Craven de Kere wrote:Scrat wrote:
But can you differentiate for me between the volatile nature of market forces and the volatile nature of government regulations intended to act in the place of market forces?
Sure, "market forces" fluctuate more so than do laws. You'll have to do your own research on this if you dispute it, I'm familiar with your tendency to ask for large amounts of research and then ignore it if it doesn't support your position and I don't plan to fall for it (this time).
And I'm familiar with your tendency to attribute nefarious intentions where none are evident.
But if we can continue discussing the topic, and steer clear of the personal hostility (

), my point is to question the inference I took from your choice of words... that market forces are more likely to yield unintended and negative results than would be government regulations intended to solve the same problem. (If I've inferred wrongly, you are free to correct me at your leisure.) I disagree in the extreme with that assessment, but understand how one might reach it. I think the negative consequences of failures of market systems are generally fairly obvious and easily attributable to said failures. The negative consequences of failures of government regulations often are not so obvious, and are therefor easy to miss, or to deny even if you happen to notice they are happening.
Anyhow, that's what I see as being wrong with what I see as being your position. :wink: Please don't go to too much trouble in any response you may wish to offer, as I don't want to be held to account for any fatigue you may suffer as a result.