Can life have meaning if your dreams are unattainable?

Wed 17 Oct, 2012 10:30 am
I believe in abortion rights and I also believe as long as a woman had, that right that I happen to support, that a man also have a right not to be force to assume the burden of fatherhood if he does not wish to if birth control fail and the woman decide not to exercise her right to an abortion as long as she was told of his position early on in the pregnancy and is willing to pay half the cost of an abortion.

As far as the cats with the kittens they both came into my life with kittens by bringing their kittens and themselves onto my property one behind a privacy wall and the other in a tool shed.

All cats of mine are fixed as soon as they can be including the two mothers cat that I had taken in.

Goldie belonged to an old woman neighbor of mine who when she die her family sold the home but put Goldie outside with no attempts to find her a home and she begin to live in a tree near my home and I started to feed her.

As far as Goldie liver infection she came down with it without any warning of any kind and with no history of liver problems so no reason to have her on a special diet.

I never borrow anyone computer I do use free wifi when I am out and around with my netbook.

Wed 17 Oct, 2012 11:43 am
firefly wrote:

Congratulations on trashing another thread, BillRM.
Firefly launched one of her many attacks on me charging me with being a pedophile on this thread

No, I didn't. In fact, I believe it was MichaelJ who raised the issue of pedophila with regard to you. Apparently, your reputation has spread...

Actually I think it started with me posting this.

Izzyhe'sonehelluvaguythepush wrote:
He (BillRM) ............ posts handy hints about how to get hold of child pornography without tipping off the authorities.

Now I just posted a fact about BillRM. He does post handy hints about getting hold of child pornography without tipping off the authorities. MichaelJ assumed that meant BillRM was a paedophile, BillRM doesn't agree with this. Apparantly it's quite normal for people with no interest whatsover in child pornography to post such handy hints for would be paedophiles. That says a lot about the company he keeps, and would explain his in depth knowledge on file sharing.

That in a way is quite impressive, in most respects he's a complete moron, unable to construct a basic sentence, and his knowledge of History is almost non-existant, yet his understanding of computer security and accessing the services of the darknet are second to none.

It's fairly clear where his priorities lie.
Wed 17 Oct, 2012 11:57 am
He says his wife is a power woman but I am not sure if he means money or "yes love what every you say love" though he won't accept anything a woman says...

BillRM's description of his wife as "high power" sounds like he is describing a vacuum cleaner rather than a person. Laughing

0 Replies
Wed 17 Oct, 2012 12:18 pm
Tis all explained by the fact that Bill is an engineer trained decades ago when even basic general education course were not required for the degree....but you do like to dish the slime don't you. The sad part is that it is highly likely that some people are dumb enough to buy what you shovel.
Wed 17 Oct, 2012 12:31 pm
Well you're the dumbest person I know.
0 Replies
Wed 17 Oct, 2012 01:00 pm
So you reckon everyone who has a degree in engineering posts information about how to obtain child pornography?
0 Replies
Wed 17 Oct, 2012 01:03 pm
Now I just posted a fact about BillRM.

Yes, that's all you did. And you got the fact directly from the horse's mouth.

And you weren't using the information as a "weapon" against him, as paranoid BillRM keeps claiming, you were simply reiterating it. He's just unable to take responsibility for his own behavior in providing everyone with the information about himself.

Why this moron chooses to disclose this sort of information, if he doesn't want people to draw inferences from it, makes little sense. But he does seem oblivious to the sort of impact and reaction he elicits from others when he provides numerous examples of his questionable activities, as well as his poor judgment, in thread after thread after thread. He often appears to be bragging in some way when he launches into these self-disclosures, and his need to try to impress others seems to blind him to the implications of what he is saying.
He does post handy hints about getting hold of child pornography without tipping off the authorities...

He sure does--and he's done it repeatedly in more than one thread specifically dealing with child pornography. Clearly, BillRM's main feeling about those who sexually exploit children through the collection and sharing of child pornography is that they should be more careful about covering their tracks, in evading detection by authorities, and in preventing access to the content of their computers in case of a government search. In other words, they should be as "clever" about it as he is, so he helpfully tells these sexual exploiters of children how to avoid getting caught.
It's fairly clear where his priorities lie.

It certainly is. But when others nail him on that, and simply confront him with the things he has said, and the information about himself he has provided, he goes into a bizarre frenzy of posting activity, one post after another, after another, in a frantic attempt to try to discredit either the poster or the poster's statements about him, just as he has done in this thread.

Clueless BillRM suddenly feels "attacked", "libeled", "unfairly treated because he is a male", etc. simply because other posters confront him with what he himself has already told them about himself. He sees no cause/effect connection, only a paranoid perception that he is being victimized. And that was also his response when the other adults were distressed by his inappropriate interactions with the children in the park and asked him to leave--he felt he was being discriminated against and "profiled" for being male, with absolutely no awareness that his own behaviors, and poor judgment, were the cause of the concern these other adults experienced. While he illogically tries to compare himself to innocent blacks who are genuinely unfairly profiled, and who are sometimes regarded suspiciously when they shop, he fails to see that he is much more like the shopper who wanders through the store with a large bag in one hand, and an armload of merchandise in the other, who keeps ducking into deserted corners of the store, and consequently arouses the justifiable suspicions of the store detective who is on the lookout for shoplifters. It's his own behaviors in real life, as well as the contents of what he posts in these threads, that arouse other people's suspicions about him--but he's too lacking in character, and intelligence, and personal responsibility, to be able to recognize and own up to that.

His rambling, somewhat incoherent, generally completely irrelevant, and excessively lengthly, defenses of his alleged "good name" couldn't be more ludicrous.

0 Replies
Wed 17 Oct, 2012 01:27 pm
Tis all explained by the fact that Bill is an engineer trained decades ago when even basic general education course were not required for the degree....

Sorry, the basics of written English were taught long before graduation from high school, even in the dark ages when BillRM went to school.

A more reasonable explanation might be that BillRM was educated in the days when social promotion was more prevalent in the schools and they simply advanced and graduated semi-literates from high school, despite the fact that these students were considerably below grade level.

And this alleged computer whiz doesn't seem to know how to use a spell checker, or even how to properly edit the cut and paste articles he is always posting, which often contain so much extraneous junk it is hard to find the actual article. Nor does he show any evidence that he bothers to re-read his posts, to correct his most glaring and obvious errors before hitting the reply button, even though his posts are often so incoherent it's difficult to figure out what he's talking about, and he's gotten plenty of feedback about that.

BillRM is your most faithful follower and supporter, perhaps your only real supporter on this site, so you obviously have a vested interest in not acknowledging how much of a moron he is.

0 Replies
Wed 17 Oct, 2012 04:17 pm
Hawkeye I love the would be bullies here that think it gain them respect or reduce their opponents standing by either using personal informations out of content or just mounting personal attacks without even the support of bits of personal information.

First it is telling that Firefly is far too must of a coward to share any information about herself of any kind yet is very eager to use any bit of personal information others had share with the group as a weapon.

She seem to know she is out of her league when she need to fall back on logic and facts to support her positions.

It kind of remain me of FBI director Hoover who loved to use personal information to attacks those he did not agree with and have files on everyone of important yet his own personal life did not come near to meeting the standards of his days.

You know trying to still be a bully at Firefly stage of life is both amusing and pitiful at the same time even those she must had been a real terror on the playground in the 1960s or the 1950s for that matter.
Wed 17 Oct, 2012 04:51 pm
She is certainly a "the ends justify the means" kinda gal....a very useful sort to certain dictitoral regimes. Unsavory to the max.
0 Replies
Wed 17 Oct, 2012 04:53 pm
as long as she was told of his position early on in the pregnancy and is willing to pay half the cost of an abortion.
So equality, or it's half your fault, so you pay half... What about emotions? What about the man paying for it all, just because he doesn't want her to worry about anything else, she has enough to deal with...........
(Can life have meaning)... Can meaning have life. Can two people hold each other over such circumstances, through love. You are painting it like it is no big deal and it's the woman's fault in the first place so don't capture the man into it, fully, either by having the baby when he didn't want it, or making him pay for it all.

As far as Goldie liver infection she came down with it without any warning of any kind and with no history of liver problems so no reason to have her on a special diet.

A liver problem is a liver problem. It is either hereditary, or too much fat in "it's" diet, or the un-known... If the cat has a liver infection, it should go on a special diet, there are special canned food, or else, brown rice, broccoli, carrots, lean mince... Or else, the cat will not live to reach 18.

As for "us" bullies, I imagine you have thrown me into the equation there, cause I be a woman............................Smile
Wed 17 Oct, 2012 04:54 pm
can life have meaning if you spend it arguing on the internet?
Wed 17 Oct, 2012 04:57 pm
Good grief, now you think you are being bullied? Poor BillRM, always the victim, the poor innocent victim. Laughing And now you're calling on Hawkeye to help save you Laughing Can't defend yourself, can you. You dig yourself into holes then you don't know how to get yourself out. Laughing

If you don't like what your personal information information reveals about you, don't post it, you jerk.

First it is telling that Firefly is far too must of a coward to share any information about herself

I share plenty of info about myself, but only when it's relevant to a discussion. I'm just not into boring people by relating constant anecdotes about myself, or uninteresting mundane details of my life the way you do, nor do I feel the need to try to impress people by relating things about myself, as you do. Not all of us are as nascissistic as you are--we don't need to constantly talk about ourselves.
And why would I want to share even more information with a creep like you, who is obsessed with me, and obsessed with knowing more personal details about me, and who constantly demands such details in a very intrusive manner? I've been at A2K for 8 years and you're the only person who has ever demanded to know more about me. Take your sick obsession with me elsewhere.

You flatter yourself by considering yourself "an opponent"--most people,including me, simply disregard your helf-baked opinions--most of which tend to be irrelevent to the discussion topic in a thread. You think you have "standing"? Laughing As what--the Village Idiot? Laughing King of The Thread Trashers? Laughing

Wed 17 Oct, 2012 09:12 pm
Well given this happen in 1962 this could not be Firefly work but whoever wrote that letter is a soul brother or sister to our Firefly.


The FBI’s Attempt to Blackmail Martin Luther King Into Suicide
January 15, 2012 in History, Race, Violence

I wrote about this last year and while it’s not exactly a secret it’s a story surprisingly few people know, so I think it’s worth repeating:

In November 1964, weeks before Martin Luther King was to travel to Oslo to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, an anonymous correspondent sent him a package in the mail. The package contained an audiotape, and a letter.

The tape was a compilation of material recorded via Bureau wiretaps over the previous year. It consisted of off-color jokes and remarks King had made in private, among friends, interspersed with the sounds of him having sex with someone other than his wife. The letter included the following challenge:

King, look into your heart. You know you are a complete fraud and a great liability to all us Negroes. … you are no clergyman, and you know it. … You could have been our greatest leader. You, even at an early age have turned out to be not a leader but a dissolute, abnormal moral imbecile. … You are done. Your “honorary” degrees, your Nobel Prize (what a grim farce) and other awards will not save you. King, I repeat you are done. No person can overcome facts, not even a fraud like yourself. … The American public, the church organizations that have been helping — Protestant, Catholic and Jews will know you for what you are — an evil, abnormal beast. So will others who have backed you. You are done.

King, there is only one thing left for you to do. You know what it is. You have just 34 days in which to do [it]. … You are done. There is but one way out for you. You better take it before your filthy, abnormal fraudulent self is bared to the nation.

The letter was mailed 34 days before Christmas.

King did not receive the package until after he returned from Oslo, and after the 34-day deadline had passed. When he listened to the tape he quickly concluded that it could have come from only one source — the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

He was right.

The FBI had been wiretapping King for over a year by then, and Bureau chief J. Edgar Hoover made no secret of his loathing for the civil rights leader. The suicide package was prepared by Hoover deputy William Sullivan, an Assistant Director of the Bureau and the head of its Domestic Intelligence Division.

When you teach American history as I do, you get asked about conspiracies a lot. As it happens, I’m skeptical about some of the biggest conspiracy theories out there — unlike nearly all of my students, for instance, I think it’s highly likely that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

But I’m not one to ridicule such theories either, and I find the smug dismissal with which they’re so often greeted deeply obnoxious. Because forty-seven years ago one of America’s highest ranking law enforcement agents launched a secret campaign intended to blackmail the country’s most prominent civil rights activist into committing suicide.

That’s not a theory, it’s a fact. And once you know that, it gets a lot harder to dismiss other people’s stories of shadowy government goings-on.

0 Replies
Wed 17 Oct, 2012 09:34 pm
What about the man paying for it all, just because he doesn't want her to worry about anything else, she has enough to deal with...........

An if the man does not wish his child kill in the womb he had zero say legally about the matter even if he is the husband so the woman emotions is all important in this matter but not the man emotions.

It a human life that had meaning when it come to giving the man the right to bail out of fatherhood but it no concern of the man when it come to a woman deciding to end that life in the womb that he had father.

There is an ongoing double standard here that is kind of sickening to say the least and if women wish to be able to force fatherhood on men due to the failure of birth control then they should give up the right to rejected motherhood that had results for the same reason.

Of course I would have no problem if the woman get her male partner to sign a paper waving his rights to rejected fatherhood and that he will be responsible for any child that happen to result from their sexual congress and of course any married couples the man would not have that right.
0 Replies
Wed 17 Oct, 2012 09:55 pm
If the cat has a liver infection, it should go on a special diet,

At the moment she is having IV fluids and antibiotics pump into her so I am not even sure if I will need to have the little girl put down or if the liver functions will return more toward normal.

Visit her today and held her for half hour while she have an IV tube in her leg.

She been on a special diet for a while to get her weight down as she love her food and that is not an easy task to control her eating in a household with a number of cats but I been doing it.

If the blood tests come back with good news tomorrow I might be able to take her home.

In any case I am hoping that will be the results as in the last year I needed to hold three of my cats in my arms while they were put down and I do not wish to need to do that for another one of my long terms family members.
Wed 17 Oct, 2012 11:22 pm

There you go Michael, perhaps now Bill can write on his own thread and let you speak Smile
0 Replies
Thu 18 Oct, 2012 01:21 am
firefly wrote:

Good grief, now you think you are being bullied? Poor BillRM, always the victim, the poor innocent victim.

What's more important is that someone could get away with abusing children because of the links BillRM has posted.

So much concern for himself and his cats, and none whatsover for the abused child.

Hitler was very fond of his pet dog.

Thu 18 Oct, 2012 01:29 am
What's more important is that someone could get away with abusing children because of the links BillRM has posted.

what's more important is that slime like you will always advocate removing the freedom from all because you live in fear that someone somewhere is doing something that you dont approve of.
Thu 18 Oct, 2012 01:37 am
This is not about removing freedoms, it's about allowing people to abuse children. You may think that's a freedom worth cherishing, and your own children have paid the price.

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