JC, Now this is fat

The flowers you have there by the little bunny, are impatients? Apparently, that is one plant that they do not eat.
Jet, knows of certain plants that I refuse for him to touch, apparently you can't yell at them, they don't get it like dogs do

But, I do firmly say no and then give him parsley or celery leaves, corriander, spinach, something away from that particular plant and he eats that instead. They otherwise, from what I am learning grrrrr, like flowers... Sour sobs are not good for them, ya be weeding more now I hope
Quite impressed with Mr Jet, he comes out of his cage and runs for a barrel I have with kitty litter in it, lols. Not one dropping throughout the garden, and he tries not to go in his kitty litter tray in his cage at night...
Wabbits are cute, glad you are feeding him but now he will definately always hang around you lols.