That's not what I would call a mohawk
This is:
So maybe we're not talking about the same hair cut.
Who is judging the heavily transformed fellow in the picture I previously posted?
Everyone who sees him - except for you and (according to you) your husband of course.
The guy may very well be the nicest person on the planet, but he will be perceived by 99% of his fellow humans as, at the very least, very odd, and since he has spent a lot of time and pain creating his book's cover, I think it's fair to judge him by it. I even suspect he wants us to. If he can be considered "deformed," it's because he, not nature or accident, deformed himself.
I'm 10 years older than your husband and had long hair and a pierced ear in HS, and by the time I was 20 by hair was almost to my waist, and I often would wear it in a braid or braids (before Willie Nelson).
My folks hated it, but gave in to my requests when I was 16. Somehow I managed to have a social life up until then though.
I like the way it looked but just like every other kid who looked like me it was intended as self-expression and I wanted people to judge me based on how I looked.
Anybody that deliberately fashions their appearence to be extreme or outlandish is sending a message, and that's perfectly fine as long as they can change their appearence when they want to change their message, or they remain content with sending the same message for the rest of their lives.
I've already indicated that my bet is that you're son will get his piercing before he leaves the house and won't end up looking like the guy in the photo, but you've asked for opinions on why your husband doesn't want to give in to your son, and I gave you mine as to what his reason maybe.
Perhaps your husband better understands progression than do you or maybe he's just more afraid of it.
Perhaps next time you should tell us what opinions you don't want to hear before you ask for them.