Can life have meaning if your dreams are unattainable?

Tue 16 Oct, 2012 05:17 pm
Whatever Bill... The bottom line is whether you are/or are not, what you did was stupid.

What I did was stupid because of a generation of work by the Fireflies of the world that paint men as men as a risk to children.

No one would had blink an eye when I was growing up and once more if my wife had been with me there would had been zero problem as the Fireflies of the world had yet to paint women as a class as a danger to children only men.

Of course with the news stories of women cutting babies out of their mother womb and taking them from hospitals it is only a matter of time before we reach that point where women will be as fear as any man in the park.

The risk however of any one man or any one woman harming a child with or without kittens is very tiny but logic is not needed when prejudice is in control.
Tue 16 Oct, 2012 05:17 pm
I think that the main problem is that people are poorly formed...we mostly are not grounded and are stupid, a condition which is perfect for the formulation of fear, which then used to enslave us.
Tue 16 Oct, 2012 05:25 pm
You see the same thing in how we view risk as we do in the fireflies..thouse who are determined to use state sponsored abuse of the citizen to attempt to make us into new and better beings. It is the triumph of fantasy over reality.
Tue 16 Oct, 2012 05:28 pm

Yes and I feel sorry for kids who parents fear to allow them out of their sight for a minute due to the fear of evil male children molesters when the risk of allowing the children a little freedom is far less then the risk of driving them to the mall or wherever in the first place.

We need a course in how to calculate risks given to everyone in high schools of this nation.

Wonder how many children lives would be save if parents fear driving on smooth tires more then evil pedophiles jumping the kids when their back is turn.

0 Replies
Tue 16 Oct, 2012 05:44 pm
as the Fireflies of the world had yet to paint women as a class as a danger to children only men.

Men? Or, just referring to your stories that you tell, regarding computers, regarding kittens...

And, with all due respect, they tend to live near by, they tend to use pets to lure, what do you want anyone to say? Think?

In any event, women that abduct babies, do so for the yearning of having a child/baby not to molest or kill them, in general...

it is only a matter of time before we reach that point where women will be as fear as any man in the park.

Bill there are countless of "team" abductions where the woman is the source and the male is hiding in his car, waiting... You know that right? And, there are countless female pedophiles 20% thereabout of what has been reported in total.



Tue 16 Oct, 2012 06:49 pm
In any event, women that abduct babies, do so for the yearning of having a child/baby not to molest or kill them, in general...

Somehow doing a c-section with no medical training beside being deadly for the mothers are not too safe for the babies either.
0 Replies
Tue 16 Oct, 2012 06:53 pm
Bill there are countless of "team" abductions

Countless countless come on abductions of children by non parents are a very very rare event let alone by a man and a woman team.

We are a nation of 300 millions and you would need one hell of a lot of none parents abductions to be call countless.

Let me see if I can get some numbers................
0 Replies
Tue 16 Oct, 2012 07:10 pm

How many American children are actually abducted each year?

Numbers as high as one or two million are routinely cited in the media. John Walsh, host of the television show America's Most Wanted, has testified before Congress about this issue, and has placed the annual total number of abducted children at more than 1.5 million, adding that "we don't have a clue what happens to over 50,000 of them," and that "this country is littered with mutilated, decapitated, raped and strangled children." This is the testimony he gives time and again when touting the latest sex offender legislation, wrongfully leading people to believe that it is registered sex offenders snatching them up. Mr. Walsh, has undergone the tragedy of his own 7 year old son Adam being abducted while left unattended at a Florida department store. He was later murdered and it is important to note that his killer has never been caught.

In the 1980's a mini-hysteria gripped the nation over the cause of missing children: milk cartons, direct mail campaigns, federal legislation, the creation of the Congressionally-mandated NCMEC, even the implanting of radio transponders and ID numbers on the teeth of elementary school children, so that their bodies could be identified in the event that they were abducted and murdered.

When the numbers are analyzed more closely, however, the true scope of the "crisis" becomes clearer. In 1985 the Denver Post won a Pulitzer prize for its series of articles revealing the truth about the child abduction scare. Reporters Diana Griego and Louis Kilzer found that 95% of missing children are runaways (most of whom come home before three days) and that most of the rest are child custody disputes. Griego and Kilzer tracked down the sources of the abduction inflation: advocacy groups and a too-eager media.

"There's a tremendous scare on," said Louis McCagg, director of Child Find, the nation's oldest and best-known missing children organization. Once a strong supporter of the 50,000 estimate, Child Find now says that the actual number is less than 600 per year. "Their figures are impossible," said Bill Carter of the FBI's public information bureau. "More than 50,000 soldiers died in the Vietnam War. Almost everyone knows someone who was killed there. The numbers I've seen from missing child groups on abducted children range from 5,000 to 50,000.

Do you know a child who has been abducted? That should tell you something right there."

"It's sad to say, but some organizations are exaggerating the figures to make their cause seem more urgent," said John Gill, director of Children's Rights of New York. "Why, our schools should be empty if there were that many missing children."

0 Replies
Tue 16 Oct, 2012 07:39 pm
Here the FBI numbers concerning missing children. Those countless numbers is 384 cases out of a country of 300 millions for the year of 2011 or .1 percent of the total missing children.

Most are runaways and if anyone care to look at the missing child wall at Walmart you will find it full of young girls in the 13 to 17 years old ranges that had run away with a 19 or 20 years old boyfriend.


(48.5 %). When the MPC field was utilized in 2011 entries, 316,743 (96.2 %) were coded as Runaway, 2,533
( 0.8%) as Abducted by Non-custodial Parent, 384 (0.1 %) as Abducted by Stranger, and 9,596 (2.9%) as Adult – Federally required entry. In 2010, the MPC field was utilized in 322,598 (46.6%) of the 692,944 records.
Contact Information:
Tue 16 Oct, 2012 08:03 pm
Hawkeye do you see a pattern here about crazy claims being make and reported in the news media by special interests and not challenge or even look at by the news media?

We had a rape crisis and a rape culture at the same time that the FBI was reporting the lowest reported cases of rape in 33 years and we have a few hundreds by the FBI numbers of stranger abductions of children in a nation of 300 millions and yet the special interests was reporting 50,000 children being abducted every year.

Of course if you count teenage girls running away with their slightly older boyfriends as 'stranger' abductions we might get to that number but that have nothing to do with pedophile gangs roaming the country looking for children to seize and rape and perhaps kill.
Tue 16 Oct, 2012 08:09 pm
There is a rape thread for all of this, I'm not replying... Ya hi-jacking this thread big time........
Tue 16 Oct, 2012 08:16 pm
Firefly launched one of her many attacks on me charging me with being a pedophile on this thread and where ever she does so on any thread dealing with any subject I am going to response to protect my good name and you added to the issue by claiming there are large numbers of pedophiles going around the country seizing and in some cases killing children and in countless numbers no less and male/female teams doing so.

If you have a problem with this thread leaving the subject at hand I would suggest you ask Firefly not to launch her bill is a pedophile attack and also not to offer her aid and comfort when she does so.
0 Replies
Tue 16 Oct, 2012 08:34 pm
Now to try to go back to the subject at hand if Michael would try to find and begin relationships with high power women his problems might be over with.

They are out there and as many men are fearful to have relationship with women who are ever bit their equal or even their superiors so in many cases they do not have partners.

I never could understand that thinking that it is shameful for a man to have a mate that had done as well or better then you in her career.

My wife being so high power is something to brag about in that a woman of that level of achievements had picked me as a partner.
0 Replies
Tue 16 Oct, 2012 09:23 pm
Congratulations on trashing another thread, BillRM.
Firefly launched one of her many attacks on me charging me with being a pedophile on this thread

No, I didn't. In fact, I believe it was MichaelJ who raised the issue of pedophila with regard to you. Apparently, your reputation has spread...

But your sick obsession with me is so strong, you really disconnect from reality.

You've hijacked this thread first to attack me, and then to engage in repeated and rather ludicrous defenses of yourself, and now you're off on a completely irrelevant tangent about missing children--you've made 4 posts in a row on that issue---and now you're babbling about a rape culture.

Found Soul correctly pointed out to you that your behavior in the park with those children was just plain stupid. Unfortunately, you're too stupid to either see that or admit it. Instead you whine you were unfairly treated because you are male, then you bizarrely assured everyone in this thread you wouldn't eat a child because you can't cook Rolling Eyes, then you frantically tried to deny that pedophiles use pet lures to entice children despite the fact that such lures are well known, and then you claimed that strangers rarely ever molest or abduct children, and that a parent's very realistic concerns for their children's safety from child predators are the result of an overblown fear campaign instigated by people like me Rolling Eyes. and on and on and on and on. Parents aren't interested in playing the odds with their child's safety --they don't want their child to become a statistic of a molestation or abduction, no matter how low those statistics are--and that's why they didn't want a creep like you inappropriately hanging out with their children in the park.

And, when you had finished all of that frothing at the mouth, you were still too stupid to realize, or admit, how stupidly you had behaved by deliberately taking kittens to the park in order to engage children. People don't want strangers engaging their children--they don't want their children to interact with strangers in a park--you behaved inappropriately and stupidly, and that's why you got kicked out of the park. And your response in this thread has also been quite stupid and inappropriate because you go so completely off the rails you seem unable to stop yourself from making one irrelevant post after another after another after another.

If you don't like how people react to the things you reveal about yourself, whether it's the incident in the park with the children, or how heavily you've encrypted your computer and made sure your ISP untraceable--things you chose to relate in a thread on child pornography and pedophilia-- or your choice to tell everyone that your first wife accused you of domestic violence and got an order of protection against you, and that you didn't even show up in court to defend yourself from the charge-- then don't reveal such things.

But, despite all your lamebrain excuses, rationalizations, and defenses, which go on infinitem, once you've revealed these things, people do draw their own conclusions about you, and it's too late to do anything about it. You let the genie out of the bottle, and you're not going to be able to get it back in. People aren't dumb--they are going to draw their own conclusions about you, and that's what they've done. And your over-the-top reaction in this thread, by making a barrage of irrelevant and self-serving posts, one after another, after another, completely hijacking this thread, will likely cause them to draw still more conclusions, about your questionable mental state.

If you have any interest, at all, in MichaelJ's problems and issues, it certainly hasn't been evident in your participation in this thread.

Telling MichaelJ to find a "high power" woman isn't useful advice for him, it's a lame attempt on your part to brag that an allegedly "high power" woman wanted you, in order to try to give yourself some respectibility. And it really doesn't help to rehabilitate your image, in the slightest, to mention that--it's her problem that she married a moron like you.

You seem as clueless about the issues bothering MichealJ, which he's spelled out and repeated in 46 pages of this thread, as you are clueless about everything else. Your only interest is in dumping your self-serving bullshit all over this thread and trashing it, just as you repeatedly trash other threads.

You think you're defending your "good name"? What "good name" Laughing


Tue 16 Oct, 2012 09:40 pm
Yes dear the one thing I am guilty of is being very very very proud that my wife picked me as her life partner.

Lord I got lucky in Feb 1985 when I came home from a date as mad as hell over a fight I had with my then girlfriend and post something of the nature of Michael posting concerning women in general and got chew out by email for doing so by my now wife.

But for that fight with a woman I was dating, but for me deciding to blow off stream by posting on CIS before I went to bed and but for my posting annoying my wife to the point she took her time to reply by email my life would be far worst then it is now.

Now as Michael problem is he think that women as a class only care for what he can provide them as far as material goods are concern finding a woman that will love and care for him even those there is no question that she in any way need his aid in that area would do a world of good for him.

An you are right it did get me a chance to also brag about my wife.
Tue 16 Oct, 2012 10:06 pm
He also need a woman that will stand up to him and take no prison when he try to label all women as sharing some character or other and that ability come with a high power and completely self assure woman.

I was a planet without a sun until I found my wife, depressed and sure that I would live out my life without a female partner I could love and trust.
0 Replies
Tue 16 Oct, 2012 10:10 pm
Your wife also waited over 20 years before marrying you, which was a good chunk of her adult life, and despite the fact you've only been married to her for a handful of years, I seem to recall your mentioning that you've already had at least one separation.

You're still doing nothing but dropping more bullshit all over the place.

If you had any real interest in MichaelJ, or his diifficulties, you wouldn't have hijacked and trashed his thread.

Tue 16 Oct, 2012 11:10 pm
My my you do try to use any bit of personal information as a weapon again the ones who are willing to share that information do you not. Perhaps you are a daughter of the late FBI director Hoover who it is say like to keep files on everyone.

Once more the question however come to mind what secrets are you so fearful to reveal concerning yourself that others might use again you?

Strange you have such a great fear as most of us do not share any such fear and had been open about our lives.

In any case yes we only been married for let see six years now and in the 27 years I had been lucky enough to have known her we had our ups and our downs in our relationship mainly ups however and I would not trade her for any other woman who had ever been born or ever will be born during the remaining existence of the human race.

Hell maybe someday you to will have someone special in your life and you will therefor be far less of a hateful and bitter woman that you are now.

But come to think about it even if the rewards is having a less hateful Firefly it would not be worth it to put any man or woman in the hell of a relationship with you.

The one thing I do hold against her is that she turned me from a dog person into a cat person.

Fourteen years ago I told her I did not wish to become emotional involved with a cat I were feeding and did not wish to name her for that reason.

Well my wife went ahead and name her Goldie and then on a day where it was raining so hard you could not see to drive I found my now wife sitting on the couch with a cat wrap up in a towel so you could only see her nose.

She told me she would placed the cat back out as soon as it stop raining and my reply was hell know we have a new cat in the household.

Goldie had just come down with a liver infection of some kind and is at the vet having it treated.

Now without my wife I would not be worrying about a 14 years old cat at the moment.
Wed 17 Oct, 2012 12:09 am
Still hijacking and trashing the thread....
Wed 17 Oct, 2012 01:12 am

See, Bill thought he loved dogs, now he realises he loves cats, and that would be the cat that had the kittens, so that means he knows how to love, but then he doesn't believe in abortion? I mean the cat has liver problems at 14, little Missy does to at 17 (dog) there is a special diet they can eat, anyways, so it's at the vet, but it was never neuted? Smile

Michael, strangely enough think about this. Bill said you need a power woman, pftttttttttttttttt. Firefly is certainly all that, she can dish up the best in the best and worst situation ( quitely I think she is a Lawyer and definately likes men), anyways, see how Bill goes on and on and on and almost stalks her, I think he likes fighting with her, anywhere, wants to know all about her, she has a power over him... He says his wife is a power woman but I am not sure if he means money or "yes love what every you say love" though he won't accept anything a woman says, skirts around the corner, in any event, there he has played a complete scene for you of what, marrying a power woman would be like, if you are in-secure and weak Smile

Part of this thread yes? Smile

Not for you... Not for firefly, not for me, but Bill... You also said once you sat at a restuarant or cafe, and borrowed their computer to get on here, addicted plus, personality...

Goldie is too old now to have kittens, I sometimes do though no offence when I read what you write, especially as you say something I back it up that you are mistaken and you ignore it .. I think you are a softy, I hope you don't get too upset, you need to toughen up sunshine..

You too michael.

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