farmerman wrote:
Since I am rarely ever in danger of losing my car or truck, I keep the cell phone in a vehicle. NOONE needs constant cintact. When I hd a surveyor working for me on a claims project in N North Carolina, the sumbitch was always checking his screen or taking idiotic calls. He fucked up one of my claims marks and I asked him if I could borrow his phone. He gave me his phone and I flung that sucker about half a mile into creek. I told him to put the preplacement on his contract cause he was already late with my maps.
Fuckin people who are sutured to their phones need to get a real life. Every phone has a message board that you can inspect when your eating lunch or otherwise on a coffee break .
I will not be on the receiving end of half of someones attention.
Great story. I have wanted to do that to a number of people.
If you keep it in your vehicle, could the heat of the summer harm it?
The last sentence that I highlighted and enlarged....oh yeah.
Re not just cell phone, but land lines, I think call waiting is the ABSOLUTE rudest function a phone can have.
Unless you're on the top of the list for an organ donation there are few reasons why I think you need call waiting.
All it does is tell the person you're talking to that any random call that is coming in is more important than them.
I don't care if it's your kid, or your boss or whoever. They can call back.
If you're that worried it's your child having some disaster, put them in a protective bubble where you can keep them secure 24/7.
If you're expecting a call, and someone else calls first, explain to them your situation, and you'll call them back when you're free.