Well rabbits aren't scared of cats, they can run faster trust me

Foxes and those other creates you have maybe:)
I finks the rabbit moved on.
You are so like me, no animal I own, apart from Missy , has not turned up on my doorstep
I've told you? 16 and a half.. walk her outside to let her do a wee. Special food, $11 a week
Hush puppy, 9 Cancer in remission but %4k later. Special food must make twice a week.
Husky -Diabetic after 8 years - injection 6.30 night and day, $100 a month, must make special food twice a week.
Point I am trying to make is you two are young, marriage fresh, want to get away, make sure someone can, look after all of this.
We thought for instance my fiances dad, been here, left the door open dog could kill rabbit yeah na.
And the rules of your life? OMG 630am? Hell yeah she is worth it