Here is a Dec. 2003 GQ article mentioning him and other powerful people as a friend and sympathizer of Opus Dei, the secretive catholic group.
AP article re: The Fellowship
So nobody knows exactly what Stern did to cause this? What the whole Bubba the Love Sponge was about/what was said?
this morning stern says the fcc is still building their case, but are afraid of "turning him into a martyr" and possibly jeopardizing bush's campaign.
it might be months before the fcc does anything...
this morning stern said the FCC is planning to fine $275,000 per offense.
sounding defeated, he's talking about quitting now, and going on satellite radio.
THIS morning stern "silenced" himself, from 6:00-7:30am, in protest of the impending fines; during that time he played music and various clips of people talking about free speech.
apparently the FCC has a limitation on fining: $3 million per day per radio station.
I think the fine was set at $500,000 and lose of license after 3 - the offense was put against the person not the station.
this morning stern said he plans to sue clear channel for breach of contract, and that it wouldn't be the first time in his career he's had to do so.
the first (of what'll probably be several) fines by the FCC against stern:
Quote:FCC Fines Infinity For Howard Stern Show
Continuing its war on indecency, the FCC issued a burst of rulings late Thursday evening, including one aimed at Howard Stern. The Commission issued a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture against Stern's Detroit affiliate, Infinity FM Talker WKRK, for the statutory maximum of $27,500.
rest of the article
apparently there's a pro-stern rally in the works for los angeles today...
This is all such garbage. We have major issues in this country and our politicians are worried about Howard Stern and indecency. Put the seven words back that you can't say on the public airways and let the public decide who is indecent.
In my eyes Rush Limbaugh is just as indecent and immoral as Howard Stern. Different genres, but both are offensive. I exercise my choice by turning the channel.
well said, Camille... welcome to A2k!
RP, I think I saw recently (ack, no link, no time to find one, sorry) that the FCC or maybe it was Congress was looking to up the max fine allowed per offense.
Well it looks like Stern may have been fined for something he said back in 2001 - still not sure exactly what yet. Sigh! The FCC are looking like a bunch of idiots grasping at straws - imagine fining someone for something they did 3-4 years ago! They are making the rules up as they go along. There is this and worse on any number of TV and radio shows out there. At least people know what to expect when they tune into Stern.
When all is said and done - I'll bet Janet never thought that she would be remembered for a boob and not her music!
I listen to Canadian radio when im in Maine or on the water. i dearly love some of the features. However, I miss the edginess that some of the US shock jocks bring. Canadian radio is the perfect example of controlled pc speech. You cant even say 'midget" on the CBC.
cmon, this whole thing is a trumped up piece of campaign year "appease your base'', nothing more. I think it will backfire on bush because howard can get his young fans riled up to do something they rarely do--vote. He had been a force in the Pataki and Whitman campaigns, The turn out by young voters was enormous in NY, and exit poles recounted that the majority of younger voters came out "cuz HOWARD TOLD ME"
Theres more really dumaSS, TRAILERPARK sex talk in Springer and oprah than on the Stern show, but theres no Xtian conservative movement after them.
If Hhoward loses, we lose in thhe long slide to complete censorship. john Stewart showed a picture of the FCCs handbook on his show yesterday, it was 1984.
I am thinking when the whipping boy is gone, who will they set their sights on next?
Stern is not getting much support in the industry and that's because people don't want to get burned by association. I understand that, but they should expect more censorship because when the FCC have achieved their goal, the strength of that power will incite them to blast every which way, picking off pieces that don't quite suit their palates.
Stern is yelling and blasting as much to save his own ass as to point out this important fact to everyone else. After he is gone, and counting his money coz he really doesn't have to work again, the door is wide open for freedom of speech to be trampled all over.
The closest thing we have in Canada to Stern is probably Mojo Radio, AM640 here in Tarana. Funny thing is, the station is owned by Corus, who also owns local station Q107FM among a gazillion other stations. Q107 syndicated Stern for some time in the morning until Corus bought them out. Who runs Corus? The man who once fired Stern from WNBC. Yet, Mojo Radio is basically Stern Lite plus hockey news...this was personal, and a lot of Toronto people miss getting his show locally. That Buffalo feed just doesn't always come in right.
One thing that grabs me: This sort of talk and behavior has been on the air for what? - thirty plus years? Suddenly someone's offended. Bullshit, plus all the words George Carlin says we aren't allowed to use.