Can life have meaning if your dreams are unattainable?

Sun 7 Oct, 2012 06:34 pm
"humanity is doing just fine."

Really??? Do you ever pay attention to the news???

"When you really want to start proving yourself wrong you'll be able to start feeling better. But you're the one who'll have to want to prove yourself wrong, and to search out the evidence that you are wrong, no one can do that for you. "

I look at empirical evidence in REALITY. I'm a realist. Just because a truth is ugly, it's still a truth nonetheless.

I'm not concerned with building a fantasy world that I can live in to make myself feel better.

I feel deep grief when I look at humankind and see all this selfishness and materialism, because we're ALL gonna die. That fact can't be escaped.

The facts remain:

As you've stated several times, I'm not an appealing person.

I was having a great deal of trouble getting women interested in me.

Then I got some money.

Now I don't have that problem.

Women don't love men, they love being dominated by men. Money is a means to that end.

And also, the worse I treat this woman, the MORE interest she expresses in me. So again, what I was talking about months ago about how women actually want to be treated shabbily, and how they are drawn to douchebags... it's 100% factually accurate.

Love, in the true sense of what we've been taught that word is supposed to mean between a man and a woman is a fallacy.
Sun 7 Oct, 2012 06:37 pm
This civilaztion is midway through a death spiral, it is finished, but a new one will be born so there is no cause to use this as an excuse to cash out.
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Sun 7 Oct, 2012 08:44 pm
So again, what I was talking about months ago about how women actually want to be treated shabbily, and how they are drawn to douchebags... it's 100% factually accurate.

Wonderful, you're right! You're always right. Give yourself another pat on the back.

And now you're a douchebag who attracts women. Smile Congratulations! Laughing
As you've stated several times, I'm not an appealing person.

And you're still not appealing. Which is why, even with money, you'll never attract a decent self-respecting woman. Even with money, you'll still be a loser who will attract other losers. And they'll ditch you as soon as something better comes along. And then you can proclaim, "See, I'm right!".

As long as you believe you're right, nothing else matters.....

Have fun being a douchebag and wasting your money on women who want to be treated badly. At least you're not whining that you can't get a date. Laughing

Sun 7 Oct, 2012 09:35 pm
Why can't you just admit that your sex is completely materialistic and superficial???

It's painfully obvious!

And I AM going to be a douchebag! I'll wear that badge on my sleeve with pride! At least I'm being upfront! At least I'm not being deceitful! It's like the old adage, "Men may be just as promiscuous as women, but they're doing it for free!"


In the end it is NOT really about money at all. It's about domination. That's why women want to be treated badly. They want to be submissive. It's science, evolution... Women's behaviors are just much more transparent then men's are. But the bottom line is that we (human beings) are just following evolutionary code. We are nothing more than a living disease. There is no "higher" functioning. We are just monkeys, but much worse... because animals don't treat each other with such contempt and deceit.

I really feel a great deal admiration for the animal kingdom. There is no hate there, no jealousy, no spite. Human beings are wicked, and women are proof positive of that!

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go shop around for a wife...
Sun 7 Oct, 2012 09:51 pm
Why can't you just admit that your sex is completely materialistic and superficial???

It's painfully obvious!

If it's so painfully obvious, it shouldn't matter to you whether anyone else agrees with you.

Now that you have all the answers, and are convinced you're right, there doesn't seem to be much point in continuing this thread. You're mainly just repeating what you've been saying for the past 43 pages, and it became boring a long ago. If you ever start another thread, I hope it won't be another endless whine or your sophomoric half-ass "philosophizing".

Congrats on always being right, MichaelJ. You can pity all those poor suckers who believe they have found true love, and who have great, mutually supportive, and enhancing relationships. They'll waste their time being happy. But you'll know you're right, and that's more important...


Sun 7 Oct, 2012 10:09 pm
"You can pity all those poor suckers who believe they have found true love, and who have great, mutually supportive, and enhancing relationships. They'll waste their time being happy. But you'll know you're right, and that's more important..."

1) There is no such thing as a "mutually supportive" relationship when a woman is involved. It's all about "I have a vagina, therefore my needs come before yours." "I have a vagina therefore my word is the word of God." "That is if you ever want to have sex again" ... **** THAT!

2) "True love" does not exist. It's a business relationship plain and simple.

3) Being right is pretty goddamn important in this instance because it proves the futility of looking for higher meaning in life. Life IS a joke! So why then shouldn't I (and everybody else) treat it as such??? What's the point in striving for meaning in a world that is utterly devoid of meaning???

Laugh hard at all the bullshit (and women are a HUGE part of that bullshit) because laughter is the ULTIMATE enjoyment in life. Life is absurd... Albert Camus wrote about this... We must laugh in the face of this absurdity and that is the only place to find TRUE satisfaction in life.
Sun 7 Oct, 2012 10:43 pm
Life is absurd...

And so is this thread.

Bye, MichaelJ. Have a good life.
Sun 7 Oct, 2012 10:55 pm
"And so is this thread.

Bye, MichaelJ. Have a good life."

I will translate this...

"MichaelJ, I can't think of any way to refute what you're saying. Instead I will act like you're crazy, when in fact you're making perfect sense. All this is because I'm a woman and I cannot admit when I'm wrong (because women are NEVER, EVER wrong). I'd rather die than admit perhaps maybe you're making a valid point."

Thanks firefly!

I read you loud and clear!
cicerone imposter
Sun 7 Oct, 2012 11:08 pm
You arrive at conclusions too quickly. You can always ask for clarity, but instead look at most posts as negatively as you possibly can.

I don't wonder why you may have some problems in life.

0 Replies
Sun 7 Oct, 2012 11:40 pm
So we can be manipulating little creates that own a vagina and therefore as we "own" it, we can make our own decisions of what we wish to do with it.

Now, so, guys can be holdouts, you own a penis and as such you "own" it, so you can make your decisions as to whether you wish to give it up or not, and what you wish to do with it.

2) "True love" does not exist. It's a business relationship plain and simple.

Monkey business when in lust. Serious business, when in love. Like any business, relationships need "constant" work, keeping it alive.

3) Being right is pretty goddamn important in this instance because it proves the futility of looking for higher meaning in life. Life IS a joke! So why then shouldn't I (and everybody else) treat it as such??? What's the point in striving for meaning in a world that is utterly devoid of meaning???

It can be, **** is has so many obsticles and hurdles to jump.. It has heartache and pain.. But, then as you get further depressed because all you think of is negative thoughts and you get into that wine Michael, you then whine. Philosophy, .... Turn every negative into a positive, because until you do, you will continue to spiral down that road of emptiness..

I thought for sure you'd actually have had something positive to say after months, pretty disappointed in you Michael, hatred for women.... is going to keep you on that downward spiral.

Life is what you make of it. Remember the guy with no legs? No off course you do, that's positive and you don't want to face any reality that that word even exists do you.

Mon 8 Oct, 2012 12:06 am
"Turn every negative into a positive".

That's exactly what I'm doing.

I'm dating someone I don't care about, but it's better than being alone. Instead of being depressed because the women I've loved haven't given a **** about me, I'm treating women exactly the same way they've treated me. As a plaything to be used and thrown away when I'm bored with it...

I will continue to do this.

That is survival.

I have plenty positive to say, I love my nephew. He's a mean ass guitar player and he's only 3 years old, and it warms my heart.

Women don't have feelings.

Knowing that and recognizing that is part of my path to freedom.

I won't ever let a woman control me again. I won't ever give them that control. Firefly was right about one thing even though it wasn't expressed properly. Only I control my happiness. And nothing with a vagina attached to it is ever going to dictate that happiness to me again. In fact I will dictate to them! Control is everything, Mary taught me that...
Mon 8 Oct, 2012 12:20 am
MichaelJ, I am quite capable of speaking for myself.

You are an emotionally disturbed, and quite immature man, who wasted time in his previous attempts at psychotherapy by "philosophizing" and arguing with his therapists, just as you have done with the posters in this thread. Consequently, your therapists gave up, out of sheer frustration, and because you succeeded in sabotaging your own therapy, your rather serious personality problems remained untouched.

You will go on getting drunk, being miserable, and flirting with the idea of suicide, regardless of what anyone in this thread says to you. You have some rather deep-seated problems that aren't going away. If you had any sense, you'd use your new found wealth to get yourself some decent psychological help, although unless you have some real motivation to want to understand yourself, and your own self-destructive and self-defeating patterns, you might as well not bother.

Your life has no meaning. And it's not likely to ever have meaning for you the way you are going. You are a mess. I can't recall another thread at A2K that's been such a clear display of 43 pages worth of psychopathology.

I really don't feel hopeful about you at all. There isn't even a glimmer of insight in any of your posts, nothing at all to suggest that you ever take anything in--you only seek to confirm what you already believe. That's a recipe for disaster, and that's where I see you heading.

And I don't feel that continuing to indulge your infantile displays in this thread is at all helpful to you. If you need attention, and feedback, to help you straighten yourself out, go see a shrink. If all you want is an audience, and preferably one that just agrees with you, and one you can try to manipulate by talking about suicide whenever interest flags, then you're just disingenuous and wasting everyone's time.

Mon 8 Oct, 2012 12:35 am
In your world.

Good, you understand how to be positive.

Now learn how to read people. Because when you can do that you will see a goldigger from a non goldigger and a tart from a lady.

But, obviously, firstly, you have to change and there I say "GOOD LUCK"...

Because once a woman hater until he finds a woman to prove him wrong and first he has to let her in, it's going to be a hard battle.
0 Replies
Mon 8 Oct, 2012 04:39 am
I look at empirical evidence in REALITY. I'm a realist. Just because a truth is ugly, it's still a truth nonetheless.
I see a very different reality to you – so truth is subjective.
I'm not concerned with building a fantasy world that I can live in to make myself feel better.
As truth is subjective – your truth IS a fantasy world (ie it's made up by you, subject to your filters), and so is mine. I’m happy with mine.
Then I got some money.

Now I don't have that problem.
You still have a problem – that’s what this whole thread is about isn’t it, even since you got the money?
0 Replies
Mon 8 Oct, 2012 06:04 am
The thing is firefly that you simply can't refute the evidence I've found that's proven my beliefs about women to be true. So what you do is basically name call. You aim to discredit me by labeling me "emotionally disturbed", and talking about my "psychopathology". That's a bait and switch tactic. You change the subject from my findings (which are impossible to ignore) to this notion that anything I say holds no weight because I'm essentially crazy.

And that's just not true firefly. I'm no crazier than you. That I offer a differing viewpoint than you is no reason to label me as anything. The fact of the matter is that women can't ever admit when they're wrong, and that's what's happening here. Just like it happens everyday in society. Everyday some poor, world weary husband bites his tongue instead of telling his wife that she's wrong. Because he knows it's a battle he can't win, even if he knows for sure that he's right! Women are never, ever wrong. They're infallible as I understand it ...just like the pope!

As far as seeking treatment goes, I'm seeing more clearly than I ever have in my life. I'm not going to seek treatment for something that's a societal problem that will continue to exist whether I'm on this planet or not.

Women are superficial. Much more so than men. It can't be denied.

We as human beings learn through trial and error. Well, the most important lesson I learned from Mary is that control is everything in a relationship. I have that control now. And I will be just as merciless to women as they have been to me. I will use them as playthings and throw them away just as it was done to me. With zero empathy for the feelings of the other person.

I wouldn't even doubt that once Mary finds out about my current situation, that at least in some respect, her view of me will change. Now that certainly doesn't mean I would ever take her back, but it is a nice feeling to know that the money thing happened AFTER her, and that I without a doubt have a more financially sound future than her fiance... that is if he's even still her fiance ...if she hasn't cheated on him too, I guess I really don't know. All I know is that karma is a bitch when it bites you in the ass!
Mon 8 Oct, 2012 06:20 am
but the evidence you've found doesn't mean all women are like that

if you moved to India and 10 years from now tried to convince us that all people in the world are Indian because that's all you see we'd think you were nuts

i've never dated a women like that, i know one friend who dated one girl like you describe and he dumped her pretty quick

the common denominator might not be the women, it might be you

i believe the bard said it best, "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves"
Mon 8 Oct, 2012 10:00 am
That is undoubtedly so. But if that worldview of Michael's helps him get through the day without hurting others I say leave it be. After all, Michael's perspective on womanhood will, because of its deeply ingrained nature, only change because of his vigorous effort, not ours.
I suspect that we chastise him--rightly so--in good part to convince ourselves of the error of his view.
cicerone imposter
Mon 8 Oct, 2012 10:16 am
True. Mr. Green
0 Replies
Mon 8 Oct, 2012 10:32 am
JLNobody wrote:

That is undoubtedly so. But if that worldview of Michael's helps him get through the day without hurting others I say leave it be. After all, Michael's perspective on womanhood will, because of its deeply ingrained nature, only change because of his vigorous effort, not ours.
I suspect that we chastise him--rightly so--in good part to convince ourselves of the error of his view.

Getting attached to the right woman is his only hope...someone who is strong and smart and who will call him on his BS.
Mon 8 Oct, 2012 11:06 am
One thing that I found repeatedly in life is that like desolves like...in this case one who has been injured by a woman can be fixed by a woman. It facinates me to no end that a principle of chemistry is so applicable to life.
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