Just this evening Gus. Although....if you've been downing those mushrooms...hard to say what it is you see!
I see what I want to see, and, frankly, that's the image I have of you.
*fleees, skairt fer her life!*
That looks like it might be fun!
colorbook: *LOL* But also painful! Then again...what am I saying! *LMAO* (My Mom refers to mammograms as "the big squeeze". *grin*)
Guys'd just throw a little ky in that thing and be good to go....
Caprice, very funny!!! But let's see if we can do this without outside help, shall we? I know it's a tough question, but I think we can do it.
For my part, here is a partial list of things that I think most men would want in a woman.
1. An appreciation of the finer things in life. These include loud rock music, beer, and lesbians.
2. The good sense to be attracted to me even when I'm wearing my favorite multi-stained, ripped underwear with so many holes that it looks like fishnet.
3. Free-spiritedness. A woman who can dance with no inhibitions, and isn't afraid to do it naked.
4. Curves in all the right places
5. The consideration to refrain from asking non-sports related questions while I'm watching the playoffs, dammit!
6. Yankee season tickets
I'm sure I'll think up some more, but for now, that's a good start, I think.
This rapid-fire, multiple-post thing is most exhilarating.
littlek is proving to be a most formidable opponent!
kickycan wrote:2. The good sense to be attracted to me even when I'm wearing my favorite multi-stained, ripped underwear with so many holes that it looks like fishnet.
Good sense would ask the question, why bother wearing ANY undies if they have THAT many holes?
Be afraid littlek! VERY afraid! I'm just glad I'm not you right now....I would hate to be the one getting Gus all exhilarated!
Okay, maybe I was exaggerating about the holes. But Caprice, you still haven't answered the question. What do YOU want in a man?
Well...that's not an easy question...I thought I knew when I was younger...then I realized I didn't...then as I got older, I thought, again, I knew what I wanted...and recently I realized that I didn't....the best answer I can give is "I'll know him when I see him"...*L* I do know a few things I suppose...I want the ideal -- I want a soulmate...is there such a thing? I don't know, I hope for it though. And someone I am attracted to...that doesn't mean he has to be attractive in the broadest sense of appeal, because I've been attracted to guys that my friends have given me the "she likes HIM???" look. *heh* Uhmmm...non-smoker, confident without being arrogant...intelligent...be romantic but not mushy...and one whose sexual interests mesh with my own.
Probably not quite the answer you were looking for, but there it is!
You shoulda watched 20/20 tonight. They called it
Women, Sex and Satisfaction.
caprice wrote:Be afraid littlek! VERY afraid! I'm just glad I'm not you right now....I would hate to be the one getting Gus all exhilarated!

Gustavratzenhofer getting exhilarated?
Okay, I'm outta here........
Awhike back I read an article about setting down wants and don't wants for a fictious mate in your daytimer. This gal wrote down all the things she wanted in a guy in her daytimer rather than her journal. When she would meet a new guy, she'd put him through her "check list." Eventually, she met someone who hit 98% and married him. For many years I was under the illusion that most women wanted the same things in a man. Wrong!!Or at least what they say and do are two different things. The women I know sit around yakking about what they want in a guy and then change their minds when they meet someone who doesn't fart and belch at the same time. A check list might be a good idea, but you have to be honest about following through.
kickycan wrote:soserene wrote:kickycan wrote:Soserene, I'm not married. *a chorus of harps swell* Oh sweet mystery of life I've finally found you!
Uh, by the way, you don't have anything against living in a harem, do you?
The more the merrier lol
THIS is what men want

What...men want women to tell them things that they (the women) know will never happen in their lifetime? *heh*