Re: truth
micah wrote:JLNobody wrote:Thanks, Asherman, for a wonderfully concise overview of Buddhism.
yes, thank you asherman....even if it is all worthless, it WAS an overview..
Gods, please send a lightning bolt to this moron!
Re: truth
hobitbob wrote:micah wrote:JLNobody wrote:Thanks, Asherman, for a wonderfully concise overview of Buddhism.
yes, thank you asherman....even if it is all worthless, it WAS an overview..
Gods, please send a lightning bolt to this moron!
i believe personal attacks are against the user agreement....i know some Christians who have been banned lately for less from here...perhaps the mods just want to get rid of the Christians, so, maybe you WON'T get banned!
You believe? Seems to be the centre of your thought process. You might want to try a new one.
hobitbob wrote:You believe? Seems to be the centre of your thought process. You might want to try a new one.

wow...that was really funny....
don't wory, all Christian haters on this site are safe from being banned!
Asherman - I am suprised, your art does not seem reflective of a life steeped in Buddhism.
Hobitbob: maybbeess iff weeess ignnorrsseesss ittttss ittss willl go awayyysseeessss
It wasn't worthless to me- I found it interesting and helpful.
Asherman- if you dont mind answering- is this what you believe??
Absolutely. I've been a Buddhist probably longer than you've been alive. My wife, Natalie, and I were married by the highest ranking Soto Zen master in America almost 35 years ago.
I don't paint "Buddhist" pictures, just pictures constructed from what I've learned about painting over a long life.
Aherman, it was one of the most concise and clear explanations of Buddhism I've ever been priviledged to read.
I appreciate the apples, but lets see how you do on the mid-term.

Oh, fear not, I still disagree with you politically!
Intolerance is expected of the followers of Abraham, so we aren't much surprised. That family of religions has certainly done it's best to offend anyone whose religions is different. The missionary zeal that your faith has imposed on others has done little to endear it to the world. Conversion by the sword is more a quanitative difference than qualtitative.
On the other hand, you seem to believe that many of those here are intolerant of your particular brand of Abrahamic faith. I don't think that is so, at least on this site. I don't know who has been banned, nor do I much care. Generally, I remain silent unless for some reason my attention is drawn to something that I believe I can make a positive contribution to. On this thread, the question of what is "sin" and how can/should people mitigate what they regard as sins caught my eye and interest. My comments will be found above on page 9, I believe.
I do not push Buddhism, but stand ready to answer any questions on my religion that may be asked, or suggested. My background is relatively unique in the study of religions, especially oriental religion and philosophy. I enjoy sharing that knowledge, and try very hard not to be overly critical of other religions. With the Abrahamic family of faiths that is often difficult to do. To elevate irrational belief to a certainty offends the scientific and rational roots of my education. The notion that "sin" is disobedience seems to fly in the face of tolerance and open-minded consideration of the world.
You may personally be certain of the TRUTH of your beliefs, but is it really so difficult to accept that other people's hold their beliefs just as sincerly as you do? Why does it seem so hard to treat others with the respect that you demand for your own religous beliefs?
Lighten up.
Many, including my youngest son, disagree with my conservative political views. If Federalism was good enough for George Washington, then I believe that it remains a sound foundation for modern political thought. So far I've seen no reason to change my views, but I'm still open to those who can discuss the matter in a civilized manner.
Although you are certainly one of the most liberal conservatives I've ever ecountered!
hobitbob wrote:You believe? Seems to be the centre of your thought process. You might want to try a new one.

Are you trying to get us to swallow that you don't operate from what "you believe"?
My comment was a pun on Micah's tendency to rely on faith rather than reason for his weltanschaung.
hobitbob wrote:My comment was a pun on Micah's tendency to rely on faith rather than reason for his weltanschaung.
You can't even call a spade a spade. Your "pun" was nothing more than a sarcastic insult which appears to be what you are full of.
Faith and reason can walk hand in hand.
Another problem/ question I have for Asherman---- Did you raise your children Buddhist? You have been married about 6 yrs longer my birth. I now have a toddler. Growing up I feel that a large amount of my moral belief system was taught (spanked) to me (by mean old nuns). I am not sure how I will teach my child/ren ---------without the threat of gloom and doom god.--- Simply because of the way I learned.
beebo, whatever you do, don't take ashermans advice....Budhism excludes might as well 'double-dog dare' God to send you to hell....
as i've reasoned before, perhaps even some Budhists will make it into heaven on grounds of 'mental deficiencies' or maybe they didn't reach the age of accountability....
God has much mercy....