You're partially right about my fiance.
I was actually talking to my sister about this yesterday. My fiance went to school with and worked with my sister. They were close friends. That's how we met. They got along great until about a year or so before she cheated on me. My sister was repeatedly telling me during that time that my fiance had changed. My sister began to develop an INTENSE dislike for her during this time. In fact none of my friends liked her. And my fiance didn't like me hanging out with my friends much. I got into a lot of fights with them defending her, but really if she'd had it her way I should've cut them out of my life completely. I was blinded for sure to her personality change. I loved her. I wanted it to work. If I did notice things awry (and I honestly can't think of anything other than what my sister/friends had to say) , my attitude was "let's work through this. I love you".
Our relationship DID satisfy my needs during first few years. When I was chatting with my sister, she even said "Mike, I know ___ really loved you." It's weird for me to hear that because I think I agree. I think she really did love me for a time. But looking at these two relationships side by side gives me a strange feeling because I know my fiance loved me, and I THINK Mary didn't love me. But even though I truly did love my fiance, it doesn't come anywhere close to how much I loved Mary. My fiance was somebody I chased after immediately when we met. She was never my friend first, and throughout our relationship (even though we did become friends) she was always my girlfriend first. In retrospect I don't ever want that kind of thing again. I want a friendship. A thing where us getting along and having fun is 1st priority, and sex and all that other stuff is second (although still important).
So you're right. I do fail to recognize good aspects of the relationship with my fiance. I had some times that enriched my life greatly because I met her.
I strongly disagree with this statement however:
"Infidelity can occur in a relationship, particularly in a long-term relationship, for many reasons, and it is not always a fatal blow to a relationship. MichaelJ's reaction to it was what guaranteed it would be a fatal blow--and he's told us that. And, on top of that, he's angry because he sees woman as having more options for infidelity than he does because he thinks they can attract sex partners more easily than he can. So his alleged fidelity is also based on what he feels is an externally imposed celibacy, rather than a real commitment to a single partner, even in the face of other temptations to stray. "
How could that not be a fatal blow? My best friend was dying. And I didn't have any choice in reconciliation, I didn't get to have a reaction other than my immediate reaction when I found them together that night, which I think was understandable given the situation. After that night she refused to speak to me. That was the last time I ever saw her. I had to bury my best friend (who was also a friend of hers), and I didn't have my woman there. I didn't have that shoulder to cry on. I didn't have that support when I needed it so badly! I wanted her there! I tried to talk to her! She refused!
I was most definitely committed to her! It wasn't just because I didn't have options! In fact, I did have options! I CHOSE to stay with her. I wanted us to work! I can think of two instances specifically where I had a for sure option of cheating on her, with little to zero chance of her finding out and I PASSED ON THEM!
I loved her firefly. Why do you constantly belittle my feelings and imply I'm not capable of loving someone?
"We have no idea why MichaelJ's fiancée chose to sleep with someone else, but neither does he. And we have no idea whether she was just bored, and this sexual dalliance was emotionally meaningless to her, and no real threat to her feelings for MichaelJ, or whether the relationship with MichaelJ had run its course, she no longer wanted to marry him, and she wanted out--and he doesn't seem to know these things either"
I do know these things actually. Just like Mary Poppins, my fiance MARRIED the next guy after me, the guy she cheated on me with. Do you understand now why what Mary did is causing me so much hurt? I'd be willing to bet good money my fiance had been sleeping with him for awhile. Do you understand how much that makes my skin crawl??? To know that she was with him and then with me. That she touched me after being with him, and that this was probably going on for quite awhile???
Infidelity is a fatal blow to a relationship in my view. There's that saying, "once a cheater, always a cheater." I can't believe you would condone and defend infidelity. If I had been the one who cheated (or any other man), would you view it the same way? It's a violation of trust. After that you never know what to believe in regards to that person.
If she loved someone else (just like Mary), she should've been honest and broken it off with me before it came to cheating. I won't let you justify doing that to someone. It's not right and it goes against what you've said all along about considering how the other person in the relationship feels. There's no reason why people can't end one relationship before they move onto another one. It's extremely selfish, and evil to continue two just because for whatever reason it's easier than just being honest. For you to attempt to justify cheating doesn't do much for your credibility.
firefly, if you gave even an inch of credit for the relationship between Mary and I being a real one and didn't belittle it AND belittle both my and her feelings about it; maybe then I might give more consideration to what you say.
I think it's really shitty of you to imply that I didn't love her and she didn't love me. You weren't there.
"he developed a friendship with a woman who clearly was trying to boost his ego and self esteem--something a good friend tries to do."
It was MUTUAL. I helped her out with many things in her personal life too. Because she had so many problems with Jack, she would constantly ask for advice. But you're right, she WAS a good friend (at the time). One of the best friends I've ever had in my life. That's why what she did hurt so, so much. A real friend wouldn't deceive like that. I mourn the loss of friendship more than the loss of the relationship. We made each other laugh. I wanted that to continue for the rest of our lives. That was way more important than anything else.
It was never made clear on her part that it was "friends with benefits". In fact she gave every indication it was much more than that. The first I knew she liked me, she used the words "Mike, I think I'm in love with you." And she hadn't just broken up with her boyfriend, it had been awhile, probably the first and only time she'd ever been single for more than a month in her life. I tried to tell her it would be good for her to be herself for awhile without being so and so's girlfriend. I tried to tell her that if she spent some time alone, she might discover things about herself that she didn't know.
"From what MichaelJ has said, the woman continued to care about him as a friend but she never entered into any sort of committed relationship with him, "
She introduced me to everyone as "This is my boyfriend Mike". In fact she would talk me up to people. That's how I got to meet all her other close friends. They'd approach me and tell me that Mary talked about me a lot.
"nor had he proposed to her, popped a ring on her finger, and actually made plans for a wedding on a specific date"
So unless you propose to girl and set a specific date you're not in a REAL relationship with her??? So nobody who's dating and not engaged has REAL feelings and those relationships are all so casual that's it's completely OK for one person to continue it under false pretenses?
That's your logic??? Really?
" She may have worked out things with her previous boyfriend"
The guy she ran off with was someone completely new, not Jack, not an old boyfriend. And with this completely new person who was older than me (so that would make him more than 9 years older than her), and who apparently has a lot of money, she got engaged all in about 7 months time.
"This woman didn't need to deceive him, she had no motive to deceive him"
Mary knew everything about my past. She knew I was scared of trusting women. She knew about my fiance. She put everything she possibly could into convincing me she wasn't like that. A friend with benifits doesn't go on and on about how much they LOVE you, and how you've made them feel a way the didn't think possible.
She most definitely used me. I honestly think what happened is that she was attracted to me when we first met. She made several comments about things like the way I look, ect over the year or so that our friendship was building. She KNEW I wasn't at all looking for casual sex/a friend with benefits. She KNEW the only way anything was going to happen between us is if she'd "pretend" it was going to be more than just sex. That's really wrong. That's horrible. Because of that, I'm absolutely justified in calling her a slut.
"So, this woman he once valued as a friend, and as a romantic attachment, has now become an "evil devil", a slut, and indicative of the sociopathic liars he sees all women as being. "
Well even by Mary's own admittance she'd been with a lot of men. Besides Jack, I know another one of her ex-boyfriends personally. (Remember I told you she'd cheated on everyone she'd ever dated except for myself and Jack). She hurt this guy bad, and I think she knew it, but to her it was justified because she met somebody else because of it. That's warped thinking. It's one thing if a relationship needs to end, but you shouldn't be careless with people's feelings. People deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Using people isn't right.
And I most certainly did NOT use Mary. What was I using her for??? What could I possibly get out of that? Every bone in my body wants a LASTING relationship, not a tryst! I loved her very, very much!
I have videos and pictures we took together in bed. If I was the vindictive user you claim me to be, I would've put those up on the web somewhere her family could see to embarrass and hurt her. In fact there are several other vindictive things I could've done if I indeed was just using her and didn't care about her as a person. She left some old photo albums at our place when she moved. I could've burned them just to be an asshole. Instead, when I found them, I made sure they made their way back to her. I owed her $150 when she moved out, I could've said **** it, but instead I made sure I payed her back.
Give me some credit firefly!!! MAYBE I'm wrong about women in general, but I wasn't wrong about Mary. I know her too well.
You further justify any wrongdoing on women's part as acceptable.
This gives no credit to your case, and does nothing to persuade me that women aren't evil.
Maybe I'm wrong about women in general, but no one will ever get through to me if they use the selfish actions of those two and try to spin them into something that's perfectly acceptable!