Forgiveness and repentance

Reply Tue 24 Feb, 2004 11:49 am
see....i told you...
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Reply Tue 24 Feb, 2004 11:50 am
hobitbob wrote:

BRW, did you previouosly post here as KJVtrue?

i have never posted here as anyone but myself
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Reply Tue 24 Feb, 2004 12:33 pm
mesquite wrote:
micah wrote:
one day....every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord....even you...

It will be a cold day... :wink:

Were you just guessing or are you a quick study?
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Reply Tue 24 Feb, 2004 12:54 pm
hobitbob wrote:
the father of our nation, George Washington was a Chrisitan (those that call him a deist at best know next to nothing about the man...)

Right, lets add American Colonial and Early National history to the list of courses Micah needs to at least audit. Rolling Eyes
BRW, did you previouosly post here as KJVtrue?

The key words here are: "...i's not worth the chance!"

We have here another person so frightened of the unknown that she is willing to pretend that all the babaric, superstitious nonsense in the Bible must be excused and rationalized.

She feels "sorry for people who don't have Heaven to count on!!!!"

She's wasting her time.

She ought to feel sorry for herself, for Micah, and for the others who live in dread of a monster god ready to torture people for all eternity if they don't properly kiss his ass.

These are sad folks. Not to be hated -- just pitied.

First of all, I'm not frightned of anything unknown. I've made it my life's qwest to learn "The Truth" and I know Him and there is nothing to fear or rationalize or babble and foam at the mouth about like Mr. Apisa. And I make no excuses whatsoever about my faith, My God or His Word. In fact, I don't know one Christian who lives in dread. Most of us spend alot of time concerned about people like you because I don't believe you'll be quite so eloquently sarcastic and full of bile when you meet your maker face to face and whether or not you believe me doesn't matter one iota because you WILL meet Him face to face and you will have to answer for every word you've spoken, every deed you've done and every thought you ever had in your cold, black miserible little heart.
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Reply Tue 24 Feb, 2004 01:12 pm
Er..who are you talking about? I never said those things, and I could wear a boastfully large codpiece with the best of them!
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Reply Tue 24 Feb, 2004 01:13 pm
The doctrine of the trinity was decided on by vote at Nicaea. This occurred three hundred years after Jesus' death. If you read the church fathers, you don't see trinitarian thought begin to appear until the middle of the second century. It is mostly thanks to Athanasius' feud with Eusebius that the issue came up.

I'm sorry but this is just funny!!!!! The "doctrine" of "the Trinity"....blah, blah, blah!
"In the beginning God created...." I really don't think They had to wait for "men" to vote them in!!!!
I'm so glad The Father loves us just the way we are because we are a joke as a creation that was made to commune with God and keep Him company. Spending time in here with you guys makes me very aware of how precious it is to be covered in the blood of Jesus Christ and how many times I fall so short.
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Reply Tue 24 Feb, 2004 01:21 pm
Dono wrote:

I'm sorry but this is just funny!!!!! The "doctrine" of "the Trinity"....blah, blah, blah!
"In the beginning God created...." I really don't think They had to wait for "men" to vote them in!!!!

If you mean the opening of Genesis, that was mostly pirated from the Enuma Elish while the Jews were subject to the Babylonians. If you eman the begining of John, then that was also quite controversial, and wasn't completely accepted into the canon until the later fourth century.
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Reply Tue 24 Feb, 2004 01:23 pm
hobitbob wrote:
Er..who are you talking about? I never said those things, and I could wear a boastfully large codpiece with the best of them!

ok...what does your crotch have to do with anything??????????

you know what they say about men who feel the need to mention their crotch size?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Feb, 2004 01:26 pm
Dono wrote:
f how precious it is to be covered in the blood of Jesus Christ and how many times I fall so short.

Ahhh, so you've read Brigitte of Sweden, maragaret of Cortona, Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe, Bonavetura, and some of the other later medieval female mystics! Good show! I'm quite fond of them! Do you see their fascination with the arma Christi as a product of their proximity to violence, or as a metaphor for the Christ as Mother, as Bynum says?
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Reply Tue 24 Feb, 2004 01:27 pm
micah wrote:
hobitbob wrote:
Er..who are you talking about? I never said those things, and I could wear a boastfully large codpiece with the best of them!

ok...what does your crotch have to do with anything??????????

you know what they say about men who feel the need to mention their crotch size?

I was referring to being called "her," oh yea of little..shoes! Wink
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 24 Feb, 2004 01:52 pm
Dono wrote:
hobitbob wrote:
the father of our nation, George Washington was a Chrisitan (those that call him a deist at best know next to nothing about the man...)

Right, lets add American Colonial and Early National history to the list of courses Micah needs to at least audit. Rolling Eyes
BRW, did you previouosly post here as KJVtrue?

The key words here are: "...i's not worth the chance!"

We have here another person so frightened of the unknown that she is willing to pretend that all the babaric, superstitious nonsense in the Bible must be excused and rationalized.

She feels "sorry for people who don't have Heaven to count on!!!!"

She's wasting her time.

She ought to feel sorry for herself, for Micah, and for the others who live in dread of a monster god ready to torture people for all eternity if they don't properly kiss his ass.

These are sad folks. Not to be hated -- just pitied.

First of all, I'm not frightned of anything unknown. I've made it my life's qwest to learn "The Truth" and I know Him and there is nothing to fear or rationalize or babble and foam at the mouth about like Mr. Apisa. And I make no excuses whatsoever about my faith, My God or His Word. In fact, I don't know one Christian who lives in dread. Most of us spend alot of time concerned about people like you because I don't believe you'll be quite so eloquently sarcastic and full of bile when you meet your maker face to face and whether or not you believe me doesn't matter one iota because you WILL meet Him face to face and you will have to answer for every word you've spoken, every deed you've done and every thought you ever had in your cold, black miserible little heart.

Ohhhh....my, my, my. How very unChristian like of you.

You are terrified of your god, Dono, and you goddam well better be if you believe in that pathetic, barbaric, cartoon god described in the Bible.

I doubt seriously if you could even convince your subconscious that you are not in dread of that monster -- so you ought not really even try to convince us of that.

But if you want to pretend that your terror is love -- do so. I'm sure that pretence makes the hypocrisy bearable.

I remember in the days leading up to the war in Iraq -- all the many Iraqis shown on television kissing pictures of Saddam Hussein and shouting to the world how much they "loved" him.

The didn't love Saddam -- they were in mortal dread of him.

And you folks don't love this god -- because your god makes Saddam look like an angel. And unlike Saddam, your god is always looking over your shoulder waiting for you to make a mistake.

Sorry you are so angry that I pity you, Dono -- but pity you I do.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Feb, 2004 04:09 pm
Ohhhh....my, my, my. How very unChristian like of you.

You are terrified of your god, Dono, and you goddam well better be if you believe in that pathetic, barbaric, cartoon god described in the Bible.

I doubt seriously if you could even convince your subconscious that you are not in dread of that monster -- so you ought not really even try to convince us of that.

But if you want to pretend that your terror is love -- do so. I'm sure that pretence makes the hypocrisy bearable.

I remember in the days leading up to the war in Iraq -- all the many Iraqis shown on television kissing pictures of Saddam Hussein and shouting to the world how much they "loved" him.

The didn't love Saddam -- they were in mortal dread of him.

And you folks don't love this god -- because your god makes Saddam look like an angel. And unlike Saddam, your god is always looking over your shoulder waiting for you to make a mistake.

Sorry you are so angry that I pity you, Dono -- but pity you I do.

To acknowledge what you do not know - is a display of strength. To pretend you know what you truly don't - is a display of weakness.

Frank, you are no judge of what's Christian or unChristian. It's only your over inflated ego and your own fears that continually feed your oral flatulence. What happened to you, Frankie? Did the nuns slap your little fingers one time too many? Was your daddy a preacher and you couldn't deal with the preassure of being a "PK"? Were you a deacon in a big lovely church and you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar and couldn't handle the humiliation? Most people aren't born God-haters, they're turned into God-haters by all kinds of misfortunate happenings. Do you hate Americans too? Are you just filled with hate and rage? What was it that mean old monster, God, did to you? You make it crystal clear that you know He exits. How else could you hate him so much? And hipocrasy?!?!?! I don't make any claims of being a perfect Christian, just a forgiven one who has the lattitude to make mistakes and still be forgiven. Funny you should bring up the war in Iraq. I wonder what a shrink would make of that? I'm not angry that you pity me, I could care less what you think. It's more likely however, that you are projecting your pity because you can't tolerate feeling sorry for yourself. I bet you're a woman hater, too. Huh? As a woman, an educated woman, I believe you're just trying to make up for all those inadequecies. Shall we go into those? And as much as you hate hearing it, GOD IS YOUR ONLY HOPE!
Ps. Even your own signature is too telling! Better try hiding those weaknesses a little better!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Feb, 2004 04:16 pm
hobitbob wrote:
Dono wrote:
f how precious it is to be covered in the blood of Jesus Christ and how many times I fall so short.

Ahhh, so you've read Brigitte of Sweden, maragaret of Cortona, Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe, Bonavetura, and some of the other later medieval female mystics! Good show! I'm quite fond of them! Do you see their fascination with the arma Christi as a product of their proximity to violence, or as a metaphor for the Christ as Mother, as Bynum says?

Hello?!?!?! Is there a body or a personality attached to this smear of white matter?
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Reply Tue 24 Feb, 2004 04:17 pm
Dono, why don't you try sdiscussing the issues Frank brought up instead of indulging in ad hominems?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Feb, 2004 04:19 pm
Dono wrote:
hobitbob wrote:
Dono wrote:
f how precious it is to be covered in the blood of Jesus Christ and how many times I fall so short.

Ahhh, so you've read Brigitte of Sweden, maragaret of Cortona, Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe, Bonavetura, and some of the other later medieval female mystics! Good show! I'm quite fond of them! Do you see their fascination with the arma Christi as a product of their proximity to violence, or as a metaphor for the Christ as Mother, as Bynum says?

Hello?!?!?! Is there a body or a personality attached to this smear of white matter?

So you haven't read them. Sad They all experienced mysitcal "union" with the Christos and usually experienced sensations of bathing and drinking the blood of Christ. Interesting women. BTW, have you even a secondary school education?
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 24 Feb, 2004 04:23 pm
Dono wrote:
Ohhhh....my, my, my. How very unChristian like of you.

You are terrified of your god, Dono, and you goddam well better be if you believe in that pathetic, barbaric, cartoon god described in the Bible.

I doubt seriously if you could even convince your subconscious that you are not in dread of that monster -- so you ought not really even try to convince us of that.

But if you want to pretend that your terror is love -- do so. I'm sure that pretence makes the hypocrisy bearable.

I remember in the days leading up to the war in Iraq -- all the many Iraqis shown on television kissing pictures of Saddam Hussein and shouting to the world how much they "loved" him.

The didn't love Saddam -- they were in mortal dread of him.

And you folks don't love this god -- because your god makes Saddam look like an angel. And unlike Saddam, your god is always looking over your shoulder waiting for you to make a mistake.

Sorry you are so angry that I pity you, Dono -- but pity you I do.

To acknowledge what you do not know - is a display of strength. To pretend you know what you truly don't - is a display of weakness.

Frank, you are no judge of what's Christian or unChristian. It's only your over inflated ego and your own fears that continually feed your oral flatulence. What happened to you, Frankie? Did the nuns slap your little fingers one time too many? Was your daddy a preacher and you couldn't deal with the preassure of being a "PK"? Were you a deacon in a big lovely church and you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar and couldn't handle the humiliation? Most people aren't born God-haters, they're turned into God-haters by all kinds of misfortunate happenings. Do you hate Americans too? Are you just filled with hate and rage? What was it that mean old monster, God, did to you? You make it crystal clear that you know He exits. How else could you hate him so much? And hipocrasy?!?!?! I don't make any claims of being a perfect Christian, just a forgiven one who has the lattitude to make mistakes and still be forgiven. Funny you should bring up the war in Iraq. I wonder what a shrink would make of that? I'm not angry that you pity me, I could care less what you think. It's more likely however, that you are projecting your pity because you can't tolerate feeling sorry for yourself. I bet you're a woman hater, too. Huh? As a woman, an educated woman, I believe you're just trying to make up for all those inadequecies. Shall we go into those? And as much as you hate hearing it, GOD IS YOUR ONLY HOPE!
Ps. Even your own signature is too telling! Better try hiding those weaknesses a little better!

You are out of control, my friend.

And you are doing more harm to your religion than I could do if I chose to do so.

Grow up.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Feb, 2004 04:24 pm
hobitbob wrote:
Dono, why don't you try sdiscussing the issues Frank brought up instead of indulging in ad hominems?

Frank brought up no issues that warrant discussion. Frank is a spicket for foul bitterness and hatred that multiplies every time he opens his pie hole! An intellectual discussion with Frank would be similar to trying to escape a "black hole".
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Reply Tue 24 Feb, 2004 04:29 pm
Should we start a pool on whether or not Dono lasts out the week? Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Feb, 2004 04:34 pm
You are out of control, my friend.

And you are doing more harm to your religion than I could do if I chose to do so.

Grow up.

That's kind of like the pot calling the kettle black. And I'm certainly not your friend.

How gentlemanly of you to now be so concerned that I'm harming my relgion.

Go chase a smaller rabbit, Frankie!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Feb, 2004 04:37 pm
So nice to see the love abd kindness at the heart of Christian dogma overshadowed by the spite, vitriol and hate of the Christians. Confused
0 Replies

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