MichaelJ, I am quite capable of speaking for myself.
You are an emotionally disturbed, and quite immature man, who wasted time in his previous attempts at psychotherapy by "philosophizing" and arguing with his therapists, just as you have done with the posters in this thread. Consequently, your therapists gave up, out of sheer frustration, and because you succeeded in sabotaging your own therapy, your rather serious personality problems remained untouched.
You will go on getting drunk, being miserable, and flirting with the idea of suicide, regardless of what anyone in this thread says to you. You have some rather deep-seated problems that aren't going away. If you had any sense, you'd use your new found wealth to get yourself some decent psychological help, although unless you have some real motivation to want to understand yourself, and your own self-destructive and self-defeating patterns, you might as well not bother.
Your life has no meaning. And it's not likely to ever have meaning for you the way you are going. You are a mess. I can't recall another thread at A2K that's been such a clear display of 43 pages worth of psychopathology.
I really don't feel hopeful about you at all. There isn't even a glimmer of insight in any of your posts, nothing at all to suggest that you ever take anything in--you only seek to confirm what you already believe. That's a recipe for disaster, and that's where I see you heading.
And I don't feel that continuing to indulge your infantile displays in this thread is at all helpful to you. If you need attention, and feedback, to help you straighten yourself out, go see a shrink. If all you want is an audience, and preferably one that just agrees with you, and one you can try to manipulate by talking about suicide whenever interest flags, then you're just disingenuous and wasting everyone's time.