You don't really and yet somehow you know there's nothing to this scandal.
It's not just my opinion of course, but in any case you dismiss it as "not a big deal"
Our government manipulates the truth to serve political (read "re-election") purposes and you find this not a big deal. You've apparently grown quite complacent or cynical, or both. By the way, Hillary, knowing it not to be true, told the parents of one of the dead CIA operatives that the attack was due to the anti-Islamist video and vowed to make the producer pay. Not a big deal?
I don't really care whether or not you take my word for it, stay ignorant.
No, actually the cuts were not embassy specific and the link you provided suggests no such thing. Whatever cuts were legislated, they were not specific to each of the embassies. Congress did not order that $X be cut from the security to diplomatic facilities in Libya.
Some American embassies are in much more dangerous locations than other. Some embassies, like the one in Libya asked for increased security. If the State Department applied the mandated cuts equally across the globe; without consideration for the specific conditions in each country, it and it's head, were guilty of gross mismanagement. That you can't see this must be willful ignorance. It's the only explanation that makes any sense short of you being an absolute idiot and I would never suggest that.
But keep on averting your eyes. Nothing here, nothing going on with the IRS, and nothing going on with the AP.