Quote:I need People. NEW people in my life.
What I need is to keep busy. What I need is new friends.
Good. You're going to be moving to a new place in a few months, to live with your sister, and you'll have the opportunity to meet a lot of new people.
Quote:In my life as an adult, I haven't really enjoyed jerking off unless I'm thinking about someone I have feelings for.
So, you need a new masturbatory fantasy, big deal. Create one.
Quote:It IS sad to be attracted to money.
It isn't really about women being attracted to money, it's more about you feeling like a loser because you don't earn much, you're in debt, and not having enough money affects how you are able to live. So, it just becomes another excuse to give yourself for why you're not appealing to women.
Maybe your problem is that you're not ambitious enough, you don't have enough energy, or drive, or initiative, to improve your financial situation, or you're too hampered by your emotional problems, and self-defeating attitudes, to focus on improving your financial future and supporting
yourself in better style. And maybe those are the personality traits that women see in you that are a turnoff. The men they might be attracted to might be earning more than you do, but that might be because those men function better in the real world than you do--they are able to make themselves more successful than you, because they've developed the personal qualities that make someone successful, and they may work hard at trying to be a success at what they do. It's not just that they have more money than you do, it's their other attributes as well--the sort of attributes you could work to acquire.
It's hard for someone to be successful in the real world when they have to walk around with a baseball hat pulled down over their eyes because they are so embarrassed or ashamed of how they look, or if they are so socially awkward that they can't even make polite dinner conversation if someone invites them for Thanksgiving dinner. This isn't about "shyness", MichaelJ, it's about your deep feelings of inadequacy, your lack of good social skills, your low self esteem, your crippling anxieties, your resentments and anger, and your rather distorted thinking and attitudes.
Quote:Do you still think my understanding of relationships is nil...?
I sure do. And your insight is nil as well.
Look, you had a 6 year+ relationship with someone who eventually cheated on you, but that was a relationship you
chose to be involved in, so your carrying on that "she stole a decade of my life," is more crap. Either you enjoyed being in that relationship, or you should have gotten out of it. But you had the same options she did--basically, to stay or leave.
Then you went 6 years
without dating anyone--which is why you lack broader experience in relationships with women. But your life went on during those 6 years, you survived, huddled in your shell, making excuses and externalizing blame for your problems.
Then you became friends with a woman, Ms Poppins, who was clearly trying to help you with your problems, the relationship developed into a "friends with benefits" arrangement, with sex thrown in, and you were
both using each other to satisfy needs you both had, and, after a few months, she decided to move on, or go back to a man she had been involved with prior to you, and you're still throwing a tantrum about being dumped. You might have been satisfied with the relationship, but she wasn't, whatever she needed, you weren't supplying. Maybe she got tired of trying to prop up your shaky self esteem, or feeding your needs, or whatever--but she's moved on with her life and out of yours. You want to carry on about it, go right ahead, but that won't help you to form a new relationship with anyone else, or help you to understand yourself any better.
You don't need a relationship with a female right now--you need to start making realistic plans for your immediate future--you're going to need to have a job after you relocate with your sister. And you've got to focus on finding that job
right now. Needing money is a reality of life--if you like the comfort of living indoors and having food to eat. You obviously can't just sponge off your sister, and you have student loans to pay off. And, right now, you don't even have a job with health insurance benefits, so you've got to do better than that with your next job. You better start looking into job opportunities in that new location ASAP--what's available, what those jobs pay, what benefits they offer, what opportunities they offer for advancement, etc. and start applying for anything that seems promising
right now. It is always easier to get a new job if you are currently employed, so don't wait until you move, and you are unemployed, to start looking for one. And get yourself looking good--fit and healthy and pulled together--so you can make a good impression when you walk into a job interview.
So, stop whining, and start dealing with life's realities. Your immediate priority should be making sure you can adequately support yourself in the very near future--working at more than one job if you have to, or making yourself qualified for a better paying job if you have to do that, but making sure you have financial stability in your life. That's what grown-ups do, MichaelJ--they make sure they can take care of themselves in that way. When women see you as unable to do that, they may opt for a man who is simply functioning better, and more successfully, in the real world. That's reality, particularly for a woman who is looking to settle down, get married, and raise a family. Most women are more than willing to work, and contribute their fair share economically, but they may also want a male partner who can uphold his end of the deal too, and that's not at all unreasonable. So far, you're struggling just to take care of yourself.
You just don't want to take an honest look at yourself. And your posts in this thread are evidence of that. And your "philosophical arguments" with your previous therapists were also evidence of that, and you sabotaged your therapy with the same sort of crap you are spouting in this thread. You don't gain self knowledge by looking
outside of yourself for the answers--you've got to look inward.
You have a lot of emotional and personality problems that interfere with having healthy close relationships and a positive outlook on life. If you don't recognize and address those problems, nothing is going to change for you.