Uhm....breathing? *LOL*
Well...a guy can be entirely compatible and unless the chemistry is there, it likely won't go beyond a friendship. Don't you agree?
Particular qualities....hmmmm....just the usual....honesty, intelligence, confidence (without being arrogant or cocky)....total and utter devotion to ME!! *L* Uhm...a GOOD sense of humour...(why do men always think they have a good one when it's really bad?

Probably outgoing because I tend to be an interovert. It's the yin and yang thing...someone who complements, you know? Gee...I could go on and on! I like 'em tall, although that's not a requirement. I also like deep voices, again not a requirement....as long as they don't sound like Michael Jackson...eeep!
Whatchya got in your bag o' men? *big grin*