No, they're all valid points...
My parents had a holiday home by the river. I hit a rabbit with my car once, driving on the dirt track... Kind of sooked all the way home... after picking him up and putting him on the side..
I have ducks over yonder from my house, we all feed them bread, little fatsos

But, I've never heard of a rabbit being fed bread?
I get ya with dogs. Apparently spinach is bad for them too.. I hate "dog food" I cook for mine.. One of mine is a diabetic, and David's (fiance) has just been diagnosed with Cancer, we are giving him Chemo and so far, he's doing great. Both have to have different meals. Bah.
So one gets pasta, kidney beans, lean meat, carrots and broccoli, 1 sardine with oil and an egg, yes Sir. The other gets, brown rice, kidney beans, lean meat, wait a minute, basically replaced the pasta with brown rice.. Apparently pasta is no good for dogs on Chemo... The recipe basically gives them carbs, protein and veg.. Pain in the neck, but strangly would cost the same as canned carp over 7 days.
I always say, have a pet? Look after it. It gets sick? Take responsibility or don't own any .
My vent over