Quote:It feeds into what I already believe to be true about women vikorr. I get what you're saying 'practice makes perfect', but I've gone over it in my head... It only lasted a few minutes and I can't place what I did wrong. I approached with my shoulders up, made eye contact, kept the conversation going, made jokes, got smiles from her, got laughs from her. It's really hard to look at instances like these without having them reinforce my views that women lie...
Or maybe she just changed her mind, having thought it through on the way from the coffee shop to her car to get a pen, (which is sort of weird in itself).
So none of the waitresses in the coffee shop could lend either of you a pen?
She had to walk all the way out to the car to get a pen? And anyway, didn't either of you have a mobile - one of you could have just taken the other's number and then called and then you'd both have each other's number?
But whatever.
I can't think of one instance in which I gave a guy I didn't really know my number. If I'm out socializing and I have a nice chat with someone and they want to exchange numbers, but I don't really know them, I take THEIR number and then I decide either to call or not call them.
As a woman, I wouldn't hand out my number to strangers.
Maybe she thought the whole thing through and came to a safer conclusion for herself.
If it were my daughter, I wouldn't want her giving out her number to strangers in coffee shops, especially not someone who studiously and consciously complies with the rules of 'good communication' because he's reminded himself of how to 'look' appropriate...including eye contact, etc., etc.
Maybe you came across as too self-aware and studied and thus a little creepy.
Maybe you just seem too eager. That can be a REAL red flag to a woman. I have a friend at work with whom I share alot of laughs, etc. and as we were walking out one day he said, 'We should have a beer together sometime,' and I said, 'Sure- that'd be fun.'
And then he turned it into a meal that he would buy for me and that made me uncomfortable, wondering, 'Okay, does he have expectations beyond friendship?' so I said, straight out, 'I'm not interested in a relationship beyond friendship Steve,' and he said, 'Oh, I know....' and then yesterday he walked up to me and said, 'When are we going out?'
I said, 'You mean for that beer? I only work half a day on Friday, you want to meet up on the way home from work?'
And he said, 'Well, I work the whole day Friday - but I'll take the day off...'
And I was like, 'WHAT?!- NO - take a day off to stop off and have a beer?!'
And that just made me so uncomfortable - that he doesn't seem to be listening to what I'm saying and his agenda is so different from mine.
I probably DO know him well enough to tell him the truth about why I'll be less comfortable and avoiding him from now on, but you know, these women that you call 'liars' maybe they're just trying to avoid uncomfortable situations and scenes with men they don't really know who come on too strong.