Calling GanjaSnaKKKe GanjaSnaKKKe is prompted by GanjaSnaKKKe's habit of adding KKK to anything his narrow experience doesn't agree.
As for the GOP being the 'Party of White’ that contention isn't just mine. Granted the GOP trotted out token minorities during their convention but it quickly became apparent that the black delegate with the white baseball cap that the TV cameras focused on was always the same black man with the same white baseball cap. Geez, they weren’t even smart enough to give their token minority delegate several baseball caps.
Sad, that the Party of Lincoln, Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Reagan has become the Party of Maddox, Bob Jones, Jesse Helms, Ann Coulter, and Rush Limbaugh. I guess that was the result of the success of Nixon's Southern Plan--
Quote:By Harold Meyerson, The Washington Post
The Republican ticket may hail from Massachusetts and Wisconsin, but Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan head the most Southernized major U.S. political party since Jefferson Davis’s day. In its hostility toward minorities, exploitation of racism, antipathy toward government and suspicion of science, today’s Republican Party represents the worst traditions of the South’s dankest backwaters.
No other party in U.S. history has done such a 180. Founded as the party of the anti-slavery North and committed to deep governmental involvement in spurring the economy (land-grant colleges, the Homestead Act, the transcontinental railway), today’s GOP is the negation of Abraham Lincoln’s Republicans. It is almost entirely white — 92 percent, compared with just 58 percent of Democrats. It is disproportionately Southern — 49 percent of Republicans live in the South vs. 39 percent of Democrats.
In modern GOP, the old South returns