been passed by Congress. It is Congress that passes laws, isn't it?
Appointments (NLRB) if I recall while the Senate was in recess - but the Senate wasn't really in recess, was it?
In all cases, and there were many more that don't come to mind at the moment, all his actions are for what Obama wants, without regard to law or procedure. I have a loss of faith in the government because of all such actions, and I'm not alone. Well, I may be alone on a2k.