Thanks. That crossed my mind that it might be about the park. I have had some issues re that with the Occupy thing, which I'm mostly for, but don't like long time campouts, having been somewhat involved in park design. (I was busy arguing with myself about that.) And it reads to me like it wasn't about food safety. Seems to me there could be coordination with city agencies if they would/could work together. Maybe the park has had a sudden increase of attraction and is getting more dangerous? But they've been doing this awhile.
Or they could maybe work through already established brick and mortar 'homeless' food service places; but they have their own mission. Maybe they could get donations to open a mission place, but that's expensive and also brings protests of its own. I want them to be able to distribute food in that park but think it should be monitored. (today's opinion)
edit - I had a "client", who ran a food distribution center, that I did a freeb yard design for, referred by an architect pal who used to design tiny shelters and much else, and he got me into some other fb design work for good cause. Not to pat my own shoulder but to say there may be a network out there of helping types that can help them work things out.