Can life have meaning if your dreams are unattainable?

Fri 13 Apr, 2012 12:11 am
It's really hard to look at instances like these without having them reinforce my views that women lie..

Sure they do, a lot. If you were more successful with women you would be here at A2K singing songs of woe about how women are cock teases. Sure a lot of them are, but no one is perfect. Maybe the answer to your problems is to convert to Islam, become a suicide bomber, and collect your 40 virgins.
Fri 13 Apr, 2012 12:11 am
"Women are adults, and have a responsibility to act like adults, not scared little girls. Do men everywhere a solid....put your big girl panties on and tell this guy what you think of his behavior."

Finally, I REALLY like what you're saying hawkeye!
Fri 13 Apr, 2012 12:14 am

...again you succeed in coming across as a douchebag hawkeye.

0 Replies
Fri 13 Apr, 2012 12:20 am
"Yeah, I guess it would have been more considerate and polite of this girl to walk back in and say to the guy, 'You know, I thought about it and I don't want to give you my number,' so he wouldn't stand there waiting, but I'd call what she did, walking out to her car and just driving away instead of doing what she said she was going to do, more impolite than immature.
Her actions communicated her thoughts. She didn't have to speak her mind."

Well that's some female thinking for ya right there... Making men guess or assuming they just already understand instead of just being upfront.

Bullcrap. How about if she didn't want to give me her number she just says "I'm flattered, but no thank you."?

Problem solved!

Honesty, ...it's ******* amazing!
0 Replies
Fri 13 Apr, 2012 12:20 am
So I finally asked her and she said yes. Then I wound up calling her number only to find out it was an auto parts store...

She could have been nervous and put (1) digit wrong Smile But, in any event we are complicated creatures, us women... Sure it would be "nice" to just be straight forward, most of the time I am, but every now and then, I get tongue tied... remember personality plays alot in it, on how you react.

I bet Australia is a cool place to live. I've heard good things about it. Plus it gave us Elle McPherson right? ...she's so pretty

The body? Smile I met her once Smile
Fri 13 Apr, 2012 12:22 am
Women are adults, and have a responsibility to act like adults, not scared little girls.
So do men, but that doesn't stop "some" of them from acting like cowards, jerks, users, stalkers or "boys with toys" who claim that it's mid-life crisis Smile
Fri 13 Apr, 2012 12:24 am
"She had to walk all the way out to the car to get a pen?" Right!?!?!? A lie right there! 100% bullshit!

Then why were you surprised or disappointed?
If you knew when she said the words that she was lying, why didn't you just say, 'I've got a pen right here,' or 'Nevermind - don't go to all that trouble...'
Maybe it's just the sort of women you choose to engage with.
I mean, 'Oh wow - a girl who reads comic books - that's HOT!' sounds like sort of a shallow and immature reaction to a woman as a whole.
Think of it this way. If I saw an attractive guy reading a book by my favorite author, I'd think, 'Hmm - we might have a lot in common and I'd like to hear what he thinks about that book or that author - he'd be interesting to talk to.'
My first thought wouldn't be - 'Oh - he likes what I like - I'd like to **** him.'

I said:
"I can't think of one instance in which I gave a guy I didn't really know my number."

You responded
Firefly for one told me I shouldn't beat around the bush; ask for the digits right away. You see there's so many weird nuances with women, how is a man ever supposed to navigate them correctly? It's a complete crap shoot as far as I can see. For all I know, I should've just walked up and slapped her on the ass... "

After you chatted for a while, you might have said something like, 'I've really enjoyed talking to you. Here's my number. I come here quite often. Maybe next time you're here, if you're not busy with something or someone else, you could give me a call.'

And the slapping the ass comment is just immature.

I said:
Maybe you came across as too self-aware and studied and thus a little creepy."

To which you replied:
The first thing I said to her was that the artist of the book she was reading really knows how to draw funny looking butt cracks (It was the only thing I could think of on the fly. And the comic she was reading is kind of an underground thing so it was an appropriate comment.)

I think you think too much about how to make a particular impression. If I thought all the funny people I know were always THINKING about how to be funny and what to say - that'd turn me RIGHT off!

I got a good hard chuckle from her to this... I don't think I came on strong at all. We talked about comics and I told her she had good taste. I didn't compliment her in any other way.

A chuckle, huh? I think chuckles are often forced and polite. If you'd caught her by surprise with your wit, she'd have burst out laughing.
And the good taste thing - why does she have good taste? Because she likes the same thing you like?
I'd have just said, 'Hey - I like that guy too! HE'S blah blah blah....and then you're not highlighting your OWN wonderful and tasteful attributes as much as someone else's.
So, if she'd been reading the comic of someone you hadn't liked, would you have just said to yourself, 'She doesn't like what I like so she doesn't have good taste and she'd never do for me?'
I'm just wondering.
.. URL: http://able2know.org/reply/post-4954498
Fri 13 Apr, 2012 12:26 am
"The body? I met her once "

So is she nice? I suppose you can't really tell from just one meeting ...but man she's definitely good looking, nice body too haha Smile
Fri 13 Apr, 2012 12:29 am

Finally, I REALLY like what you're saying hawkeye!

I am sure that I just lost you again with my snide remark about your desire for fantasy women though...

Look pal, you cant do anything about how women are, and I am not sure you should want to. ....from where I sit women are pretty damn fantastic fun. But you can change you, work on you. I come from the childhood sexual abuse survivor community...I am married to a survivor and have spent at lot of time with survivors and their husbands/boyfriends. Let me tell you, these are some of the most impossible to live with women around. We cant control our mates, but we can control ourselves, our reaction to them. The best advise I have ever gotten or given about being confronted with difficult women is "work on yourself first". If you would ever learn to look inside and know yourself you would have a much easier time learning to understand women, and then you would have far less trouble interacting with them.

Think about it. This is the first time and almost certainly the last time that Firefly and I will ever agree about anything, that should tell you something.
Fri 13 Apr, 2012 12:32 am

Women are adults, and have a responsibility to act like adults, not scared little girls.
So do men, but that doesn't stop "some" of them from acting like cowards, jerks, users, stalkers or "boys with toys" who claim that it's mid-life crisis Smile

In that situation men are usually completely honest, we are very clear that we are looking for fun time, which by definition includes lots of ******* hot chick(s).
Fri 13 Apr, 2012 12:45 am
Wow, holy crap. Twist people's words often?

"My first thought wouldn't be - 'Oh - he likes what I like - I'd like to **** him.'"

I wasn't thinking about ******* her. Not once did I ever mention ******* in what I just wrote. I was thinking exactly what you said: "If I saw an attractive guy reading a book by my favorite author, I'd think, 'Hmm - we might have a lot in common and I'd like to hear what he thinks about that book or that author - he'd be interesting to talk to."

Don't put words in my mouth. I saw someone I wanted to know more about and I tried to learn more.

And I'm sorry but I've only met about maybe four or five good looking girls in my life who were comic book fans. That's a rare thing ...so yeah that's 'Hot' to me. In fact it was hotter to me that she was reading that book than it was hot to me what she looked like. If a girl was even reasonably good looking and she liked comic books she'd get hotness stature in my book...

"Maybe it's just the sort of women you choose to engage with."

So all types of different women then..?

"And the slapping the ass comment is just immature."

Wow, that comment says a lot about you. It's called sarcasm, look into it...

"If I thought all the funny people I know were always THINKING about how to be funny and what to say - that'd turn me RIGHT off!"

I wasn't thinking about how to be funny, I was trying to think of something I could say about that book that wasn't as simple as " I like book, book good!"

And it was a chuckle followed by outright laughter because then we talked about superhero private parts.

"So, if she'd been reading the comic of someone you hadn't liked, would you have just said to yourself, 'She doesn't like what I like so she doesn't have good taste and she'd never do for me?'
I'm just wondering."

Again any woman reading comic books gets hotness points, even if the comic books she's reading sucks...
Fri 13 Apr, 2012 12:51 am
So do men, but that doesn't stop "some" of them from acting like cowards, jerks, users, stalkers or "boys with toys" who claim that it's mid-life crisis

In that situation men are usually completely honest, we are very clear that we are looking for fun time, which by definition includes lots of ******* hot chick(s).

You went straight for sex I see... I love it when people only read what they want to read Smile It was the users that did it, wasn't it..........

You I know, we know that half of you are purely looking for a fun time... But let me tell you, you also know half of you aren't honest about it... To get the prize, you shall lies....
0 Replies
Fri 13 Apr, 2012 12:52 am
It is hard to judge Michael on just one meeting Smile But, let's just say she didn't diss anyone who wanted to say hello to her, so I see that as "good" ... That's why she's called "the body " Smile
0 Replies
Fri 13 Apr, 2012 12:55 am
"If you would ever learn to look inside and know yourself you would have a much easier time learning to understand women, and then you would have far less trouble interacting with them. "

I am looking inside. I'm working on it. But lying isn't right. I swear to god it's hardwired into women. That says a lot about women as a whole.

You did say:"Women are adults, and have a responsibility to act like adults, not scared little girls. Do men everywhere a solid....put your big girl panties on and tell this guy what you think of his behavior."

Is that so ******* hard for women to do? Is it so hard to just be on the level with men, just be up front???

Why do they get to get away with lying? If men lie, they get nailed to the cross and called every name in the book!
Fri 13 Apr, 2012 01:01 am
You know Michael - I don't even know you so I can't say that I like or dislike you, but you do seem a little tightly wound and that can be off-putting and downright scary to women.

It seems you take everything as a personal affront - for example not realizing that just as you engage in sarcasm and 'overstatement' - so do I (with the whole, 'I'd like to **** him' statement).
Maybe I was mistaking you and Hawkeye - that's a joke!

On facebook, my nephew put this golden triange of attributes (it was a joke I think) but you could only pick two out of the three and the three were:

1) good looking
2) emotionally stable
3) intelligent

Myself, personally, I'd pick emotionally stable and intelligent- good looks being a pleasant bonus, but not absolutely necessary in whoever I'd choose as a friend or partner.
But emotionally stable is VERY important. If you're a woman and you see signs a man is emotionally unstable - it could mean your life. That's the bottom line.
I say this to you, because you seem to be pursuing the very thing you profess not to believe in and respect or like very much and how 'emotionally stable' is that?

I'm not trying to down you, but from what I read you seem to be tightly wound and quick to take offense.
That combination probably just doesn't project well to women who are looking for a partner or companion whether it's to have fun or marry.

I'd tell you to relax and be yourself a little more without constantly thinking about how you are 'appearing' to be.

And since you have such negative views of women in general, you're probably projecting alot of that negativity when you interact. I picture you just WAITING for the girl to **** up and/or tell a lie. How can you think a woman would find spending time with someone who fundamentally doesn't believe in or like her entire gender a pleasant prospect?
Fri 13 Apr, 2012 01:28 am
So when I use sarcasm I'm "tightly wound", and when you use it you're being funny? I don't follow...

"I say this to you, because you seem to be pursuing the very thing you profess not to believe in and respect or like very much and how 'emotionally stable' is that?"

I have no choice in finding vaginas attractive. It's the way I was born. It was nature's predetermined course set forth for me. In fact very early on in this thread I made a very solid point about how it sucks to be attracted to something against your will...

"I'd tell you to relax and be yourself a little more without constantly thinking about how you are 'appearing' to be."

Did I once in what I wrote about what happened at the coffee shop say I was worried about how I appeared? I couldn't have been more of myself! I love talking about comic books! I could talk about that **** to anyone! And when I talk about it I get excited!

"And since you have such negative views of women in general, you're probably projecting alot of that negativity when you interact."

We had a pleasant 10 or so minute conversation about cartoon boobs and butts and how awesome of a writer Grant Morrison is, during the course of which laughter was had in abundance.

Where exactly did I slip in negativity there? And how exactly is this woman psychic enough to even have the foggiest clue about anything pertaining to my past attitudes about women when she's known me for a mere 10 minutes???

Holy ****, now I'm supposed to worry about psychic projections too???

Fri 13 Apr, 2012 01:38 am
Is that so ******* hard for women to do? Is it so hard to just be on the level with men, just be up front???

You are making the assumption that it is hard for them, which I dont know to be true.

My theory, and I worn you right now that you are not going to like my theory, is that women practice so much lying and deceit because they like to play. In part this is to make it clear to us men that they are not idiots and are not controlled by us, but also because girls just want to have fun. If I am correct then you have big problems....you who claims to detest game playing, and look upon it as an endeavor which is beneath you.

Why do they get to get away with lying? If men lie, they get nailed to the cross and called every name in the book!

There is a big double standard, as the culture is now anti male and heavily anti masculinity. THis is a subject that I have brought up in multiple threads, and one which is consistently dismissed as misogynistic, as one would expect it to be in an anti-male culture.
Fri 13 Apr, 2012 01:38 am
No, when you use sarcasm, 'I don't get it' and when I use sarcasm, 'I'm twisting your words'.

In other words - you can use sarcasm and I'm in the wrong if I don't get it and I can use sarcasm and I'm in the wrong because I'm twisting your words.

Get it - you're right on both counts and I'm wrong on both counts but we're both doing the same thing.

You seem to have this innate need to be 'right' and the other person 'wrong' or wronging you although you swear you haven't done anything wrong.

And if you're attracted to vaginas but you hate a woman's mind - get a blow-up doll.

I don't know what else to tell you.

Fri 13 Apr, 2012 01:49 am
"Get it - you're right on both counts and I'm wrong on both counts but we're both doing the same thing."

I don't think so. I just think sarcasm is harder to convey in something like this forum than in a real conversation. Although based on our exchange I'd say I'm a bit sharper with it than you...

"And if you're attracted to vaginas but you hate a woman's mind - get a blow-up doll."

Never once said I don't like women's minds, in fact many times I've said the opposite. I think you're confusing their 'minds' as a whole with their deception abilities and their manipulations.

But yeah blow-up doll ...so funny. You and firefly sure know how to put me in my place.
Fri 13 Apr, 2012 01:52 am
And you're better and sharper and more honest and sincere and caring and less manipulative and more well-meaning and etc. etc. than everyone else in the whole world...

I mean, what lying, manipulative, cowardly, woman who doesn't even carry a pen with her could possibly deserve a man like you - even if she DOES read comic books and laughs at butt crack and boob jokes?


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