"if a person is single and in their 30s or 40s people immediately assume there is something wrong with them."
In fact there's a group of "kids" I have to work with for part of my day everyday. They're all in their twenties. One day they asked me how old I was and when I told them, I got responses like "No way!" They thought I was 25-26 apparently. Of course this was pleasant to hear, but then I got asked, "So why don't you have a girlfriend?"
I'm 4 years older than my sister. She's had a weight problem her whole life. She's beautiful, and everyone that's ever met her has remarked at that, but she's always had weight issues that she's been self conscience about. On top of that, she's even more shy than I am. She's a homebody, whereas (when I'm not extremely depressed,) I like to go out. Yet she still found an awesome man to marry her that SHE CHOSE. And now they have an awesome kid too.
There is a TON of social pressure to be in a relationship at my age. People most definitely think something's wrong if you're not. Everybody, family, friends. But even more than that, I think it's just that being in a relationship gives YOU that added confidence in other areas of your life. Like you feel more outgoing and ready for life. Like at work, you feel that drive to focus more clearly because you're more calm.
Also studies have shown that single men have a far higher risk of everything from heart disease, to cancer, to obesity, to alcohol/drug abuse, to depression than single women do. Male suicide rates are much higher than female overall, but single men run an even higher risk.
"He needs to realize that there is someone out there that he suits just fine. The problem is finding it and having the courage to accept that fact."
Exactly. I'd have to settle. There are probably millions of women out there that would make my heart pound, but I'll have to settle for someone I don't really like just because there could be a higher likelihood she won't run away.
Because of all those options women have; men who aren't rich, or aren't that one pick-up artist guy on that desert island with 100 women frequently have to settle.
I'd rather be alone. I need passion. I'm a passionate person man. The things I'm interested in, I'm passionate about. When I don't like something, or don't agree with it, I'm passionate about that too. I couldn't love somebody or marry somebody if they didn't stir up strong stuff inside me. I'd rather be alone than settle.
"While MichaelJ has said he fears he may never "procreate", and he's aware of his advancing age, the reality is that his ability to do so is not limited by a biological clock--he can "procreate" for decades yet to come."
How many men do you know in their 50's who have an active, adventurous, dating/sex life?
Remember Krumple said "Men are driven biologically to have sex." That's true! In fact much more so than women. So even if women lose their men's interest " because those who are in their age group and single may choose to be involved with younger women" it still really doesn't affect them as much as men in their same positions!!! Because men have a stronger biological drive to mate than women, they in turn feel stronger that something is wrong with them if they can't! It simply just doesn't bother women as much if they're not sexually active consistently, whereas most men probably masturbate every single day without fail.
Once men get to around that age, if they aren't married the likelihood of them staying that way for the rest of their lives increases so much that they no longer have a say in the matter. But their biological drive to have sex (which is stronger than women's) is still there intact. Oh, and they get to be viewed by society in that light of "what's wrong with that guy?" for the rest of their lives.
Women do have it easier. All around.
A guy I work with has been engaged to his girlfriend for about six months. They were supposed to get married this summer. I get to work yesterday and I'm told about how his woman had been sleeping with somebody else for quite awhile and told him that she's leaving him. I didn't hear this from him mind you, I got to hear it from my boss, because apparently when he found out he got trashed and drove his car into a wall downtown. He's pretty messed up, thankfully alive.
It's everywhere in society.
Women disgust me.
Women are the evil.
Women are devils.