Excurse me good sir, I am sorry to inform you but a gazoo is more digressive from mannerliness than a kazoo
I was grazed by that gaze . . . it offered too much information . . .
Well, twenty-three gazoo!!
Joe(ESL speaker)Nation
@Joe Nation,
Skidoo Ownings and Merrily
@Joe Nation,
Eighty-six that, Buddy . . .
We discover that pigs don't eat dentures
70 year old eaten by his hogs
Quote:On Wednesday morning, Terry V. Garner, a 70-year-old Oregon farmer, went to feed his animals. Several hours later, when he hadn’t returned, a family member went to look for him and found, on the ground of the hog enclosure, his dentures.
It's starting now.
when you post something silly, para, put some teeth into it, willya huh?
See, i toll ya they was vicious killers . . .
I like living high on the hog, with or without dentures.
[quote="Setanta"NO DIGRESSIONS ALLOWED[/quote]
Digressions from what?
From the topic, a course . . .
(If you figure out what that is, let me know.)
Why is that worth repeating? Was it even worth hearing the first time?
Aporkalypse refers to the obesity epidemic--and it has arrived! We have porked up, by pigging out, and the end is near. The air is filled with the sound of buttons busting off garments. The pigs are all hiding in blankets. The gazoo is a sign of things to come...
No no, the end is rear and the air is filled with the sounds of gross wazoos warming the upper atmosphere.
Naughty nuns commenting on fartageddon . . . what next ? ! ? ! ?
I like Mars Bars, but I retrogress.
If one stays on topic, is one gressing?
I have a question:
If a folded flag is, at some point in time, unfurled, is it furled or refurled at some later point?
And if I am playing Five Card Stud and I have the trey of Clubs, the Jack of Spades, the six and the eight of Hearts and the ten of Diamonds and you open for fifty bucks, do I say "I fold." or should I more properly say "I furl."
Joe(Please hurry your answer.)Nation
With a hand like that, i'd say you should slink away.