Tortured or merely convoluted, the rationalizations tend to smell of desperation.
The folks on MSNBC had simultaneous aneurisms last night and then began
their rationalizations, the most ridiculous of them being the Reverend Al's Rope-A-Dope theory: Obama let him get in all those punches so that he could expose them as lies on the stump today.
I can still recall the sick feeling I had throughout the first Bush/Kerry debate as I watched a presidential deer in the headlights mutter about how being the president can be so
hard. W, however, bounced back for the following debates, and there's a very good chance Obama will as well.
It would be utterly astounding if he shows up at the next one as ill prepared as he was for the one last night, but no amount of preparation can cure him of his Narcissism, and, much to the delight of his adoring fans, he will come with payback in mind. We'll be treated to a nasty O rather than the simply annoyed one we saw last night.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn that his thin skin couldn't take a feisty Romney stand-in during his practice sessions, and it may not hold up for one during ensuing sessions. It's entirely possible, although alas unlikely, that he could go too far during the next match.
Frankly, I see no point in the massive spin effort that commenced immediately after the conclusion of the debate. Nothing the Obama campaign says can blunt Romney's victory and their spokespersons look petty and false when they try. Better just to acknowledge the president was off and move on. It's not as if he lost the election last night.
It was a good night for Romney supporters and those who just want Obama to lose, and the victory can help him win if he follows up with the same themes in advertisements and on the stump, but he also can't lose in the next two debates as clearly as his opponent did. Not sure at all that he can pull off another result like last night but I'm confident he'll hold his own in the next ones.