You're still attempting to take individual sentences out of context.
For example, the statement 'we created a lot of millionaires', in the context of the whole speech means 'the American System / Society / Economy'...the speech is talking about inclusiveness, and co-operation, and the interconnectedness of society financially.
Quote:Yeah, there are a lot of hard working people out there, but why discount the hard work successful business owners have put into making a go of it?
He hasn't discounted hard working successful business owners - you only get this impression if you remove specific phrases from the context of the whole.
His overall context seems to be summarised in his line :
Quote:The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.
That concept crops up again and again throughout the speech.
You do notice that he acknowledges individual business owners initiative, executives initiative...in fact the initiative of any financially successful person? And then says - and without the systems in place (contributed to by many other people) this would not be possible. That is entirely true. It's an essential cornerstone of cities, and of advanced economies.
The point of him mentioning smart, and hard working people appears to be that there are plenty of smart people who aren't financially successful, just as there are many hard working people that aren't financially successful, so these qualities aren't what made you rich...he is right, other qualities also are needed for success (within the system), though I don't think that the point he was trying to convey.
Quote:Then, once a company succeeds and grows and gives back, Obama just wants more.
So this was a speech to increase tax against companies taxes? I thought it might have been. That would explain why the speech has generated the response it has...because people likely to be affected by such would be trying to pick any hole it the speech they can...so there is an emotional reason to take phrases in the speech out of context.
The speech is fine, and doesn't denigrate business owners contributions - it just mostly focuses on the fact that society provides the platform from which their initiative creates wealth for them - which is quite correct.
That doesn't necessarily = an automatic right to increase company tax, nor does it mean it shouldn't be adjusted.
The arguments for such are of a different nature.
It is right in saying that business owners should recognise the contribution of societies systems to their wealth, and provide support for those systems.
What is equitable support, and what is is sound support are what can be debated.