I THINK this the first time YOU have called me a misogynist firefly. Before you'd always say that my problems were with people in general. Now you're on the defensive because your OBVIOUS dislike of men has been dragged out into the light.
Calamity Jane said this:
"firefly, who has shown nothing but patience and good faith in you, MichaelJ."
Um ...ok let's look at some of the recent things she's said to me:
~You're not an appealing person, MichaelJ
~You are a very unappealing and quite emotionally immature person.
~You could, however, consider male to female gender reassignment treatment/surgery.
~So, let him go on drinking, and eventually bump himself off
...and that's just going back a few pages.
so while firefly has offered a lot of advice, she's also made sure to take more than her fare share of jabs at me, while I have never insulted her in a personal way.
I actually think you're a very intelligent person firefly. I mean it's obvious you are. And I think if you look back on this thread, there were some nice things I said about you and some thank yous given for the advice, even if I also disagreed with it.
I think it's obvious you have MAJOR issues with men contradicting you, and now you've changed your tune about me having trouble with all people and have gotten on the bandwagon to call me a misogynist.
You never once had to agree with my attitudes about women as a whole, but here's what you did with every single instance I pointed out of those two women doing something wrong:
1) You justified their actions by rationalizing their behavior or their motivations for their behavior, and
2) You spun the situation to where what happened (even when it was THEIR actions we were talking about) was somehow MY fault.
You lose credibility because you OBVIOUSLY have just as many problems with men as I do with women. Yet you get up on your high horse and you can't even acknowledge that maybe someone from your gender ACTUALLY did something shitty.
"I see those in my life as a reflection of who I am"
I partially agree with this because I'd like to hope that the cool people I've had in my life have been a reflection of myself, but what about famous people, or people with a lot of money, OR good looking women? They certainly attract others interested in things other than being a reflection of who they are.
"In a rather complex area...and as a generalisation...I don't particularly buy it as 'women are manipulative though' - it seems to me that most genuinely are confused about what they want
I still think women are manipulative in other areas, but in the way you're describing this aspect of their psyches', you sir are dead on right! They are confused!
Jack and myself had so so many things in common. All the same interests, sense of humor, ect. But it was like we were opposite sides of the same coin. He was outgoing, smooth, fake, and manipulative. I was kind of introverted, awkward, genuine, and caring. Mary was obviously attracted to the things that were similar about both Jack and I.
"they actually believe that they want what they say they want...but when they get it, they get turned off" ~SO TRUE!
When Mary was with Jack, he treated her like crap. He'd hit on other girls in front of her, he'd never return her calls or texts, he'd ditch her without warning, prioritize other people over her ect, ect. She would CONSTANTLY complain about how "bad" he treated her. But the more Jack did this, the more Mary would wonder about him (frequently by asking me about it). Does Jack still like me? Where's Jack Mike, have you seen him? The more he ignored her, the more she loved him.
Now when Mary and I started, all I'd ever hear about from her was "Jack was such a douchebag!", and that she really loved me because I wasn't like that. Because I was kind, caring, deep, thoughtful, ect. But the more thoughtful, caring, ect that I was, the more it turned her off!
And I would test it too from time to time, I'd spend one day sending her sweet "lovey dovey" texts, and then the next SEVERAL days I'd ignore her texts and calls, and disappear with my friends. EVERY single time I ignored her, she expressed MORE interest in me. However, I'm just not a manipulative person and I really loved Mary. Eventually my caring and thoughtfulness was all I showed her, and it turned her off. Even though she SWORE up and down that's what she wanted.
Because you see humans are animals after all. In order for mating to be successful, the male MUST dominate the female. The female MUST be submissive.
Mary was unbelievably gorgeous. Guys had kissed her ass her entire life. That's why she loved Jack so much; he didn't kiss her ass and in fact treated her like ****! He "won" because he dominated her this way, giving her what she REALLY wanted all the while she was saying she wanted something else.
So I guess I agree with you Hawkeye. But it makes me upset, because if you're right then my dream is most certainly NOT attainable just for this reason alone: Men and Women in a relationship together can't be friends.
That's very depressing because I want a friend who's my lover too. I even think sex is better with someone who's your friend, MUCH better. I think it's where REAL passion comes into play for me. I've had sex with people I didn't love. Good looking women who definitely aroused my baser urges, but I felt REAL passion with my fiance and especially with Mary.
Because sex wasn't just sex with them. I don't know how to described the difference better than that. I need passion, (for me) that's never going to come from someone I just think is sexy. It's going to come from someone I like as a person. I think it's the same reason I think intelligent women are sexy. Especially if they're smarter than me. That's hot!
But apparently I'm wrong because Mary did after all run off in the end. I think you can't be friends because the male MUST dominate the female in order to satisfy what the female wants subconsciously. This can only really be achieved through mind-gaming and manipulation. Through being a player.
That makes me very depressed. It makes me sad to think humans are only at the mercy of our baser urges. It makes me sad to think two people can't love each other for who they really are.
If ""respect" is the antithesis of passion" Hawkeye, then we truly live in a sad world because that means women can only feel passion for men who dominate them, and men can only feel passion for women they don't respect.
Earlier on in this thread I mentioned a study that was published last summer about rich people, and how the study showed that they were less empathetic to the needs of others.
Makes sense right? They've had all the doors in life open to them their entire lives, they've never really been told 'no'.
Well women are exactly like this. They never get told 'no', so how could they ever have any empathy for all those men they reject or use or hurt? They have no reference point for what it feels like to be at the mercy of someone else. They have no reference point of what it feels like to actually have to work hard to get someone interested in them.
How could they ever have empathy for the ex boyfriends they've manipulated or cheated on? In their mind they've done no wrong.
Have you ever noticed that (in general) the better looking a woman is, the worse her personality is? The worse she treats others (particularly men)? That's because they have no point of reference for how others feel, because they get their asses kissed on a daily basis.
vikorr, I've re-read some of your advice. I do think a lot of what you've said COULD be true. I want to believe it is. But what Hawkeye has said can't be denied, it's so painfully obviously true in society.
My dreams are unattainable. I'd be better off dead than trying to chase something that doesn't exist.