Can life have meaning if your dreams are unattainable?

Mon 8 Oct, 2012 01:18 pm
Your over-generalized beliefs about women are reflective of your personality problems, they are simply one indication of a thought process that is illogical, rigid, stereotypical, and not fully connected to reality. And you have no insight into any of this. It's not the content of what you think about women that is problematic, it is the way you think, deduce, and interpret information that reveals a disorder.

You know quite well you are emotionally disturbed. You are chronically depressed, with suicidal ideation, drink excessively, and show no indication you can function successfully and adequately in any interpersonal relationships--not with women, not with therapists, and not even with other posters in this thread.

It was quite revealing that you chose to present yourself in this thread as someone who was suddenly orphaned at the age of 12 because that fit in with the image of yourself that you wanted to present. The only problem with that was that it was a lie. Your mother didn't die when you were 12, so that was quite a whopper of a lie, and I think people have to be careful about taking anything you say at face value because you play fast and loose with the truth as a way of manipulating others.

You very clearly had a disturbed relationship with your mother which is likely the genesis of your problems with women in general. And you began displaying general difficulties in your functioning at least as far back as mid-adolescence, and probably before that time as well. Your mechanisms for handling anxiety are poor, you are filled with anger and resentment, you either idealize or devalue whoever you get involved with, often shifting rapidly between the two, you are not fully anchored in reality, you are at the mercy of your own unstable moods, and your sense of self in relationship to others is poor, leaving you with a self-image that is largely dependent on external factors rather than a developed internal core, and you are considerably more caught up in fantasy activity than you are with the actual process of living and relating to others.

All of that has been quite clear in this thread. I'm not a mind reader, you've actually revealed all of these things, and the fact that you often post when you're quite intoxicated, and less guarded, just makes your pathology all the more obvious . In vino veritas, MichaelJ. Listening to you in this thread is like watching a ship being buffeted on the ocean during a storm, with no one at the helm. You're not in control of yourself, not by a long shot, and if you can't control yourself, any relationship you enter into will be doomed. And, if you can't satisfy your basic needs, you have nothing to give in a relationship, and you will suck the life out of anyone you might get involved with because your unsatisfied neediness is quite overwhelming.

I'm not trying to name call, I am trying to help you, and I think that's been clear throughout this thread.

Your "philosophizing" is a load of crap. It's a smokescreen you throw up so you don't have to face and deal with the truth about yourself. At the moment you're superficially fixated on "women" but all you're really talking about are your own feelings of inadequacy, all of which become painfully exposed in the very few actual relationships you've managed to have with women. You can rationalize and deny from now until doomsday and it won't change a thing--your problems do not stem from other people, they are within you and they reflect your difficulties coping with life and the demands of interpersonal relationships.

It doesn't personally matter to me at all whether you have the insight and motivation to get yourself the psychiatric/psychological help you need. It's your life and welfare that's at stake not mine, and I don't think you're going to have much of a life the way you're headed. You've been miserable in the past and you're going to go on being miserable until you make some real effort to straighten yourself out. Having money won't change a damn thing for you, you're going to go on feeling inadequate because you really are inadequate, and you know that, and because you don't value yourself, you will never believe that anyone else can really care for you, and you will drive others away and then be convinced you were right about that too. You create self-fulfilling prophesies and failed relationships because you have no ability to be involved in mature, close relationships, your infantile needs prevent you from even understanding what a mature relationship is like, or how it's maintained.

When it comes to relationships you are absolutely clueless. All you know is that you need another person to feed you emotionally, on a rather primitive level, and it doesn't go much beyond that. And you'll engage in all sorts of manipulations to get that feeding, which is what you've done in this thread. You're the poor suffering victim, orphaned and deprived of a father, a tragic figure who will never see his dreams materialize, mistreated by the only two women he has been involved with, unable to find stability or meaning in his life, with nothing to look forward to or live for, so suicide is the only real solution, blah, blah, blah. All designed to get you sympathy, and concern, and attention, and feeding from others. But, once you get the attention, you tell them they are all wrong, only you see things correctly, only you are right, which reveals the nonsensical, and rather pointless, baiting games you play with other people.

You're not seeking help here, MichaelJ. There is nothing sincere about you. You simply want an audience. You want attention. You want to whine and avoid looking at yourself, and you have no capacity to move beyond that. And you're the one who has to live with that.

cicerone imposter
Mon 8 Oct, 2012 02:16 pm
Good post, and I agree.
0 Replies
Tue 9 Oct, 2012 12:57 am
women is a representation of smthg true for smthg else, also men is the same idea, so u must know the condition represented instead of keepin focusin on describin women or relations to as a fact existing without defining what that is in truth

if u mean that women are the mother fact, but a lot of women are not mothers and never will, so no women are not mothers

what is the idea behind women figures

the idea is simple, the freedom sense from knowin that u r not ur being, so the freedom from knowin that self is free bc existence is real absolute infinity

what is the idea behind men figures

it is the idea that freedom sense is bc truth is free, so freedom move is possible in pointin objective absolute existence being a fact

so women are free from pointin existence by being relative of down
and men are free from pointin existence by being relative out of it up

the idea of women and men relations together, is how freedom is same so an absolute fact without the possible absolute verifications but if they are honest they will admit it and sort out smthg as same about individual freedom realisations and freedom rights

ur issue so humans issue as it is represented now to what i suggest being the least of logics that u r not

the issue is that u seem exclusively of relyin upon else strength to mean ur freedom, which is totally absurd n u insist upon as knowin consciously or unconsciously that existence after all is a lie just possible creations from possible truth abuse or knowledge abuse to get a living sense of being free individually, which is more absurd to insist on being that permanently even with eyes wide open ur mouth wont scream sensible words but in those terms as askin for ur rights in there, horrible scenes from normal free standard sense

so this is ur issue, women holdin to existence facts for what their freedom bein is proportionnally correlated to, the more they are positive condition the more they sound free which is absurd
same for men, they hold on nothing but existence sources to believe totally themselves as true, so the more they are what their move reach to b in inventin ways out of existence logics, the more they will state being themselves free still existing which is totally absurd too

objective truth is objective superiority then truth is superiority
so by definition what holds smthg is never true

so which show that ultimately truth is not any but everything must b true

so the every is true but not the any, which again confirm truth being superiority that become objective bc it doesnt stand still since superior always constant superiority

the metaphysical issue of evil life is from what superiority dont protect the back so the past could become possessed and takin advantage of to pretend existing superior

that is why my guess is what smthg will come out of back what never moved while it is there from always to protect the back which is also true, evolvin in superior terms from meanin objective truth rights

the answer could come from there, the answer to absolute evil life that u n ur gods are happy with

Tue 9 Oct, 2012 04:59 am

best answer yet

0 Replies
Tue 9 Oct, 2012 06:22 am
Firefly one wonder after reading your skills in taking this gentleman apart that you do not used that same skills when looking at yourself.

Mirror mirror on the wall...............................
Tue 9 Oct, 2012 02:03 pm
You'll probably find that most that can reply as Firefly has, do look in the mirror. That said the mirror viewed by any given person is a difficult mirror to look into - not necessarily because it is uncomfortable (though for many it is uncomfortable), but because all of our mirrors are filtered and warped and often non-reflective to a good degree.

As a partial example - If you ever try practising for a public speech on video (use your webcam if it has HD) - you'll start to see some things you would never otherwise have known.
Tue 9 Oct, 2012 02:56 pm
The feud between BillRM and FF has been going on a long time. He stalks her on A2K. He's quite a repulsive individual who posts handy hints about how to get hold of child porography without tipping off the authorities. I'm not kidding.
Tue 9 Oct, 2012 03:13 pm
when superiority is the truth then any else is superior too even a thing as long as it is an objective perspective as else not related to itself being

u see mirrors and u mean it bc u cant deal with that true fact, u can only mean to conceive ur own objective superiority but always then by considerin all inferiority as objective useful fact to ur mean
that is why u seek always to justify what u appear doin by where u r better, n if someone tells u that u r not better there then u would focus on provin to him or her how its inferior fact is obvious from the begining so where u started is right u r superior there

there is no mirrors if u deal with else superiority it is then either u as true so back alone still right peaceful source or u as superior objective reality shared at least by others there but belonging to true free superiority existing present sense objectively that are not u nor related to u, so u can perceive clearly out and b for its true value right in being true urself right
0 Replies
Tue 9 Oct, 2012 03:50 pm
He stalks her on A2K. He's quite a repulsive individual who posts handy hints about how to get hold of child porography without tipping off the authorities. I'm not kidding.

Yes you are izzy.................. Drunk
0 Replies
Sun 14 Oct, 2012 10:37 pm
Well I've been a busy boy lately. But that's good for you firefly. It gave you a chance to really feel good about putting me in my place in my absence right? Feel good?

Because the thing is firefly, being right is EVERYTHING to you my dear. It is oh so important for you to tell off men like me. It gives you some weird power trip. Because you're either a wannabe psychologist, or else a psychologist who doesn't practice anymore and needs these forums to feel good about herself. If the latter is true, what did you do that you're not practicing anymore? Did you perhaps let your OBVIOUS distaste for men compromise your ethical principles as a therapist???

Because if one thing is shatteringly obvious, it's that you, firefly have just as much contempt for men as I have for women. It absolutely KILLS you when a man can argue you down, or if a man has something to say that you don't agree with. You absolutely must discredit that man ...because if you can't then that has to mean that you don't have control. You're a control freak, particularly when men are involved. Why is that? Were you abused or assaulted at some point during your formative years perhaps? And now you're over compensating for that lack of control in the presence of men by waging a personal war against any man that dare contradict you? Or could it have something to do with your own deep seated insecurities? Are you perhaps an overly unattractive or overweight woman, and this lashing out at men is your way of compensating for your own perceived deficiencies?

At any rate, it's obvious ...you hate men.

But what I think is much worse is how you present yourself. You try to pass your posts off as being "helpful" advice or something of that nature. You present yourself as being an altruistic person, when in fact your motivations are nothing of the sort. You could care less if anything said helps me with my mental "problems". You just have to put men (in this case me) in their place. It is so, so very important to you. Well, how about being upfront about that, maybe even looking inward and recognizing it's a problem for you, and then addressing it? Because you see firefly, I may be a lot of things ...but at least I'm upfront about them. When I post here, it's to blow off steam. My posts ARE transparent. I don't make any grand efforts to conceal my true nature. All I'm doing is writing out my thoughts in an effort to try to stop them from swimming around in my head. I'm trying to better understand my own self. I don't try to pass myself off as some all knowing, compassionate pseudo-super psychologist who loves everybody and has no need whatsoever for further self knowledge.

As far as me lying about my mother goes ...look at what happened when I was forthright about it. You have now hung the vast majority of my problems around her head. That's exactly why I didn't disclose that information at first! The mother (or sometimes father) figure is such an easy scapegoat for all life's problems. That's EXACTLY what I didn't want people to assume about me. And you've made plenty of assumptions about me in your most recent post that simply aren't true, but they don't even deserve to be addressed. The fact of the matter is that my relationship with my mother is only ONE piece of the woman puzzle. To lay all blame on her is to discredit everything that happened after, and that's just not an accurate portrait of what has caused my attitudes towards women. My fiancé, much more than anyone else influenced what I believe to be true in my own mind about women. ...But again you will somehow twist this self report, claiming me to be unreliable. And as far as me lying by presenting myself as an orphan goes, my mother simply wasn't around while my sister and I were growing up. We might as well have been orphans, it was practically the same thing. You have no idea how much we struggled, and how much work I put into raising that woman. We were the responsible ones. Don't ever again speak about my childhood like you know a damn thing about what I've gone through.

Now then, a good chunk of the time since I wrote last has been spent with my new lady friend, and all it's been doing is further confirming my beliefs and attitudes about women. I won't bore you with details, all I will say is that the worse I treat her the more she professes her love for me. And yes, she's already told me she loves me... I have not reciprocated.

I don't see how you can argue my findings, when they are in FACT supported by the behavior in the animal kingdom. We are all mammals after all, are we not? Women WANT and NEED to be dominated by men. It is just FACT.

There was a story in yesterday's local newspaper here about the coach of the football team for the biggest local college. Now this man makes well over three million dollars per year. He's 56 years old, bald, overweight, and not what most people would consider a physically attractive man. Now I'm just reporting objective facts about him, it's the truth. The story is about how he got engaged to a sort of local celebrity (news anchor); a very attractive, 29 year old woman. Now do you really expect me to believe that this woman, who could probably have her pick of any number of eligible men in the area is really, GENUINELY attracted to a physically unattractive man almost TWICE her age, and that it has absolutely nothing to do with money??? REALLY??? ...REALLY??? Of course the accompanying picture showed her wearing an absolutely HUGE diamond ring on her finger ...which also leads to another question I can't ever seem to get answered satisfactorily... Why is it that when a man and woman get married, it's the man's responsibility to fork up the bill for this expensive ring??? What does the man get in return?? Monetarily wise?? It's simply unequal!!

Women (not EVERY single one of them, but in general) disgust me with their behaviors. They absolutely lust after money. Now I've never been much of a person who believes in karma, but I have to say it's very satisfying to know that Mary was a gold digger, and AFTER she left me for what was ostensibly that reason, I then came into money and am now more financially sound than the man she was cheating on me with. It's sort of a justice. I guess you could call it that.

I think that ultimately I'm being far TOO honest in this thread. But just because I am and I'm making good points is no reason for people to attack me, or for those people to assume I'm attacking them. I'm just exposing an ugly truth of life.

As JLNobody pointed out " I suspect that we chastise him--rightly so--in good part to convince ourselves of the error of his view."
Sun 14 Oct, 2012 11:00 pm
firefly have just as much contempt for men as I have for women. It

Add fear and hate to the contempt and you about cover it.

In any case what is behind the evilness that go by the label of Firefly is not known.

Her attempts to take you apart by using psychobabble is something new however and kind of telling.

She does in any case have something to hide as unlike almost everyone else she had share zero information about herself so as far as we know she could be a demon with internet access posting from the lower levels of hell.

She also have the charming habit of using any bit of informations any one had share on this website as a weapon to attack that person so you are not the first in that regard.

The demon posting from hell theory is one of my favorites theories concerning her.
Sun 14 Oct, 2012 11:06 pm
Oh, I've taken note of how firefly shares absolutely nothing personal yet uses other's personal tidbits to attack...it IS quite revealing as to her nature.

However I will say this BillRM, I sincerely hope you are not a pedophile (and I haven't read ANY posts other than the ones in this thread so I won't judge), because I find that kind of thinking to be an abomination...
Sun 14 Oct, 2012 11:16 pm
I sincerely hope you are not a pedophile

I am a pedophile for daring to agree with 70 percents of Federal judges that the federal punishment for CP trading in the US is way too harsh and as Firefly love it when anyone get decades in prison for any misdeed therefore I am a pedophile.

The objects of my sexual desires tend to have very large boobs and those you do not find in young children.

I am also a drunk and a drunk driver for agreeing with the founder of MADD that a BAC of .08 is too low a standard for drunk driving.

It just her charming self that you will get to know and not love in more details if you keep on this system.

Sun 14 Oct, 2012 11:30 pm
yes, you have firefly's number....except I believe that she hates all humans.

ya know, you talk like de Sade. can we expect you to try to get Mary back, with the aim of tormenting her?
Sun 14 Oct, 2012 11:31 pm
Well, I'm not going to delve into this subject further.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt because I don't frequent this site. I only occasionally post on this thread, and this thread only. That's another thing firefly gives me ZERO credit for.

I don't know your whole story but I will say that I DO think that women are too promiscuous too early in their adolescence, but that is also due to the fact that women are viewed as more desirable than men (sexually speaking as a whole), which further speaks to my case... Women exploit this. If I had as many options available to me at a young age when I was in my prime, I'd have had far more excursions. However the deck is FAR stacked in favor of women... This is obviously unfair...
Sun 14 Oct, 2012 11:35 pm
"ya know, you talk like de Sade. can we expect you to try to get Mary back, with the aim of tormenting her?"

Hahahahahaha! Oh dear lord no! I don't want that used up thing back, even for a moment of torment! Hahaha!

I'm just taking a bit of pleasure in knowing that she knows now that she missed the boat! Smile
0 Replies
Mon 15 Oct, 2012 01:35 am
one is always opportunist, right existence is who respect being relative to objective superiority, that if superiority doesnt exist firsst, so true principle values that allow a stable present always nothing could ever exist

so since all is one then u r all opportunists that is why genders exist

women are opportunist steppin on freedom conception as a result of objective superiority to force her right to live as she wants comfortably in the sense to increase its wealth and contentments, n to confirm that will women are ones that would never mean objective superiority or absolute values and if as it happen now some women had to say a word about it this is principally for her relative situation n never for objective values rights

in principal principles are what exist first, then what i am sayin cant b all relative to genders conditions of now but when only absolute exist then all women what they are doin clearly is that

men are worse, they are the opportunist steppin on objective superiority facts as the base of their joy for being a moral value so someone

at least women step on truth result while men step on truth itself
which is obviously seen now and explain everything

what prove men being worse is what men run to scream about their wills concerning women existence as gender

hey it is all some fancies about existence wills, since when did it become so serious to consider it as absolute fact that must b existin by force
it is a relative fact at the maximum while i say it is not a fact it is evil genders do not exist in truth of facts never related to truth even relatively

even biology confirm what i say there is no sexual division as an absolute thing

women at least by being clearly opportunists stay discrete in meanin to force else existence to its own wills

which prove who are worse as opportunist gender, men obviously
0 Replies
Mon 15 Oct, 2012 02:23 am
I will give you the benefit of the doubt because I don't frequent this site. I only occasionally post on this thread, and this thread only.

LOL that damn nice of you............... Rolling Eyes

Second I am not a male Firefly so I am not going to attack you for your feelings/opinion toward women but I do not share them.

My wife independent networth is roughly equal to mine in fact if anything slightly larger then mine and she is a very high power person that had have an impression career and happen to be the holder of Phd compare to my engineering BSEE.

To sum up she was not looking for a sugar daddy when we met in feb. 1985.

Women like men are all over the bell curve and your narrow idea of what they happen to be only fit a fairly small subset of them.
0 Replies
Mon 15 Oct, 2012 02:42 am
yes, you have firefly's number....except I believe that she hates all humans.

You think so Hawkeye as I do not get that impression?

My impression is that she look down on most of her fellow women and think they are in need of the state protections as their judgments when it come to either sex or relationships can not be dependent on.

Where men on the other hand are all just sexual predators and are either rapists or would be rapists held barely in check by the state and it threats of punishments.

0 Replies
Mon 15 Oct, 2012 09:23 am
However I will say this BillRM, I sincerely hope you are not a pedophile

Amazing how many people wonder about you in this regard...


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