Quote:There are boobs and butts aplenty in that book! The writer himself has even talked about it.
I see a girl reading something like that, what am I supposed to talk to her about? Masterpiece theater and ****??? World economics??? Global peace???
You are 33 years old and you don't know what to talk to a "girl" about? Butt jokes are how you try to interest a
woman in getting to know you better?
You think and act like a 13 year old.
If you had seen a man reading that same comic, and you wanted to chat with him about it, because you shared a similar interest, would you have tried to amuse him with jokes about boobs and butt cracks too? Or is that sort of infantile nonsense something you reserve for picking up women?
Judging by your comments throughout this thread, you are neither clever nor humorous, and your idea of snappy patter is unlikely to appeal to any female who has gotten beyond junior high school--and even most of those still in junior high would probably feel you are a jerk.
You have an appalling lack of social skills for a 33 year old. And it's not just with women you are trying to meet, it's across the board. You just don't know how to behave appropriately when meeting people, whether it's at a Thanksgiving dinner or with people in any other sort of social situation. Either you're withdrawn and paralyzed by self consciousness and feelings of inadequacy, or you're slightly drunk and trying to put on a comic performance of some sort. Neither of those types of behaviors on your part will help you get to know the people you are with, nor will they really allow the other people to get to know you, or even cause them to want to get to know you better.
It's not just that you're not "smooth", or that you're "shy", you are downright clueless about how to act like an adult when meeting someone. You exhibit no real interest in, or curiosity about, the other person. And you reveal little in the way of personal attributes or behavior that would make another person feel attracted to you. And, in these situations, I suspect you can't read other people's social cues, and the non-verbal feedback they are giving you, well at all. That you can't understand these things about yourself, or understand why you fail to elicit more positive reactions from people, is a large part of your problem.
Your difficulties have nothing to do with "women", or how they act, and your difficulties are not shared by most men. Most 33 year old men know how to behave and function effectively in social interactions--they aren't acting like they are in total darkness groping for a flashlight, the way you do--they focus on getting to know the other person, on putting the other person at ease, on making the other person feel interesting and important. Those things aren't game-playing, they aren't indications of phoniness, they're
social skills that indicate an awareness of the other person, and how that person might be feeling. And they are social skills that most people, both men and women, acquire in order to be able to function effectively. You've not only missed the boat on acquiring those skills, and seem clueless about how to obtain them, you throw childish tantrums because everyone else is aboard that boat and you don't even know where to buy a ticket, or you don't have enough money to buy a ticket, or you think only females can get tickets, and on and on. You're socially inept, plain and simple.
Why would you ever expect any woman who doesn't know you, or has only chatted with you for a few minutes, and has no other knowledge of you, to give you her phone number? Are you that out of touch with reality? Don't you think women have realistic concerns about handing out their phone numbers to total strangers? Why are you even asking for her phone number instead of simply giving her your phone number and saying, "I'd really like to spend more time with you, give me a call and maybe we can get together"?
Quote:Is that so ******* hard for women to do? Is it so hard to just be on the level with men, just be up front???
You don't want honest responses. You feel insulted by them. You've disregarded people's reactions to you throughout this thread--and the feedback you've gotten, from both men and women, regarding both your thinking and manner of expressing yourself, has generally been rather negative. Not once have you stopped to say, "Am I really like that? Is that how I come across?." Rather than becoming aware of something about yourself that you should try to improve or change, you get defensive and spout more bullshit.
Women may try to avoid hurting your feelings, or a direct confrontation, so they tell you white lies--that's not really being either a liar or manipulative. So, that woman in the coffee shop told you she was going to her car to get a pen--she wanted to get away from you and you were too dumb to realize that. Would you have really been happier if she told you she thought you were a creep and she just wanted to leave? Would you really have been happier if Mary told you she was moving out because she couldn't take being around you any more? Stacy doesn't even want you at her wedding. Your therapist even got tired of trying to cut through your defensive bullshit, to get through to you, and she gave up. Not only do you not appeal to strangers, people who've been your friends for a long time, like Mary and Stacy, want to get away from you and they cut off contact because they are tired of having to deal with your emotional problems.
You want women to level with you? To be up front with you? Okay, I'll level with you, MichaelJ...
You are an extremely immature person with very poor social skills, and very poor relationship skills, for an adult.
You have significant emotional and personality problems with poor coping mechanisms.
Your mistrust of others, as well as your externalization of blame, and constant sense of being victimized, borders on the paranoid.
You are extremely self-involved and self-absorbed with little real interest in other people or their needs.
You seem to lack any sort of charm or personal appeal, you have a real nasty streak, and you generally harbor considerable resentment and anger.
Your thinking is often shallow, inflexible, and illogical, and the conclusions you draw are often irrational and distorted.
You whine incessantly, passively wallow in self pity, lack self esteem and self confidence, and don't have enough self respect to properly take care of yourself or try to improve yourself.
Your insight is nil.
You come across as somewhat jerky, creepy, and quite odd.
And you are a drunk.
Do you want more honesty?
You tell me why anyone would be interested in having a relationship with you?