i think that Lott will maintian his power in the Senate, the White House will offer that he as apologized-dead issue-a few in both houses of Congress will complain-the Republican Party will have retained their (conservative)base in the south and nothing will have changed.
Perhaps this was suppose to be a roast of Strom and Trent was the one who ended up roasted.
To me Lott's words are a betrayal of a mindset steadily eroding right out from under us the social and economic progress of the past 60 years. We are almost full circle to the days of Herbert Hoover.
I think you will prove to be correct in your analysis unfortunately---Trent Lott epitomizes what is wrong with politics today---He has been in office too long, is not very bright and is a pig headed obstructionist on the same order of Daschle. I consider myself more aligned with the moderates of both sides and have always believed Lott to be an old style politician who does not have our best interests anywhere in his agenda.
I would carry Perception's statement further, saying, for my part, that the majority of politicians do not have the best interests of the American people in their agendae. I think that, by and large, each member of Congress has at heart the interest of those in their constituencies who are most likely to make contributions to their political war chests. When Nixon, basically a moderate, coined the term "silent majority," he was appealling (successfully) to the conservative Republican voters. But the days when a moderate Republican can weild significant influence are gone now, i believe--sadly, it may be some time before this changes.
Is the Drive to Replace Trent Lott as the Next Majority Leader Coming from the White House?
Is BuzzFlash crazy? Hardly.
Linda Chavez, Cal Thomas, Kathleen Parker, Thomas Sowell and Charles Krauthammer (go to
www.townhall.com and look in the columnists section) are among the right wing columnists calling for Lott not to serve as majority leader. When right wing columnists start writing in unison for a Republican to step down, you know that Karl Rove has got a knife in the guy's back. As we know, the right wing media machine defends any member of the Grand Hypocrisy Party -- for whatever transgression -- in a knee-jerk fashion. They would even make up excuses if Dick Cheney were found in bed with "a dead woman or a live boy," as the saying goes.
Isn't this what happens when politicians become entrenched in their positions and instead of serving the country and the citizens, they become more weighted down by private interests and their own burgeoning ego? This is a symptom that's been displayed when they get too big for their britches and think they can say anything and get a pass. Two term limits on Senators and Congressional members is looking really good.
The Shrub made a point of speaking out against Lott's remarks this afternoon, just heard it on the radio news about 30 minutes ago--too good to be true, but, then, the Shrub has started sweatin' bullets about his reelection prospects. Wall Street did not jump up and down over this new "economic team," and it has become apparent to him (why is he always the last to know?) that his Iraqi war plan is not exactly a hit with the people. Cynic that i am, i think this is the only reason that a "dump Lott" campaign is being cranked up . . .
Friedman certainly doesn't believe tax cuts to be the panacea for the economy as the administration believes.
Such a move would have to made by constitutional amendment, though. Some states might not pass the legislation, and the seniority system would assure those states a disproportionate influence by elevating their long-term Congressmen/women to positions of power. It will only work if all states make the move, or by constitutional amendment. There is, of course, the precedent of presidential term limits.
Here, pass around the pitstachios, an' lets see who'll go out for beer and sodas . . .
Setanta- Lotsa beer, keep it coming!
Once they become enthralled with crony politics and can no longer think creatively, they are as predictable as an old LP with scratch in it, playing the same music over and over. It's no wonder that some are lead to believe that Lott still has a freshly dry cleaned white sheet hanging in his closet.
Beer here! Hope Pabst is all right; I'm feeling like a poor local today.
Though really only surprised, of course, that Lott said it where it'd be picked up. It does nothing to change what I think of the man.
One thing that I love about not being tied to one party or another is that I can see the idiocy in all of them!
"here, here!" or is it "hear, hear!"