McGentrix wrote:
Obama - 'If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen'
I am actually a bit surprised to see a sitting President make a series of statements like this... Can you guys help me understand this statement because it's just not true at all. Having customers and employees does not make a business successful. Making a product that people want, thus becoming customers and hiring people to actualize your goals and further your business does not make it happen. It's the owner that makes a business successful. Somebody else does not "make it happen".
If that is the case, I would really, really like someone else to make my business successful. That way I don't have to do anything else but collect the money.
Any volunteers?
Obama likes the power and status of the presidency and so does Michelle. He really likes the adoration of The Faithful that laugh with joy and applaud madly at every inane comment he utters.
He is in a very tight race for the presidency and his opponent has to a large extent defined himself as business personified.
Since The Expected One will not and cannot run for re-election on his dismal record he has only one strategy left to him: Destroy his opponent. It's the very strategy his Campaign blithely announced very early on. (So much for changing the way Washington works!)
Combine Obama's inherent loathing for businessmen with his need to destroy Business personified and you get (and will continue to get) comments like these.
To the extent that he is concerned about being seen as inciting petty envy in the people he hopes will vote for him, he offers justification to the grasshoppers demanding that the ants give them their hard earned winter store: They were just as responsible, if not more responsible, for the businessman's success than the businessman himself (or herself - damn these sexist pronouns!).
It is a thinly veiled reinforcement of the notion that the rich are only rich because they misappropriated the wealth of those who are not rich. How else could they have amassed such wealth when no one person can be responsible for success?
The collective spirit of his
collective focused droogs, both on A2K and in the real world, are stirred by the resonance of his
collective rhetoric. Call it Marxist, or socialist or any of the numerous codes, like
social justice, that have replaced these verboten terms, it's all the same thing: A means to incite the worst in people in the guise of inspiring the best; in order to enable a small cadre of elites to hold incredible power.
Democracy and the American Constitution are such a drag on this goal and on getting things done (just ask Tom Friedman) and so we see the appointment of Czars and Executive Orders galore.
Republicans are not wielding the political power that the Framers invested in our system to make tyranny difficult, they are obstructing the "Will of the People" as The One defines it. Never mind that 50% or more of Americans don't agree with The One's policies.
If Obama has given us an Imperial Presidency in his first terms, just imagine what we can expect in a second; when he doesn't have to worry about a pesky re-election, and he has more
Every four years there is no shortage of people telling us that the country is doomed if so-and-so is elected to the presidency, and after Reagan not only proved my (irrationally youthful) fears of a cataclysm wrong, he turned those fears on their head, I took the regular predictions of doom with less than a grain of salt.
This time is different though. The concerns I had about Obama winning in 2008 have been vindicated. Those concerns weren't existential, but they were severe and he hasn't proven me wrong. My concerns over a second term are greater, because this guy is so narcissistic that he is capable of anything.
I expect his supporters to scoff at such fears and I don't blame them, but there is nothing about America that prohibits the rise of a tyrant. Hopefully there is a lot that prohibits their remaining in power, but if we have ever had the embryo of a tyrant in the White House, we do now.