FCC Chairman Michael Powell had this to say yesterday:
Quote:"You do not want to ask the government to write a `Red Book' of dos and don'ts,'' Powell told the gathering organized by the National Association of Broadcasters. "I understand the complaint about knowing where the line is, but heavier government entanglement through a 'dirty conduct code' will not only chill speech, it may deep-freeze it. It might be an ice age that would last a very long time.''
entire NYTimes article --
Broadcasters to Consider Code of Conduct
In other words, "We just want to nab the guys that are against us........"
There should be some type of due process for the fines- How does the FCC get away with out having a hearing?
Quote:I think Howard is off the air for good as of this morning. Can anyone confirm this?
Wishful thinking, I'm afraid.
I suppose then that Jarlaxle favours the idea of free speech, as long as there is a chaperone in tow.
i'm an idiot...it was april fools.
BillW wrote:Howard Stern is no more a shock jock than Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity, Horowitz etc. Just different sides of the political spectrum.......
I agree 100% If you ask me congress has a lot more important things to worry about than what is said on the radio. It seems like anybody who speaks the truth and isn't an FCC puppet is considered a shock jock. I've never been shocked by anything Howard says and if you're that shallow of a person for it to bother you there's about 20 other stations in your city that you can tune to. Im sure one of them has your Jimmy Swagart broadcast and you don't see me lobbying to try to get that trash off the air. If you don't like it don't listen. Simple!
Actually roverroad, I kinda fo the other way with the same result. Both are "shock jocks", it gets the ads therefore the money. Plaing Jane don't sell. However, control speech, information (read Fox inbed with Bush regime) and selected arrests is Fascist, ie, this government. I have a knob on my radio, TV, 'puter, etc.
I have no problem with free speech...but I won't shed any tears when Stern retires (or, even better, kills himself).
I dunno...I find Stern rather tame these days, compared to what you can see on cable or on the internet.
FCC eyes fines for Howard Stern show
Quote:Clear Channel Communications Inc says it has cut ties with shock jock Howard Stern after federal regulators proposed a $495,000 fine for indecent comments carried on six of its radio stations.
stern & the gang have been on vacation this week -- monday's show should be interesting...
Something about 18 different acts (or counts), which was unusual because they commonly only fined the entire show - not individual actions.
Stern calls FCC chief on radio talk show
Two primary players in the nation's debate over indecency on the public airwaves clashed one-on-one on KGO radio on Tuesday when "shock jock" Howard Stern called the Ronn Owens show when Federal Communications Commission Chairman Michael Powell was a guest.
(rest of article)
it remains to be seen if this will come back to bite stern on the ass...
stern's 2006 move to sirius satellite radio is turning into a messy divorce for some of the stations that still carry his show.
lately they've been cutting him off at 10:00am, even though he typically stays on the air until 11.
the stations claim they're not interested in airing a 4 hour infomercial for sirius...
Ouch. Yeah, I've been following the saga. WBUF just went completely talk radio, (that's where we get Stern from in Tarana.) Eentersting...
Mel Karmazin buying into Sirius is also...eentersting.