Can life have meaning if your dreams are unattainable?

Fil Albuquerque
Tue 17 Apr, 2012 07:50 pm
So said "bitch gender" is doing exactly what is supposed to do which is separate bad sperm from good sperm...if you exist as homo sapiens today you can well thank your competence among other animals to "bitch gender"...
Fil Albuquerque
Tue 17 Apr, 2012 07:51 pm
...unless you are gay not really...
Tue 17 Apr, 2012 07:51 pm
My dad died asshole.

He didn't get a chance. Thus I taught myself.

And even though I've had problems, I've still been able to bag a few pretty awesome ladies...
Tue 17 Apr, 2012 07:54 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
yep, so gay...

That's why I think about tits and pussy 70% of the day...
Fil Albuquerque
Tue 17 Apr, 2012 07:59 pm
...not saying you are...you ought to know the answer to that not me...but there is only a burden when you see one...what comes as 2 nature is not a burden but rather a pleaser...I have told you before n tell you again regain confidence !
the only most important things women need to see in you A confidence (means you can fight for the family) B Humour (means you are not a brute)
Tue 17 Apr, 2012 09:23 pm
I'm not at all saying they are biologically equal, but they're supposed to have equal rights and responsibilities in society. At least that's what the world wants you to believe.

You mean like, equal legal rights & responsibsilities? Our legal system certainly doesn’t define any ‘rights & responsibilies’ in the realm of how many sexual partners you can have. So why mention this?
It's the same as our arguments about numbers of partners. You said for every girlfriend, that person also has a boyfriend. However (as I argued before) those women have more partners overall than their boyfriends do (overall),

That is impossible. It’s a complete fallacy in logic. You seem stuck on this. It is impossible for the total number of relationships that all women have (with men) to be more than the total number of relationships all men have (with women). That is plain and simply, undeniable fact. That you can't see it is not because you are unintelligent, but because you want so desperately to believe otherwise, so you blind yourself to very fundamental logic.

As an aside - which doesn't change the above facts - I know a guy who, as I said, has for the better part of two decades, been out every weekend picking up, quite successfully, sometimes one for each weekend night (needless to say, he is fun for the girls, but otherwise shallow, immature, and still has a low self esteem..he gets rid of them in order to not be rejected, and keeps multiple girls on the go at once – he even keeps ex’s hanging around). If you multiply 52 weekends per year by 20, you get 1000 women (that is probably conservative roughly accurate after you take off a few multiple week ‘relationships’, the flop weekends, but then add in the weekends with multiple successes). I don’t know any woman that has done the equivalent, although I’m sure there must be a few that exist.

So it really is unfair.

Life is unfair. It’s not fair that people die in accidents. It’s not fair that some people are born with more talent than others. It’s not fair that some people are born to rich parents and some are born to poor parents. It’s not fair that some are born in war-torn countries. It’s not fair that some parents are murdered in front of their childrens eyes. It's not fair for those people that have mental illnesses. It's not fair for those people with intellectual impairments. It's not fair for those people missing limbs, or paraplegic or quadraplegic....Life isn’t fair – it just is. The rest is what you make of it. You can whine about unfairness that you can't do anything about, or you can make the absolute best of what you've got, and be happy doing so.
The burden rests mostly, if not 100% squarely on the man. If the man can't achieve an erection, sex (coitus) can't take place. However if the woman has problems in achieving proper lubrication, sex CAN still take place

You’re still complaining about biology – which you can do NOTHING about. Why do you torture yourself with this completely pointless crap? Look at what life is, and make the best of it.

So where if men complain that it isn't fair that women have to work less hard to find partners in the dating/mating realm, they are then said to be complaining illogically (which is what I take it you are saying of me)....................... That sir is hypocrisy at it's finest (or worst as the case may be).

You really didn’t read properly. I said it’s illogical to blame women for men’s having hunting instincts...doing so is unarguably illogical.

By the way - have you yet found ANYTHING I’ve said to be hypocritical? (that you haven't misinterpretted). I don’t think so yet, and there is a reason for that...

How do you think that, in what, 30 pages of posts, I haven’t managed to do that? It’s not just because of intelligence...I worked hard, and still work hard, to ensure that what I believe & think makes sense. I work hard to ensure I don’t deceive myself - not about myself, nor about the realities of life. I work hard to locate & understand my fears, and work them away where possible. I work hard to make sure my beliefs fit into a comprehensible whole.
But women DO cry about those strengths.

More accurately - some do...and as I said – it’s pointless doing so. You can't change biology.

If more is expected from men, then women should have ZERO right to bitch about things that result in benefits for men from their harder work.

More is expected from men in certain areas, and more is expected from women in certain areas (wether or not you think it's right - most women still do the majority of the housework - even if they work, and the majority of the raising of children. Many more men expect them to take better care of themselves re appearance than women expect men to take care of their appearance)

That said – I am an advocate of recognising the different strengths of men & women in the workplace. It is pointless to assign ‘quotas’ (percentages between men & women) to many workplaces, because men are naturally more attracted to certain types of work (and more adept at certain types of work), while women are more attracted to certain types of work (and more adept at certain types of work).

The hunting / acquiring instinct also plays a part in advancement, as does women’s reproductive systems, as does the different natures of male bonding, and female bonding.
Tue 17 Apr, 2012 10:17 pm
My dad died asshole.

He didn't get a chance. Thus I taught myself.

There are a lot of guys in the same boat, for while their fathers were/are alive they might as well have been dead for all the mentoring they have provided their sons. Todays young men are in trouble mostly because their fathers and Grandfathers have been derelict, both in the mentoring and in refusing to stand up for mens rights as the feminists and their enablers have used public policy to roll over men. At least you know that you were on your own, as there are multitudes of male saps who think that they have grown up in a proper family and have gotten proper guidance but who have their heads filled with female generated anti-male tripe.....these guys dont have the first damn clue how to look after themselves by standing up to power plays from women, by design. Given this you "woe is me!" routine is overblown.
0 Replies
Tue 17 Apr, 2012 10:24 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil Albuquerque wrote:

So said "bitch gender" is doing exactly what is supposed to do which is separate bad sperm from good sperm...if you exist as homo sapiens today you can well thank your competence among other animals to "bitch gender"...

I love women, and I am very successful with women, because I accept the bitches for who they are. MJ says a lot of "negative" things about women, while I say to myself "check, check, so true, yep......but if you MJ would grow the **** up and learn you would not consider all these alleged negatives as big problems". If bagging the prey were easy being successful would not be rewarding. Women are difficult. I love women just the way they are. MJ problem is not that women are difficult, it is that he was never taught how to hunt (and he does not think that he needs to hunt, he expects the pussy to magically appear on his plate through no effort on his part). THAT is why he goes hungry.
Wed 18 Apr, 2012 02:52 am
MJ problem is not that women are difficult, it is that he was never taught how to hunt (and he does not think that he needs to hunt, he expects the pussy to magically appear on his plate through no effort on his part). THAT is why he goes hungry.

Smile Ah, but Mr Michael isn't after just "pussy" as you put it, he's after marriage, happily ever after, zero cheating and intimacy.

He's not out there trying to score my love. He's out there trying to date, a bit of a difference, there is no hunting there.. There is however learning "how" to be successful at dating...

We know how hard you guys work to get into our pants... It's harder work to get into our "intimacy zone"... Trust .....Me..
Wed 18 Apr, 2012 04:30 am
Ah, but Mr Michael isn't after just "pussy" as you put it, he's after marriage, happily ever after, zero cheating and intimacy.

He's not out there trying to score my love. He's out there trying to date, a bit of a difference, there is no hunting there.. There is however learning "how" to be successful at dating...

We know how hard you guys work to get into our pants... It's harder work to get into our "intimacy zone"... Trust .....Me..

'Scoring' (read here : numerous times, simply for the sake of scoring) doesn't have to be the point. The skills learnt in 'Scoring' are useful when it's important is - to enable him, when he finds the 'one' - to win her over. If he has no practice, he hinders his chances at ending up with the one he wants.

All women practice enticing the right man...it's also natural for men to practice 'hunting' so they can end up with the right woman. Women may not like this concept, but it would be hypocritical of them to suggest that it is somehow wrong.

Wed 18 Apr, 2012 10:23 am
All women practice enticing the right man...it's also natural for men to practice 'hunting' so they can end up with the right woman. Women may not like this concept, but it would be hypocritical of them to suggest that it is somehow wrong.

But of course they do....men are ok in their books so long as we are operating as they want us to, which is to say for a lot of them we are under their thumb.
0 Replies
Wed 18 Apr, 2012 03:24 pm
All women practice enticing the right man...it's also natural for men to practice 'hunting' so they can end up with the right woman. Women may not like this concept, but it would be hypocritical of them to suggest that it is somehow wrong

Going to have to say I get that, "unfortunately" Smile

IDK, Hawkeye I don't want my other half under my thumb, totally anyways, otherwise he'd be a wimp... So now there is another lesson to teach, because once the hunting is over, you have to keep the girl.

Wed 18 Apr, 2012 05:27 pm
Both the hunting and the keeping require the same skills. I don't know how to go about showing MJ that this is not work that he can scam out of with moral ignignation if he wants to have success. The women he will meet will be no more impressed with his arguement than we have been. I suspect that MJ does have BPD so relationships are hard for him, and that his morality construct functions as a way to avoid admitting this to himself. He has no hope at relationships if he is as deep into avoiding himself as I believe he is.
Wed 18 Apr, 2012 05:57 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
"I have told you before n tell you again regain confidence !
the only most important things women need to see in you A confidence (means you can fight for the family) B Humour (means you are not a brute)"

I think you are right. I feel as though I already have B. A is hard for me to find within myself as I only have a penis. A penis isn't as valuable as a vagina. That's just a fundamental reality of life...
0 Replies
Wed 18 Apr, 2012 05:59 pm
"Mr Michael isn't after just "pussy" as you put it, he's after marriage, happily ever after, zero cheating and intimacy. "

Yes, what I really want is love. REAL love.


"IDK, Hawkeye I don't want my other half under my thumb, totally anyways, otherwise he'd be a wimp... So now there is another lesson to teach, because once the hunting is over, you have to keep the girl."

I feel like no matter what I do, if I meet someone I really love, the game playing never ends. I have to constantly keep my guard up and play the game. I can never really be myself, never relax and just enjoy being with that person. Because as you said "you have to keep the girl".

I feel like being in love is hard to enjoy if it's accompanied by constant paranoia...

Wed 18 Apr, 2012 06:01 pm
"At least you know that you were on your own, as there are multitudes of male saps who think that they have grown up in a proper family and have gotten proper guidance but who have their heads filled with female generated anti-male tripe"

Hadn't thought about this. Thank you hawkeye. I believe there is worth in what you're saying here, and I think I should take some measure of pride in myself for having any success with women at all under the tutelage of myself alone.

"If bagging the prey were easy being successful would not be rewarding."

Again, hadn't thought of this. I agree with you, but I still don't think it should be something so difficult that it becomes near impossible.

"he expects the pussy to magically appear on his plate through no effort on his part"

But what I would say to this is that women get offered dick everyday through no effort on their part. That's an inequality. I know it can't be changed, but knowing that doesn't make me feel any better. It makes me angry.

It's really a shame you've never seen me in real life because I take great pleasure in putting women in their place, and have had a few great moments in my life where I've caught women in all their illogical glory and called them out in front of others. I know this doesn't get me laid, but damned if it isn't satisfying! I will NEVER stop calling women out on their bullshit. I will die first!

"The women he will meet will be no more impressed with his arguement than we have been."

Yep, but they sure as hell won't have to put in as much work as I do in order to achieve fulfillment in the realm of relationships.

I DO NOT have BPD. Are you seriously agreeing with firefly??? Do you really want to give her that satisfaction???

I'm not avoiding myself. I'm avoiding pain, that's different. That's why I drink and do other things. I know there are things about life I can't change. I know you are right about women in many regards. That doesn't make it right. I'm not in any way fooling myself. I'm merely dealing with life as best I can under imperfect circumstances. If I didn't do this I'd have offed myself long ago...

Wed 18 Apr, 2012 06:03 pm
"It is impossible for the total number of relationships that all women have (with men) to be more than the total number of relationships all men have (with women)."

I'm not denying that the total number of relationships for the entire species is equal. What I'm saying is amongst the INDIVIDUAL relationships, woman have more partners. I can't think of a single instance I've encountered in my life where this hasn't been true.

That is just fact.

Because woman have more options readily available. As with Mary, she didn't have to do a single thing in order for men to seek her out. That's why she was never single for more than a few days at a time during her life (which also makes it extremely insulting when she expected me to believe me she was leaving because she "wanted to be single".) That's why she was engaged in under 8 months after leaving me.

Because that's the ultimate advantage that women have. As has been said, sperm is cheap, eggs are rare.

"Life is unfair. It’s not fair that people die in accidents. It’s not fair that some people are born with more talent than others. It’s not fair that some people are born to rich parents and some are born to poor parents. It’s not fair that some are born in war-torn countries. It’s not fair that some parents are murdered in front of their childrens eyes. It's not fair for those people that have mental illnesses. It's not fair for those people with intellectual impairments. It's not fair for those people missing limbs, or paraplegic or quadraplegic....Life isn’t fair – it just is. The rest is what you make of it. You can whine about unfairness that you can't do anything about, or you can make the absolute best of what you've got, and be happy doing so."

I'm well aware that life isn't fair, that it will NEVER be fair. That doesn't mean we should just accept things as being OK if they are blatantly wrong. Just because there's nothing we can do about it doesn't change the fact that men are oppressed by women. We as men should at least point out what women are doing and collectively raise our our middle fingers in defiance. If for no other reason, than just to let them know we aren't 'wimps', and to let let them know that we know that they know that we know.

"You’re still complaining about biology – which you can do NOTHING about. Why do you torture yourself with this completely pointless crap? Look at what life is, and make the best of it."

Refer to my above comment. And it's not pointless crap. If there was some creature on earth that ate men for dinner everyday, that threatened our very survival, we wouldn't look at it as worrying about pointless crap that we couldn't do anything about just because that being was biologically superior. We would band together and figure out a way to survive, and maybe work on plotting some way to defeat it.

"By the way - have you yet found ANYTHING I’ve said to be hypocritical? (that you haven't misinterpretted). I don’t think so yet, and there is a reason for that..."

I would ask you, have you found anything I'VE said to be hypocritical? I may not always say things that are popular or pleasant, but do you find any TRUE contradictions in what I say?

"More accurately - some do...and as I said – it’s pointless doing so. You can't change biology."

So you agree with me? That women crying about unequal pay should just shut up?

One of the most satisfying things in life is putting a woman in her place. It just feels right. Can you blame me for taking satisfaction in that? The problem is that when confronted with their illogical behavior or when confronted with the fact that they are just plain WRONG most women will find some way of not letting a man have that satisfaction. Usually it's by cutting off communication with that man, or saying something like "This conversation is over!!!".

Because it really is 'impossible' to win an argument with a woman. Even if you're 100% right.
Wed 18 Apr, 2012 06:19 pm
I feel like no matter what I do, if I meet someone I really love, the game playing never ends. I have to constantly keep my guard up and play the game. I can never really be myself, never relax and just enjoy being with that person. Because as you said "you have to keep the girl".
The game playing never ends for either party, because without hard work, effort, a relationship won't survive. But, you should be able to be yourself, or else, honestly you have put on a false front to gain the woman...
Wed 18 Apr, 2012 06:29 pm
"But, you should be able to be yourself, or else, honestly you have put on a false front to gain the woman..."

I was my REAL self with Mary. The more 'real' I was, the more it drove her away. And as I said, I tested it. I'd play games with her to see what happened. She preferred the game playing, the fakeness.

That's sick. I really loved her. I should've just been able to be myself and treat her good, and have that be enough. I worked HARD at that relationship, really hard..
Wed 18 Apr, 2012 07:05 pm
I'm not denying that the total number of relationships for the entire species is equal. What I'm saying is amongst the INDIVIDUAL relationships, woman have more partners. I can't think of a single instance I've encountered in my life where this hasn't been true.

That is just fact.
Odd - I can look around me and see many men that have had more relationships than women. I don't doubt that exists in your world to - but you likely ignore such.

Let's break it down into a number that is easy for you to understand. There are now only 1000 men and 1000 women left in the world. If the total number of relationships that women have (with men) in one year is 2000, then the total number of of relationships that men have with women in one year is also 2000.

Within that number of women, some women won't have any (do notice that you largely ignore this?), and a few women will have, let's say 50 (you notice that you focus on this part?). Within that number of men, some men will have none (you notice you focus on this part?), and a few men will have, let's say 50 (you notice you ignore this part?).

Now within the whole, a very limited number of women may want to have more men than that than that...because men being hunters allows her to do so.

If this is your point - So What? That's biology, and nothing will change that.

Seriously - why do you keep complaining about things you can do nothing about? It's incredibly pointless. Worse, the only things it achieves is to keep you bitter; to hinders your happiness; to keep you depressed. The only result you get out of constantly fixating on this & ceaselely complaining - is a seriously negative effect on you. There is not one point to complaining about biology, and it has on you - huge negative effects - so why do you choose to engage in it? Is it a sense of massichism?

That doesn't mean we should just accept things as being OK if they are blatantly wrong.
See above. It's not blatantly wrong - it's biology. You sense of injustice is misplaced, and serves you no end of ill. All you do is cause yourself anguish, for not purpose whatsoever.

as men should at least point out what women are doing and collectively raise our our middle fingers in defiance.

Personally - I LIKE being a man. I LIKE my strength. I LIKE my co-ordination. I LIKE the competitiveness. I LIKE being proud of who I am, and of my gender (without ever feeling the need to put women down).

I also like how women are overall...the differences offer a counterpoint to who we are, that as a whole, makes life better. Within the whole of womenkind - there are certainly women who I don't like...and the great thing about that is there are lots that I do like....and I'm sure the women can say exactly the same for mankind...so I don't bother judging (because from each point of view there are arguably problematic traits in the other) - I make the best of the ones I do like.

Your problem really appears to be that you don't like being a man, and you don't like being who you are - and you want to blame this on women. Women have little to nothing to do with your dislike of yourself. The women in your life have been a reflection of who you are, as has the lack of women, or the lack of the right woman. This isn't said to give you a kick in the guts - it's said because you need to realise that this is firstly ABOUT YOU...not about women.

As I've said previously - what we contribute to others is US - who we are, our richness of life, our unique character traits, our genuine personality idiosyncracies, our deep sentimentalities, our humour, our friendliness, our loyalty, our sense of fun, our impulsiveness...etc...and all of that attracts certain types of people into our lives...hence both our friends & relationships are a reflection of us.

...and with all of those traits - we can develop them. We can find more things to love about people (and increase our love & warmth)...we can develop our understanding (and increase our empathy)...we can develop our interests (and find more in common with others, and grow our passions etc)...the same can be said for any positive human trait you can think of.

...and as we develop, we welcome more & more people into our lives, and more importantly, for those that will be close to us - people who mean a lot to us - people who speak to us - people who move us.

So you agree with me? That women crying about unequal pay should just shut up?
Keh - that's a statement that is too generalised to be answered with a yes or no.

If they are doing the same job, they should be paid the same. If they are doing less skilled work, they have nothing to complain about (just as men doing less skilled work have nothing to complain about).

As a whole - because many women choose pregnancy & family over work (and all the various permutations that it takes) - the overall total pay of women should obviously be no where near the overall total pay of men.

That said - the difference in pay between the less skilled and skilled employees is problematic (but that's a different topic).

One of the most satisfying things in life is putting a woman in her place. It just feels right. Can you blame me for taking satisfaction in that?
Is it really 'satisfaction' that you feel, or glee?

Because it really is 'impossible' to win an argument with a woman. Even if you're 100% right.
Uh - okaaaayyyy...

Personally - whatever a woman thinks - and whatever the argument - sometimes you're right, sometimes you're wrong...whatever they say. You'll find that if you stick by your principles (sound principles that is) they eventually come around...even if they initially storm off. Sometimes of course, you just have to agree to disagree.

I don't know how many women have said it - they do NOT want a man they can just walk over (and they'll try).

So no - don't EVER believe that they are always right. It's a test they throw your way to see if you really are a man.
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