The game playing never ends for either party, because without hard work, effort, a relationship won't survive. But, you should be able to be yourself, or else, honestly you have put on a false front to gain the woman...
I was my REAL self with Mary. The more 'real' I was, the more it drove her away. And as I said, I tested it. I'd play games with her to see what happened. She preferred the game playing, the fakeness.
And the more I'd let myself care about her and more importantly LET HER KNOW THAT, the less attracted she became to me
It's cool to let them know - if you also stand up for yourself, and if you make decisions (rather than leaving it all to her), and if you make your own as you being genuinely you...otherwise it comes across as you just trying to manipulate her (as you being non-genuine)
Because I'm a "nice guy" I treated her like a queen.
Nice guys rarely stand up for themselves. In standing up for yourself you express what you truly feel...if you don't express what you truly feel, then you are being deceptive, and non genuine.
If you devote all of your time to treating her like a queen, without taking more time building your own life, having your own goals - then it comes across as shallow, and unmanly to them. If they are attracted to 'you', and you give up on 'yourself' to focus on is she supposed to be attracted to 'you' anymore? (seeing as you basically gave up on developing , maintaining, and being 'you')
If you don't stand up for yourself, while treating them like a queen - then it comes across as manipulative or shallow (ie non-genuine)
I told her that she could get as fat as she wanted because she'd always be sexy to me.
whether or not you meant it - most young women have low self esteem, and that would have come across as a complete lie (have a look at how hard you argue against what you know is right, in these forums? She would have done the same to this sort of statement).
It would have come across as manipulative (which is always non-genuine)
Unless you are a proven chubby chaser - I doubt any woman would believe this of you. Most guys wouldn't either. Espescially considering your already stated attraction to beautiful women.
It really does come across as deceptive.
I told her that because I loved her so much I'd probably forgive for anything irrational she could ever do.
This says you aren't prepared to stand up for yourself. If you don't speak whats on your mind (espescially when hurt), you are being deceptive about what you are feeling - which is non-genuine. You are showing that you can't stand up for what you believe in (which shows you aren't a protector) or go after what you want (which shows you aren't a good provider) - all of which is unattractive.
She knew I was putty in her hands and that's not sexy to women!
Which again paints you in the picture of not standing up for yourself, and not going after what you want.
Women want (and will ONLY go for) alpha males who project social status, who have all the perfect things to say to everyone
Women like having lovely things said to them - but overall, only if the man is prepared to stand up for themselves.
and most importantly dominate women
Not necessarily dominate them (in bed of course is a different matter), but to be both dominant, and considerate.
Do you understand that standing up for yourself is genuine - you are speaking your honest mind? While not doing so is deceptive - you are refraining from speaking your honest mind, and quite often when you do this, you are putting on a front that is contrary to your feelings - which is not genuine? (ie is deceptive)
Do you understand that going after what you want is genuine...while refraining from chasing what you desire and saying words to the contrary (or pretending to the contrary) is deceptive and not genuinely what you want?
Towards the end she said we had to quit saying "I love you". She wouldn't say it to me, but she kept sleeping with me. Of course she knew she was going to leave me and she knew how much I loved her, but that didn't stop her from continuing to sleep with me.
And yet you didn't stand up for what you genuinely wanted. You let her walk over you, probably while telling her lovely things...saying things you thought she wanted to hear...acting contrary to the hurt you felt? You didn't tell her what you needed from her, and didn't act to end it if she didn't or couldn't give that you to...because you still wanted to sleep with her? Still wanted the smallest touch from her? How is that genuine?
For months after she left I swallowed my pride and tried to talk to her.
And how was that genuinely you? You suppressed your feelings and pretended to be otherwise. This is not attractive to women.
I begged her for months to get together. She'd never have time, or she'd get angry with me even if I was being as nice as I possibly couldBeing nice as you possibly can while someone is stamping on your heart is not a genuine reaction to the hurt you're feeling. It's a manipulative reaction - you hid your feelings, so that she could 'see how nice you were'? Genuine honesty would have been an expression of your hurt...yes, even anger is honest & acceptable in these circumstances
I think the biggest lesson here is that it's time for me to treat women EXACTLY the way they've treated me throughout my life.
There is so much wrong with what you've said. I'm gona try to boil it down to the basics.
"This is the problem with being a 'nice guy' - it is actually dishonest."
Ok maybe you're right here. But the problem is that if I was dishonest in this way, it was happening on a purely subconscious level. In fact it wasn't dishonesty at all because I REALLY did compromise my own feelings in an attempt to stay with her. It's not like I was consciously trying to deceive her. I was panicking because someone I loved very much was leaving. I was compromising myself in order to try to keep her around. If that was deceptive, it was at the very least grounded in something that had no maliciousness behind it at all.
Where as Mary was OUTRIGHT lying to me with the things she was saying and doing. Do you see that vikorr???
I think the real lesson here is that I need to be more selfish.
I've been looking for respect and love in creatures who aren't capable of those feelings
"Your problem really appears to be that you don't like being a man, and you don't like being who you are - and you want to blame this on women."
Incorrect. I don't like being USED as a man. So it seems the cure for this is to be the user rather than the usey. I love who I am. I just give too much of myself to these women who don't deserve it. From now on I will give less and take more.
If it wasn't abuse, what was it exactly??? Enlighten me hawkeye.
And you didn't respond to my other response to you which I made some good points..
But what I would say to this is that women get offered dick everyday through no effort on their part. That's an inequality. I know it can't be changed, but knowing that doesn't make me feel any better. It makes me angry.
Yep, but they sure as hell won't have to put in as much work as I do in order to achieve fulfillment in the realm of relationships.
It's really a shame you've never seen me in real life because I take great pleasure in putting women in their place, and have had a few great moments in my life where I've caught women in all their illogical glory and called them out in front of others. I know this doesn't get me laid, but damned if it isn't satisfying! I will NEVER stop calling women out on their bullshit. I will die first
I DO NOT have BPD. Are you seriously agreeing with firefly??? Do you really want to give her that satisfaction???
I'm not avoiding myself. I'm avoiding pain, that's different
Obviously, or they would recognize that the shitty things they do to men would hurt just as much if it was them on the receiving end..
I REALLY did compromise my own feelings in an attempt to stay with her. It's not like I was consciously trying to deceive her. .
Where as Mary was OUTRIGHT lying to me with the things she was saying and doing
I've been looking for respect and love in creatures who aren't capable of those feelings. I should've been looking for pussy only and then kicking their asses out the door after I got the slightest inkling they might get a leg up on me.
SHOULD be focusing on quantity instead of quality. I should be aiming for having more relationships than Mary had. Because it is a contest after all. I can't let her win. And lets face it, there really is no quality in relationships with women anyway. It's just a never ending mind game. That's why most married men have more fun spending time with their buddies instead of their wives.
I am now working at my restaurant 65+ hours a week, so I miss a lot here now. I will go look for that
That never works. The way past the pain is through the pain, letting the pain teach you what it is supposed to teach you about yourself and about life. You are avoiding the lesson.
There is great wisdom in those words....
I could never be sexually attracted to other men, so in that instance I like being a man. However If I had as much power and control in life as women do, that would make me feel great. So you are wrong. Goddammit, do you not understand???
How powerless did the Jews feel while they were being slaughtered in the Holocaust? Do you think they wanted to feel bad about being who they were by choice???
So place myself as more important than my partner, check. My needs come first, and **** her. Check.
Mary didn't respect herself, obviously or she wouldn't have been so promiscuous. But that didn't matter because she had a pretty face and a vagina, so she didn't need to do any work on her own self.
So to simplify all this: Treat women exactly as they have treated me throughout my life, as playthings to be used and thrown away at my whims. As people who are below my respect. Then I should expect to achieve my dreams, because that's exactly what Mary and my fiancee did to me and it worked out perfectly for them...
What work do women EVER have to do to attract a man?????
i've seen the pictures of them together vikkor, she wins. i can't win. no matter what i do, might as well have fun