Sorry Bill. Unless you are a warlock and / or can read tarot cards how the frig do you know?
And, let's face it.. There is such a thing as mid-life crisis where you men "ACT" like teenagers, mind you once we've hit 30+ I digress, we women get it and want to be 20 again for the rest of our lives...
Ragman makes good points but I think that you, bosslady
Already know of those, it's good for them to be reuterated however.
The only question you have to ask yourself, as you have decided to run with it, is for how long? And, if it's "forever", will you feel like you are not good enough? Will it destroy your self-esteme.. You are going to have to be one hell of a tough woman and take it day by day.
I also understand blocking things out doesn't mean that it's totally blocked out and at any stage of our lives, it can come to the surfice.
I'd suggest if he really wants to know if anything happened to him as a child, given he is now 50, that he try hypnotherapy..
I also feel sad that you "found out" and then he was honest.. This is why I wrote you will have to set boundries.. Do not let him take advantage of the situation, your love, trust.. Because he did break that trust by telling you after the fact.